publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Acoustic behaviour of GFRP-PUR web-core composite sandwich panels. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2024
- Tunable Perforated Panel Sound Absorbers for Variable Acoustics Room Design. Applied Sciences. 2024
- Numerical Equivalent Acoustic Material for Air-Filled Porous Absorption Simulations in Finite Different Time Domain Methods: Design and Comparison. Applied Sciences. 2024
- Role of material properties in acoustical target strength: Insights from two species lacking a swimbladder. Fisheries Research. 2024
- An equivalent lattice-modified model of interfering Bragg bandgaps and Locally Resonant Stop Bands for phononic crystal made from Locally Resonant elements. Applied Acoustics. 2023
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Wooden Sonic Crystals Applied as Noise Barriers. Environments. 2023
- Predicting unconfined compression strength and split tensile strength of soil cement via artificial neural networks. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2023
- An Optimization Strategy to Position CHIEF Points in Boundary-Element Acoustic Problems. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Experimental Analysis and Simulation of a Porous Absorbing Layer for Noise Barriers. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Broadband low-frequency bidimensional honeycomb lattice metastructure based on the coupling of subwavelength resonators. Applied Acoustics. 2022
- A Simple Method to Estimate the In Situ Performance of Noise Barriers. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Performance of Low-Height Railway Noise Barriers with Porous Materials. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Simplified approach for ground reinforcement design to enhance critical speed. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2022
- Acoustic and thermal behaviour of cross-insulated timber panels. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- On the Use of Perforated Sound Absorption Systems for Variable Acoustics Room Design. Bioengineering. 2021
- An experimental/numerical hybrid methodology for the prediction of railway-induced ground-borne vibration on buildings to be constructed close to existing railway infrastructures: Numerical validation and parametric study. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021
- Numerical modelling for prediction of ground-borne vibrations induced by pile driving. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Proposal of numerical models to predict the diffuse field sound absorption of finite sized porous materials – BEM and FEM approaches. Applied Acoustics. 2021
- An XFEM multilayered heaviside enrichment for fracture propagation with reduced enhanced degrees of freedom. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2021
- Experimental and numerical assessment of a cross-insulated timber panel solution. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Improving the sound absorption behaviour of porous concrete using embedded resonant structures. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Locally-enriched procedure to simulate acoustic wave propagation in discontinuous media. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2021
- Nonlinear porodynamic analysis by adaptive semi-explicit/explicit time marching formulations. Acta Geotechnica. 2021
- Life Cycle Analysis of Cross-Insulated Timber Panels. Infrastructures. 2021
- Normal incidence sound insulation provided by Sonic Crystal Acoustic Screens made from rigid scatterers – assessment of different simulation methods. Acta Acustica. 2021
- Evaluation of exposure to road traffic noise: Effects of microphone height and urban configuration. Environmental Research. 2020
- Influence of fish backbone model geometrical features on the numerical target strength of swimbladdered fish. Ices Journal of Marine Science. 2020
- Nonlinear analysis of interacting saturated porous and elastic media by time-domain FEM/BEM iterative coupling procedures. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2020
- Hybrid Structures Made of Polyurethane/Graphene Nanocomposite Foams Embedded within Aluminum Open-Cell Foam. Metals. 2020
- Effect of parking lanes on assessing the impact of road traffic noise on building façades. Environmental Research. 2020
- Acoustic behavior of porous concrete. Characterization by experimental and inversion methods. Materiales de Construcción. 2019
- 3D FEM analysis of the effect of buried phononic crystal barriers on vibration mitigation. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Bonding quality assessment of cross-layered Maritime pine elements glued with one-component polyurethane adhesive. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Perforated panel absorbers with micro-perforated partitions. Applied Acoustics. 2019
