publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- John of St. Thomas (Poinsot) on the Science of Sacred Theology. Studia Poinsotiana. 2024
- Mário Santiago de Carvalho, A Síntese Frágil. Edição digital publicada pelo Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 2022. DOI: Revista Filosófica de Coimbra. 2024
- Medieval Philosophy Redefined in a Nutshell. Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy & Education. 2023
- [Recensão a] Paniel Reyes Cárdenas, Scholastic Realism: A Key to Understanding Peirce's Philosophy. (Peter Lang Verlag, 2018). ISBN: 978-1-78707-546-7. 238 pp.. Revista Filosófica de Coimbra. 2023
- What Can Anyone Say So Far on the Peirce-CJC Relation?. Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy & Education. 2023
- Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Dicionário do Curso Filosófico Conimbricense, Skiagraphia's. Coimbra: Palimage, 2020, 567 pp. ISBN: 978-989-703-253-0. Revista Filosófica de Coimbra. 2023
- The Coimbra Jesuit Course in 18th-19th century Russia: traces of cross-cultural connections. Revista Filosófica de Coimbra. 2022
- Medieval Philosophy Redefined: plea for a fourth and revised edition. Academia Letters. 2022
- Semiotic Beings: the Realm of a Single Kind? [in English and Persian]. Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology. 2021
- IEF - Instituto de Estudios Filosóficos de Coimbra [Coimbra Institute for Philosophical Studies]. Dedica. Revista de Educação e Humanidades. 2021
- Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Falsafa. Breve introdução à filosofia arábico-islâmica (Coimbra: eQuodlibet, Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos, 2020). 172 pp. ISBN: 978- 989- 54- 3285- 1. Revista Filosófica de Coimbra [Republished in 'Atlantís' 46 (2022)]. 2021
- Pedro da Fonseca in a research lead dropped by John Deely. Academia Letters. 2021
- Dispatches from Portugal and the Philippines: Notes on Student Pandemic Life. The Thinking Cap. 2021
- Vladímir Solovióv e a Ideia de Humanidade. Periódico Héstia. 2021
- José Maria da Cruz Pontes. Personalia.IEF. 2020
- Joaquim de Carvalho. Personalia.IEF. 2020
- Miguel Baptista Pereira. Personalia.IEF. 2020
- Coloquio Internacional «Escuela Ibérica de la Paz: Derecho Natural y Dignidad Humana (Siglos XVI y XVII)». Revista de Hispanismo Filosofico. 2020
- Leitura Criacionista da «Síntese Filosófica» de Leonardo Coimbra [Creationist Reading of Leonardo Coimbra's «Philosophical Synthesis»]. Periódico Héstia. 2019
- Alexandre Fradique Morujão. Personalia.IEF. 2019
- Arnaldo de Miranda Barbosa. Personalia.IEF. 2019
- Augusto Joaquim Alves dos Santos. Personalia.IEF. 2019
- Eduardo Lourenço de Faria. Personalia.IEF. 2019
- Gustavo de Fraga. Personalia.IEF. 2019
- Sílvio Vieira Mendes Lima. Personalia.IEF. 2019
- Tito Cardoso e Cunha. Personalia.IEF. 2019
- Notícia - Colóquio Internacional Escola Ibérica da Paz: Direito Natural e Dignidade Humana. 24-25 de outubro de 2019 [News - International Colloquium Iberian School of Peace: Natural Right and Human Dignity. October 24-25, 2019. Dedica. Revista de Educação e Humanidades. 2019
- Recensão de Ribeiro, Henrique Jales, Filosofias nacionais, transnacionais e tradições filosóficas no século XXI [Review of Ribeiro, Henrique Jales, National and transnacional philosophies, plus the philosophical traditions in the 21st century]. Dedica. Revista de Educação e Humanidades. 2019
- Leonardo Coimbra e Vladimir Solovyov: relações inesperadas entre as filosofias em Portugal e na Rússia [Leonardo Coimbra and Vladimir Solovyov: unexpected relations between philosophies in Portugal and Russia]. Texto Aberto IEF. 2019
artigo de conferência
- Cuidando de quem está morrendo: ensinamentos poinsotianos, instruções tomistas 2023
- Humanizing the last breath: A Roman Catholic way of caring for the end of our days 2023
- Experiência Institucional de Uso da Plataforma CIÊNCIAVITAE no Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos (IEF) 2023
- Peirce and the Coimbra Jesuit Course: A Bond Far More Pervasive Than Commonly Believed 2023
capítulo de livro
- The Rightful Expression of Feelings: Edith Stein’s Perspective 2024