- Numerical modelling of finite periodic arrays of acoustic resonators using an efficient 3D BEM model. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2019
- Application of the method of fundamental solutions to predict the acoustic performance of T-shaped thin barriers. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2019
- Adaptive Analysis of Acoustic-Elastodynamic Interacting Models Considering Frequency Domain MFS-FEM Coupled Formulations. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2019
- Characterization and physical properties of aluminium foam-polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposite hybrid structures 2019
- Mechanical, thermal, and acoustic properties of aluminum foams impregnated with epoxy/graphene oxide nanocomposites 2019
- The method of fundamental solutions for the analysis of infinite 3D sonic crystals. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2019
- Experimental validation of a FEM-MFS hybrid numerical approach for vibro-acoustic prediction. Applied Acoustics. 2018
- On the application of continuous buried periodic inclusions on the filtering of traffic vibrations: A numerical study. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2018
- Proposal of a simplified method for the prediction of impact sound insulation between rooms, from below to above. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 2018
- Assessment of methods to study the acoustic properties of heterogeneous perforated panel absorbers. Applied Acoustics. 2018
- An Efficient MFS Formulation for the Analysis of Acoustic Scattering by Periodic Structures. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. 2018
- Acoustic screening effect on building fac¸ades due to parking lines in urban environments. Effects in noise mapping. Applied Acoustics. 2018
- Efficient Model for Acoustic Attenuators using the Method of Fundamental Solutions. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 2018
- MFS analysis of the vibration filtering effect of periodic structures in elastic media. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. 2018
- Numerical Simulation of Target Strength Measurements from Near to Far Field of Fish Using the Method of Fundamental Solutions. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2018
- Numerical analysis of the shielding effect provided by periodic elastic scatterers. Matec Web of Conferences. 2018
- Numerical simulation of soil-structure elastodynamic interaction using iterative-adaptive BEM-FEM coupled strategies. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2017
- Prediction of Vibrations and Reradiated Noise Due to Railway Traffic: A Comprehensive Hybrid Model Based on a Finite Element Method and Method of Fundamental Solutions Approach. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics - ASME. 2017
- Damage Detection on Timber Floors Supports through Dynamic Analysis. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Modeling of grooved acoustic panels. Applied Acoustics. 2017
- Mitigation of vibrations and re-radiated noise in buildings generated by railway traffic: a parametric study. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- Efficient analysis of sound propagation in sonic crystals using an ACA-MFS approach. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2016
- Heat conduction analysis by adaptive iterative BEM-FEM coupling procedures. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2016
- Prediction of vibrations due to underground railway traffic through a 2.5 D MFS-FEM approach. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2016
- Three efficient numerical models to analyse the step problem in shallow water. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2016
- 2.5D MFS-FEM model for the prediction of vibrations due to underground railway traffic. Engineering Structures. 2015
- Acoustic performance of timber and timber-concrete floors. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Meshless analysis of soil-structure interaction using an MFS-MLPG coupled approach. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2015
- A finite element model of perforated panel absorbers including viscothermal effects. Applied Acoustics. 2015
- 3D numerical modelling of acoustic horns using the method of fundamental solutions. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2015
- Modal Frequencies of a Reinforced Timber-Concrete Composite Floor: Testing and Modeling. J. Struct. Eng.. 2015
- Inelastic 2D analysis by adaptive iterative BEM-FEM coupling procedures. Computers & Structures. 2015
- Numerical Analysis of Acoustic Barriers with a Diffusive Surface Using a 2.5D Boundary Element Model. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2015
- Special issue on coupling techniques. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2015
- Assessment of a simplified experimental procedure to evaluate impact sound reduction of floor coverings. Applied Acoustics. 2014
- 3D Analysis of the Sound Reduction Provided by Protective Surfaces Around a Noise Source. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 2014
- A model for acoustic absorbent materials derived from coconut fiber. Materiales de Construcción. 2014
- Advanced techniques in computational mechanics. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2014
- An efficient technique for surface strain recovery from photogrammetric data using meshless interpolation. Strain. 2014
- An overview of recent advances in the iterative analysis of coupled models for wave propagation. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2014
- Formulation of Kansa's method in the frequency domain for the analysis of transient heat conduction. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 2014
- Sound propagation analysis on sonic crystal elastic structures using the Method of Fundamental Solutions (MFS). Computers, Materials & Continua. 2014
- A coupled MFS-FEM model for 2-D dynamic soil-structure interaction in the frequency domain. Computers & Structures. 2013
- Analytical evaluation of the acoustic behavior of multilayer walls when subjected to three-dimensional and moving 2.5-dimensional loads. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME. 2013
- Frequency domain analysis of interacting acoustic-elastodynamic models taking into account optimized iterative coupling of different numerical methods. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2013
- Numerical evaluation of sound attenuation provided by periodic structures. Archives of Acoustics. 2013
- Numerical study towards the use of a SH wave ultrasonic-based strategy for crack detection in concrete structures. Engineering Structures. 2013
- On the use of lightweight mortars for the minimization of impact sound transmission. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- The mlpg(5) for the analysis of transient heat transfer in the frequency domain. Cmes - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 2013
- A Numerical MFS Model for Computational Analysis of Acoustic Horns. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2012
- A frequency domain formulation of kansa's method to simulate transient heat conduction. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2012
- A hybrid approach for modelling wave propagation near hollow elastic pipelines. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2012
- Acoustic analysis of heterogeneous domains coupling the BEM with Kansa's method. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2012
- An optimized BEM-FEM iterative coupling algorithm for acoustic- elastodynamic interaction analyses in the frequency domain. Computers & Structures. 2012
- Evaluation of impact noise reduction using a small-sized acoustic chamber. Noise and Vibration Worldwide. 2012
- Frequency domain analysis of acoustic wave propagation in heterogeneous media considering iterative coupling procedures between the method of fundamental solutions and Kansa's method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2012
- Frequency domain analysis of fluid-solid interaction problems by means of iteratively coupled meshless approaches. Cmes - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 2012
- Numerical evaluation of the vibration reduction index for structural joints. Archives of Acoustics. 2012
- Prediction of acoustic wave propagation in a shallow water configuration using the method of fundamental solutions. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2012
- Simulation of a crack detection method for concrete structures using SH waves. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2012
- Simulation of sound absorption in 2D thin elements using a coupled BEM/TBEM formulation in the presence of 3D sources. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2012
- Some observations on the behavior of the method of fundamental solutions in 3D acoustic problems. International Journal of Computational Methods. 2012
- Using a Dual-BEM formulation to model the sound pressure wavefield provided by absorbing thin screens attached to the walls of a duct. WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation. 2012
- 3D Multi-Domain MFS Analysis of Sound Pressure Level Reduction Between Connected Enclosures. Archives of Acoustics. 2011