- O Curso Jesuíta de Coimbra Enquanto Fonte da Lógica Semiótica de Charles S. Peirce [The Coimbra Jesuit Course as a Source of the Semiotic Logic of Charles S. Peirce (] 2024
- Non-semiotic animals in the semiotics of João Poinsot [] 2024
- Lou and the Box of Discourse 2023
- O Curso de Coimbra nas obras de John Deely [The Coimbra Course in John Deely's works] 2022
- Dialectics of Intoxication as the progress of love 2019
- Poetic Reading of Leonardo Coimbra's Monadology with Focus on Reality 2018
- "A decolonial ethics aesthetics of care", by Maria Grace Salamanca []
- "A global enterprise": Deely, Sebeok and the "sop to Cerberus" in semiotics" | by Paul Cobley []
- "Dancing on the Edge of the Abyss", by Teresa Toldy []
- "De-Sign": The Mutual Fulfillment of God's Will and Human Desire | by Farouk Y. Seif []
- A Consciência Absoluta como o Resíduo depois da Aniquilação do Mundo [Absolute Consciousness as the Residuum After the Annihilation of the World]
- A Holistic Approach to Semiotics: Juri Lotman | by Marek Tamm []
- A Semiotic Perspective of Cognition: John Deely on the Role of Signs in Human Knowing (& IO2S Closing Ceremony) []
- A imagem do visível e do invisível no Curso Jesuíta Conimbricense | by Maria da Conceição Camps []
- Acesso Semiótico à Realidade []
- Acordai para o futuro: um tributo a Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo []
- Albert the Great's Cenoscopic Understanding of Reality | by Mercedes Rubio []
- Antes da música: um modelo filosófico para a prática da música escrita []
- Aquinas: Life sciences and the humanities | by Anton Markos []
- Aquinas: The (Meta)Physics behind Semiosis | by Brian Kemple []
- Augustine: Instituting the Given Sign | by Brian Kemple []
- Becoming-Minority: Subjectivity and Suprasubjectivity | by Mahmoud Reza Moghaddam Shad []
- Bem Comum e Cuidado: duas matrizes no pensamento de Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo | by Isabel Allegro de Magalhães []
- China Historical Christian Database: Mapeamento do Passado Cristão da China
- Cinderela (Cover de Sobral Cid)
- Circular do IEF, 1º semestre do ano civil de 2021
- Cognitive and Evolutionary Perspectives on John Deely's Definition of Human Being | by Jamin Pelkey []
- Colóquio Internacional "Escola Ibérica da Paz"
- Congresso Internacional do Jubileu de Canonização de Santo Tomás de Aquino (1323-2023) []
- Contents at a Glance and Rationale for My Doctoral Inquiry Titled "The Coimbra Jesuit Aristotelian Course as a Source of the Semiotic Logic of Charles S. Peirce"
- Cuidado - Uma intuição tornada conceito em Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo | by Marília Rosado Carrilho []
- Cão Leal
- Daydreams and Dark Magic: Semiotics and the Meaning of Evil | by Kirk Kanzelberger []
- Duns Scotus on Signs: Common Nature, Haecceity, and Signification | by Paniel Reyes Cárdenas []
- E-lex: science, technology, or a kind of in-between? Language as a framework for further research
- Eixos Fundamentais de Desenvolvimento Alicerçado nos Princípios Fundamentais do Entendimento Científico [Key Axes Towards Development Grounded in the Core Tenets of Scientific Understanding]
- Em torno de Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo e da Linguagem. Algumas reflexões avulsas | by Maria Fernanda Henriques []
- Ensino de geografia e de matérias científicas no ensino jesuíta de Quinhentos: António de Castel-Branco e o seu curso Cosmoteoria (1588) | by Armando Senra Martins []
- Entrevista a João Maria André []
- Ethnosemiotics: An Outline | by Francesco Marsciani []
- Experiência musical: metáfora, imaginação e qualidades estéticas []
- Explicação da Terminologia: tradução da tabela 'Terminology explained' do 'Programme Guide' do Horizonte Europa
- Final do concurso UC 3MT 2023 no Pavilhão Centro de Portugal []
- Fonseca on signs ('ID' I, 8-11) | by António Manuel Martins []
- Formal sign in Coimbra | by Hélène Leblanc []
- Hypnotherapy, Epistemology and Semiotics | by Maurício Neubern []
- IEF - Institute for Philosophical Studies []
- IEF Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos [IEF Institute for Philosophical Studies]
- Inno-duction: is there a logical formula for breaking new ground?