- A Hybrid Analytical-Numerical Model Based on the Method of Fundamental Solutions for the Analysis of Sound Scattering by Buried Shell Structures. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2011
- Coupled numerical methods in engineering analysis. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2011
- Efficient numerical models for the prediction of acoustic wave propagation in the vicinity of a wedge coastal region. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2011
- Solution of time-domain acoustic wave propagation problems using a RBF interpolation model with "a priori" estimation of the free parameter. Wave Motion. 2011
- 2.5D BEM modeling of underwater sound scattering in the presence of a slippage interface separating two flat layered regions. Wave Motion. 2010
- A local radial basis function interpolation model to simulate time-domain acoustic wave propagation. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- On the use of a small-sized acoustic chamber for the analysis of impact sound reduction by floor coverings. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 2010
- Sound emission from a three-dimensional enclosure with an opening using a boundary element method. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- The acoustic behavior of concrete resonators incorporating absorbing materials. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 2010
- Defining an accurate MFS solution for 2.5D acoustic and elastic wave propagation. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2009
- Numerical Simulation of Ground Rotations along 2D Topographical Profiles under the Incidence of Elastic Plane Waves. Bulletin of the Seismological SocIETy of America. 2009
- A three-dimensional acoustics model using the method of fundamental solutions. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2008
- Simulation of sound propagation between two closed spaces using the Method of Fundamental Solutions. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2008
- Prediction of airborne sound and impact sound insulation provided by single and multilayer systems using analytical expressions. Applied Acoustics. 2007
- Sound pressure level attenuation provided by thin rigid screens coupled to tall buildings. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2007
- Wave propagation around thin structures using the MFS. Computers, Materials & Continua. 2007
- Wave propagation in cracked elastic slabs and half-space domains-TBEM and MFS approaches. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2007
- 2.5D scattering of waves by rigid inclusions buried under a fluid channel via BEM. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. 2005
- Benchmark solutions for three-dimensional transient heat transfer in two-dimensional environments via the time fourier transform. Computers, Materials & Continua. 2005
- Dynamic response of a three-dimensional fluid channel bounded by an elastic floor in the presence of a submerged inclusion via BEM. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2005
- Acoustic insulation provided by circular and infinite plane walls. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2004
- Boundary element method analyses of transient heat conduction in an unbounded solid layer containing inclusions. Computational Mechanics. 2004
- Dynamic analysis of submerged fluid-filled pipelines subjected to a point pressure load. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2004
- Study of transient heat conduction in 2.5D domains using the boundary element method. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2004
- Acoustic insertion loss provided by rigid acoustic barriers of different shapes. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2003
- Analytical evaluation of the acoustic insulation provided by double infinite walls. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2003
- Erratum: Propagation of pressure waves inside a confined fluid channel with an irregular floor (Journal of Computational Acoutics (June 2002) 10:2 (183-194)). Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2003
- Scattering of acoustic waves by movable lightweight elastic screens. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2003
- Sound pressure attenuation provided by double acoustic barriers. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2003
- Transient heat transfer across a multi-layer wall. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2003
- Wave scattering by infinite cylindrical shell structures submerged in a fluid medium. Wave Motion. 2003
- Prediction of reverberation times inside a rectangular room. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2002
- Propagation of pressure waves inside a confined fluid channel with an irregular floor. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2002
- Reverberation times obtained using a numerical model versus those given by simplified formulas and measurements. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2002
- Sound propagation around rigid barriers laterally confined by tall buildings. Applied Acoustics. 2002
- The importance of a small wall deformation in the three-dimensional acoustic logging results. Comunicações Geológicas. 2002
- The scattering of 3D sound sources by rigid barriers in the vicinity of tall buildings. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2002
- Wave motion between two fluid-filled boreholes in an elastic medium. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2002
- 3D acoustic scattering from an irregular fluid waveguide via the BEM. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2001
- 3D sound scattering by rigid barriers in the vicinity of tall buildings. Applied Acoustics. 2001
- Acoustic scattering from a 2-D fluid waveguide with an irregular floor via the bem. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2001
- Applications of the green functions in the study of acoustic problems in open and closed spaces. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2001
- Benchmark solutions for 3-D scattering from cylindrical inclusions. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2001
- Green's function for two-and-a-half dimensional elastodynamic problems in a half-space. Computational Mechanics. 2001
- Performance of the BEM solution in 3D acoustic wave scattering. Advances in Engineering Software. 2001
- Three dimensional wave scattering by rigid circular pipelines submerged in an acoustic waveguide. Cmes - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 2001
- Frequency and time numerical solutions of 3D sound propagation in open and closed spaces. Building Acoustics. 2000
- Three-dimensional wave scattering by a fixed cylindrical inclusion submerged in a fluid medium. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Estudo Numérico De Soluções Otimizadas De Absorção Sonora Multicamada Para Mitigação De Ruído Ferroviário 2023
- Numerical study of symmetric hexagonal acoustic metasurface for sound transmission loss under normal incidence 2023
- A 2.5D hybrid SBM-MFS methodology for the evaluation of free-field vibrations induced by underground railway infrastructures 2023
- Modelling the sound transmission properties of a side branch acoustic metamaterial using rigid frame porous model 2023
- Finite element modelling of the sound transmission properties of a symmetric meta-absorber composed by sided branch Helmholtz resonators 2023
- Diferentes métodos para avaliar o desempenho de barreiras para mitigação de ruído ferroviário 2022
- Retrieval method approach for a double-negative acoustic metamaterial composed by discontinued coupling of Helmholtz resonators 2022
- Different Methods For Evaluating The Performance Of Barriers For Railway Noise Mitigation 2022
- A hybrid SBM-MFS methodology to deal with wave propagation 2022
- Migração de cloretos - Estudo paramétrico experimental 2021
- Acoustic absorption of porous concrete - normal incidence vs diffuse field conditions 2021
- Low-frequency sound transmission loss of honeycomb metastructure with in-parallel arrangement of Helmholtz resonators 2021
- On the use of a variable acoustic solution with perforated panels for a multi-purpose auditorium 2021
- Sound absorption evaluated by analytical and experimental approaches of a variable acoustic solution composed of a multi-layer acoustic absorber 2021
- Experimental and numerical investigations of ventilated acoustic metamaterial based in-parallel arrangement of Helmholtz resonators for façade screens 2021
- Acoustic absorption of porous concrete – normal incidence vs diffuse field conditions 2021
- Experimental and numerical investigations of ventilated acoustic metamaterial based in-parallel arrangement of Helmholtz resonator for façade screen 2021
- Numerical modeling of ground-borne vibrations induced by pile driving with a simple and direct material damping approach 2021
- Numerical modelling of sonic crystal noise barriers with absorbing scatterers 2021
- On the use of a variable acoustic solution with perforated panels for a multipurpose auditorium 2021
- Performance of low height railway noise barriers 2021
- Pile driving induced vibrations prediction based on time-domain nonlinear hyperelastic model 2021
- Análise do desempenho acústico de barreiras de cristais sónicos através de modelação numérica 3D 2020
- Desempenho acústico de um painel reconfigurável para um auditório multiusos 2020