- International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing
- Interview with Brian Kemple []
- Interview with Farouk Y. Seif []
- Intuition in Peirce and Maritain | by Donna E. West []
- Janela
- John Deely's Contributions to Biosemiotics | by Donald Favareau, Paul Cobley, and Kalevi Kull []
- Kiku Dinuchi - krysinaja lihoradka (Perevod s portugal'skogo na russkij) [Kiko Dinucci - Rat Fever (Translation from Portuguese to Russian)]
- La Fonda Filosófica: Revisão de ComCiência
- Laika
- Laudel: A arte de conseguir financiamento [The art of getting funded]
- Lessons learned from John Deely | by Gary Shank []
- Logic as a Liberal Art | by Christopher S. Morrissey []
- Logic for Kids
- Marginal spaces of the city: structures and images | by Olga Lavrenova []
- Meaning as the structure of information flows through the world | by Daniel Polani []
- Meanings we live in: Husserl's theory of meaning and the surrounding world | by Hamid Malekzadeh []
- Melhor Amour
- Merleau-Ponty e a obra de arte | by Marilena Chaui []
- Mind and Cognition at play in the Semiotics of Peirce | by Lucia Santaella []
- Minimum as a Sign in Contemporary Architecture | by Dragana Vasilski []
- Namorada
- Navigating the Cybersemiotic Experience: From Deely to Brier | by Claudia Jacques []
- O Animal Semiótico: a Humanidade e os Signos [The Semiotic Animal: Humanity and Signs] []
- O Bem: aquilo que todas as coisas visam []
- O Consentimento na Era Digital []
- O Mundo Da Atitude Natural: Eu e o Meu Mundo Circundante [The world of the Natural Attitude: I and My Surrounding World]
- O Sentido do Amor e do Sofrimento em Victor Frankl []
- O projecto Pintasilgo: para uma cultura política do cuidado | by Irene Borges-Duarte []
- O que é a filosofia? []
- O sino lamenta-se numa nota só [The bell bemoans on a single note]
- On the genesis of semiotics according to Algirdas Julien Greimas | by Inna Gennadievna Merkulova []
- Opening Ceremony []
- Peirce on History, Science, and Realism | by Tullio Viola []
- Peirce on proper names | by Francesco Bellucci []
- Peircean Robotics: Semiotics applied to the Emergence of Symbols | by Takafumi Kato []
- Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado [Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care]
- Performing Arts in a Process of Semiosis | by Bujar Hoxha []
- Philosophy as a Habit of Cenoscopic Inquiry: or How to Ask After the General that Transpires Through the Particular | by Luigi Russi []
- Philosophy as expressed in urban space: The case of ancient Greece | by Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos []
- Plano para o Lançamento de um Concurso Europeu na Área das Humanidades: a Idade Latina como Fonte de Respostas às Interrogações Prementes da Atualidade
- Poinsot: The Essence of the Sign | by Brian Kemple []
- Pássaros e Aves (Tradução e cover de Auktyon)
- Reading and teaching literature digitally: a cultural semiotic perspective | by Alexandra Milyakina []
- Reality's Windows | by Joseph DeChicchis []
- Residência Institucional no Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra [Institutional Residency at the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra]
- Rocócó
- Rua
- Semiotic encounters with John Deely | by Winfried Nöth []
- Semiotics and Architecture: The Dialogical Hope (Past and Future) | by Josep Muntañola Thornberg []
- Semiotics and Dark Web Memes | by Robert W. Gehl []
- Semiotics: From Deely to Couto | by Mário Santiago de Carvalho []
- Sibéria
- Signs and being: the role of semiotics in Heidegger's thought | by Rocco Gangle []
- Songbirds of the Primate Umwelt | by Baranna Baker and Sofia Bernstein []
- Studia Poinsotiana
- Taisetsu - "Amor" no primeiro encontro Portugal/Japão []
- The Agonistic Dimension of Peircean Semiotics and Its Postmodern Interpretations: Sebeok, Deely, Petrilli | by Ionut Untea []