- La altura del micrófono en mediciones acústicas en entornos urbanos 2020
- Numerical evaluation of visco-thermal losses using the method of fundamental solutions 2020
- Experimental and numerical modelling of Helmholtz Resonator with angled neck aperture 2020
- Acoustic properties of porous concrete - Experiments and modelling 2020
- An effective time domain numerical model for the prediction of ground-borne vibrations induced by pile driving 2020
- Microphone position relative to building façades for in situ measurements 2020
- 3D analysis of sonic crystal structures with absorbing scatterers 2019
- Effect of embedded resonators in sound insulation panels - A numerical study 2019
- Influence of the material in the acoustic performance of optimized RBF-based shape diffusers 2019
- Overcoming the Coincidence Effect of a Single Panel by Introducing and Tuning Locally Resonant Structures 2019
- Perception of noise annoyance reduction associated with acoustic screens 2019
- Simple method to predict the performance of Noise Barriers 2019
- Sound absorption assessment of variable perforated shapes for room acoustic design 2019
- Study of analytical and numerical models for diffuse field sound absorption prediction according to the porous panel dimensions 2019
- Painéis com incorporação de micro-ressoadores - Estudo numérico e de materialização 2019
- Cross insulated timber - a new structural panel type proposal 2019
- Time-domain FEM simulation of the propagation of impact induced vibrations 2019
- Análise experimental do comportamento fono-absorvente de painéis microperfurados em MDF 2018
- A numerical study on the behavior of partition panels with micro-resonator-type metamaterials 2018
- An experimental study of the influence of moisture content in acoustic absorption of porous concrete 2018
- Avaliação experimental do desempenho de difusores curvilíneos baseados em funções de base radial e optimizados utilizando algoritmos genéticos 2018
- Effect of buried phononic crystal barriers in stratified medium 2018
- Experimental evaluation and theoretical representation of consolidated granular materials for noise control 2018
- Mejora del estudio comparativo sobre métodos de simulación para la evaluación del rendimiento acústico proporcionado por estructuras periódicas 2018
- Microperforated panel absorbers with porous partitions: a preliminary study 2018
- Sobre la percepción de la reducción de la molestia por ruidos asociada a las pantallas acústicas 2018
- Validação de um método numérico FEM periódico para análise de vibrações induzidas por acção humana 2018
- A numerical study on the shielding performance of a periodic vibration protection device 2018
- Numerical analysis of the shielding effect provided by periodic elastic scatterers 2018
- Mitigation of vibrations induced by railway traffic though soil burried inclusions: A numerical study 2018
- Numerical study of a buried periodic device for vibration protection 2018
- Acoustic behaviour of 3D periodic structures composed by perforated Resonators 2017
- Desenvolvimento de modelo nume´rico BEM 2D para estudo da absorc¸a~o sonora de materias porosos com superfi´cies irregulares 2017
- Design and optimization of sound diffusers using RBF-based shapes and genetic algorithms 2017
- Experimental evaluation of sound absorption of microperforated MDF panels 2017
- Mitigation of vibrations induced by railway traffic though soil burried inclusions: A numerical study 2017
- Modeling of heterogeneous perforated panels 2017
- Performance of sound diffusers in the low frequency range 2017
- Preliminary experimental validation of FEM-MFS approach for prediction of re-radiated noise 2017
- Simulación numérica del ruido generado por una scooter eléctrica 2017
- Mitigation of vibrations and re-radiated noise in buildings generated by railway traffic: a parametric study 2017
- A numerical study of the vibration filtering effect of periodic structures 2017
- Numerical modelling the acoustic behaviour of a large periodic set of resonators by an efficient 3D BEM model 2017
- Selection of microphone location, measurement uncertainty and calculated noise maps 2017
- Influência de pequenas variações geométricas no desempenho acústico de difusores 2017
- Performance of sonic crystal acoustic barrier with resonant scatterers. 2017
- Laboratory and full-scale experimental evaluation of the acoustic behaviour of sonic crystal noise barriers. 2016
- Laboratory and full-scale experimental evaluation of the acoustic behaviour of sonic crystal noise barriers 2016
- RBF-based shapes optimized with genetic algorithms for sound diffusion 2016
- The MFS as a tool for the numerical analysis of vibration protection devices 2016
- Experimental and numerical analysis of sustainable sonic crystal barriers based on timber logs. 2016
- A numerical procedure to evaluate vibrations and re-radiated noise in buildings generated by railway traffic 2016
- An overview of the absorptive properties of microperforated panels 2016
- Modeling of perforated panels with slit-like dead-end pores 2016
- Prediction of Vibrations due to Underground Railway Traffic through a 2.5 D MFS-FEM Approach 2016
- Experimental and numerical analysis of sustainable sonic crystal barriers based on timber logs 2016
- Sound diffusion provided by sonic crystal structures - Experimental and numerical results 2016
- Analysis and detectability in urban environments of AVAS for EVs and HEVs 2015
- Estudo da influência do material constituinte no desempenho de difusores QRD 2015
- Utilização de um modelo 3D ACA-BEM em problemas de propagação de ruído de tráfego 2015
- An efficient and accurate numerical model for the 3D analysis of sonic crystals 2015
- Behaviour of mixed absorptive-diffusive panels based in pseudo-random sequences 2015
- On the use of periodic arrays of timber logs as a sustainable noise mitigation solution 2015
- Study and adequacy of warning sounds in electric vehicles 2015
- A comparison between different methods for the assessment of airborne sound insulation in construction elements 2015
- Evaluation of the sound transmission loss using an impedance tube – The effect of sample’s support conditions 2015
- Caracterização acústica de pavimentos rodoviários em Portugal. 2015
- Acoustic performance of microperforated MDF panels – An experimental study 2014
- Numerical modeling of diffusive acoustic barriers 2014
- Aplicación y desarrollo de nuevas configuraciones de diseño en barreras acústicas mediante difusores QRD 2014
- Desempenho acústico de painéis microperfurados em MDF – Um estudo experimental 2014
- Insertion loss provided by sonic crystal type barrier – Experimental and numerical evaluaton on a reduced scale model 2014
- Metodologia automatizada para análise laboratorial do desempenho acústico de elementos de construção 2014
- Un modelo numérico de paneles perforados absorbentes con diferentes formas de orificio 2014
- Low visual impact sound reduction wood barriers 2014
- 2.5D Modeling of soil-structure interaction using a coupled MFS-FEM formulation 2014
- An efficient MFS model for the analysis of sonic crystals including fluid–solid interaction 2014
- Assessment of non-standard experimental procedures to obtain sound absorption coefficient 2014
- RBF-based meshless approaches for frequency-domain analysis of heat conduction problems 2014
- Insertion loss provided by a periodic structure – Numerical and experimental evaluation. 2013
- Insertion loss provided by a periodic structure – Numerical and experimental evaluation 2013
- Modelação numérica 3D do comportamento de cornetas acústicas 2013
- Numerical study of sound absorption by perforated panels 2013
- Reduction of vibrations transmitted through the soil by multiple buried inclusions - Numerical analysis 2013
- 3D Numerical modelling of acoustic horns by the Method of Fundamental Solutions 2013
- Meshless analysis of soil-structure interaction using a MFS-MLPG coupled approach 2013
- Acoustic Performance of Timber-Concrete Composite Floors - Experimental Study (in Portuguese) 2013
- Iterative coupling between the MFS and Kansa's method for acoustic problems 2013
- Análise numérica da redução sonora proporcionada por um dispositivo de proteção junto da fachada de um edifício 2012
- Desempenho acústico de soluções multicamada em paredes incorporando placas de gesso laminado 2012
- Análise da absorção sonora de painéis ranhurados e perfurados incorporando espumas sintéticas 2012
- Computational analysis of acoustic horns using an MFS model 2012
- Avaliação numérica da atenuação sonora proporcionada por estruturas periódicas. 2012
- A Hybrid Approach for Modelling Wave Propagation near Hollow Elastic Pipelines 2012
- Comportamento de painéis ranhurados e perfurados incorporando espumas sintéticas 2012
- Simulation of Sound Absorption in 2D Thin Elements Using a Coupled BEM/TBEM Formulation in the Presence of 3D Sources 2012
- A coupling strategy between the BEM and kansa's method for acoustic analysis of heterogeneous media 2012
- Acoustic insulation of multilayered walls when subjected to sound produced by moving sources 2012
- Propriedades acústicas de pavimentos. Avaliação laboratorial e in-situ. 2011
- Avaliação do comportamento acústico de painéis ressonantes incorporando telas acústicas 2011
- A local RBF interpolation algorithm for time-domain acoustic modelling 2011
- Atenuação da pressão sonora gerada por barreiras absorventes numa conduta de ar usando uma formulação BEM-Dual 2011