- The Deely method: an archaeological stroll across biosemiotics and cybernetics | by Sara Cannizzaro []
- The Enchantment of "De-Sign": Navigation Toward Meaning-Making | by Farouk Y. Seif []
- The Impact of Postmodern Chicago on Postmedieval Coimbra | by Kermit Snelson []
- The Profile of John Deely as a Semiotician and a Philosopher | by Eero Tarasti []
- The Quantification of Bodies
- The Role of the Cenoscopic-Idioscopic Distinction in Peirce and Deely | by Scott Randall Paine []
- The Semiosis of Boethius's Prosimetric Style in 'De consolatione philosophiae' | by Wesley Chihyung Yu []
- The Semiotics of John of St. Thomas | by Anabela Gradim []
- The Supra-Subjective Nature of Relation: John Deely's "Semiotic" Response | by Banzelão Teixeira []
- The contested relation to reality of "the creative treatment of actuality" | by Fernando Andacht []
- Time and the Sensible | by Júlio Pinto []
- Umberto Eco and the semiotic quest for truth | by Anna Maria Lorusso []
- Universidade de Coimbra lança 5.ª edição do concurso 3 Minutos de Tese []
- Vento de Guerra
- Verão
- Victoria Lady Welby, a Significian of our Times | by Susan Petrilli []
- Vida militar, cuidado e segurança: um diálogo aberto a toda a sociedade []
- Vinagreira
- Vídeo Aberto
- What is Cognitive Semiotics? | by Göran Sonesson []
- [«Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado:] Política - Três Cenários», com [[«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care:] Politics - Three Scenarios,» with] João Maria André e [and] Boaventura de Sousa Santos []
- «Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado: Afetos», com [«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care: Art,» with] João Maria André, José Manuel Gameiro e [and] Dina Mendonça []
- «Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado: Arte», com [«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care: Art,» with] Joaquim Braga e [and] Jean Paul Bucchieri []
- «Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado: Arte», com [«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care: Art,» with] João Maria André, Delfim Sardo e [and] António Pedro Pita []
- «Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado: Cidade», com [«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care: the City,» with] Diogo Ferrer, José António Bandeirinha e [and] André Barata []
- «Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado: Ecologia», com [«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care: Ecology,» with] Mário S. de Carvalho and Jean-Philippe Pierron []
- «Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado: Mediação Digital», com [«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care: Digital Mediation,» with] Bernardo Ferro e [and] Mark Coeckelbergh []
- «Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado: Minorias / Vulneráveis», com [«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care: Minorities / Vulnerable,» with] António Manuel Martins and Guillaume le Blanc []
- «Pensar a pandemia, a Vida e o Cuidado: Política», com [«Thinking about the pandemic, Life, and Care: Politics,» with] Bernardo Ferro, João Rodrigues e [and] Viriato Soromenho-Marques [] 10.5281/zenodo.4295671
- Ética da morte através de drones e armas de destruição massiva [The ethics of death via drones and weapons of mass destruction]
- 2nd IEF International Colloquium ROADS TO CARE: Book of Abstracts 2022
- A Síntese Frágil. Uma introdução à filosofia (da patrística aos conimbricenses) 2022
- AGORA MESMO - Retiro de Catavento - 2021
- De Nietzsche Às Chibatadas [Of/From Nietzsche by Whippings] 2020
- Falsafa. Breve introdução à filosofia arábico-islâmica 2020
- Kierkegaard Sem Medo [Fearless(ly) Kierkegaard] 2020
- Book of abstracts - 1st International Colloquium ROADS TO CARE 2018
- Tanto de mim, tanto de não-mim [So much of me, so much of not-me] 2013
- O Meu Veneno é Vosso [My Venom is Yours] 2011