- Using a Dual-BEM formulation to model the sound pressure wavefield provided by absorbing thin screens attached to the walls of a duct 2011
- 3D MFS analysis of SPL reduction between coupled enclosures 2011
- Estimation of impact sound reduction by floor coverings using vibration and pressure measurements 2011
- Influence of the presence of lining materials in the acoustic behaviour of perforated panel systems 2011
- A Local Radial Basis Function Interpolation Model to Simulate Time-Domain Acoustic Wave Propagation 2010
- Sound Emission from a Three-Dimensional Enclosure with an Opening using a Boundary Element Method 2010
- Analysis of impact sound reduction by floor coverings using a small-sized acoustic chamber 2010
- Analysis of wave propagation in the vicinity of a wedge coastal region using the method of fundamental solution 2010
- Conforto acústico ¿ a influência do pavimento rodoviário. 2009
- A coupled numerical model to simulate sound propagation in media with smooth variations of properties 2009
- A meshless model for 3D sound propagation through acoustic attenuators and expansion chambers 2009
- Experimental analysis of concrete resonators incorporating absorbing materials 2009
- Using lightweight mortars to minimize impact sound transmission 2009
- Análise da propagação tridimensional do som entre dois espaços fechados usando um método sem malha 2008
- Câmaras móveis ITeCons para a realização de ensaios acústicos: Parte I – Descrição e projecto das câmaras 2008
- Câmaras móveis ITeCons para a realização de ensaios acústicos: Parte II – Preparação e caracterização das câmaras horizontais 2008
- Câmaras móveis ITeCons para a realização de ensaios acústicos: Parte III – Preparação e caracterização das câmaras verticais 2008
- Simulation of sound propagation between two closed spaces using the Method of Fundamental Solutions 2008
- A utilização de palas rígidas finas no exterior de um edifício alto como elementos de protecção contra o ruído 2007
- Wave propagation in the presence of empty cracks in elastic slabs – TBEM and MFS Formulations 2007
- Sound insulation of layered panels: Comparision of experimental and theoretical results 2006
- Assessing impact sound pressure level of single and multilayer partitions using green functions 2005
- Effect of thin rigid screens on sound propagation in the vicinity of tall buildings 2005
- Analytical solutions for the acoustic insulation provided by multi-layer systems 2003
- Comparison of acoustic insulation provided by infinite plane versus circular closed walls 2003
- Sound pressure attenuation provided by double acoustic barriers 2002
capítulo de livro
- Influence of Foundations Type on Traffic-induced Vibration Assessment Using an Experimental/Numerical Hybrid Methodology 2023
- Numerical Development of a Low Height Acoustic Barrier for Railway Noise Mitigation 2023
- Validation of Periodic 3D Numerical Method for Analysis of Ground-Borne Vibrations 2022
- Annex 4C - Numerical prediction of the sound field produced by the alerting system of EVs and HVs using the BEM 2016
- Numerical prediction of the sound field produced by the alerting system of EVs and HVs using the BEM 2016
- 2.5D acoustic wave propagation in shallow water over an irregular seabed using the boundary element method 2014
- A utilização de simulações computacionais como ferramenta de apoio à prospeção geofísica com técnicas sísmicas 2011
- Performance of the MFS in the computation of seismic motion and rotation 2008
- Using the MFS to compute rotational seismic motion 2007
- Accuracy of the MFS and BEM on the analysis of acoustic wave propagation and heat conduction problems 2006
- Propagation of pressure waves in the vicinity of a rigid inclusion submerged in a channel bounded by an elastic half-space 2003
- Study of transient heat conduction in 2.5D domains using the boundary element method 2003
- 3D Wave propagation analysis of infinite ring-shaped structures submerged in a fluid medium 2002
- Pressure field variation analysis for the detection of submerged rigid pipelines 2002
- Stress analysis in pipelines submerged in a fluid medium subjected to a point pressure load 2002
- 3D cross-hole wave scattering via the BEM 2001
- Performance of higher order elements in the analysis of a 3D acoustic wave scattering 2000
- The scattering of 3D sound sources by rigid barriers in the vicinity of tall buildings 2000
- Multifunctional lightweight materials - hybrid structures based on cellular metals 2023
- Low visual impact sound reduction wood barriers 2014
- Comportamento de painéis ranhurados e perfurados incorporando espumas sintéticas 2012
- Rotational Ground Motion at Topographical Features for Incident Elastic Waves Using Boundary Integral Formulations 2007