publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Evolution of land cover in the special area of conservation of Monchique (Southern Portugal): Have the objectives of the Natura 2000 network been achieved (1995–2018)? 2023
- Guia da excursão geobotânica à serra da Gardunha 2023
- Acacia dealbata Link. Aboveground Biomass Assessment: Sustainability of Control and Eradication Actions to Reduce Rural Fires Risk. Fire. 2022
- A Historical Perspective of Landscape and Human Population Dynamics in Guimarães (Northern Portugal): Possible Implications of Rural Fire Risk in a Changing Environment 2022
- Allometric, Growth, and Biomass Estimation Models for Acacia dealbata Link.: A Case Study in Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal). Environments. 2022
- Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Invasive Species: A Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. Resources. 2022
- Climatology, Bioclimatology and Vegetation Cover: Tools to Mitigate Climate Change in Olive Groves 2022
- Contribution to the Knowledge of Rocky Plant Communities of the Southwest Iberian Peninsula 2022
- Dynamics of Vegetation and Climate Change 2022
- Ecological and Syntaxonomic Analysis of Pinus halepensis Mill. in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands 2022
- Effect of Sheep Grazing, Stocking Rates and Dolomitic Limestone Application on the Floristic Composition of a Permanent Dryland Pasture, in the Montado Agroforestry System of Southern Portugal 2022
- Endemic Hemicryptophyte Grasslands of the High Mountains of the Caribbean 2022
- Energy Recovery of Shrub Species as a Path to Reduce the Risk of Occurrence of Rural Fires: A Case Study in Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal). Fire. 2022
- Impact of Grass Cover Management with Herbicides on Biodiversity, Soil Cover and Humidity in Olive Groves in the Southern Iberian 2022
- Knowledge for a Better Conservation: Syntaxonomic Review of Caribbean Pine Forests (Cuba, Hispaniola) 2022
- Native or Exotic: A Bibliographical Review of the Debate on Ecological Science Methodologies: Valuable Lessons for Urban Green Space Design 2022
- New Contributions to the Ericion umbellatae Alliance in the Central Iberian Peninsula 2022
- Phytosociological analysis of Prunus lusitanica communities in the Iberian Peninsula and South of France 2022
- Priority tree and shrubs for use in Landscape Architecture based on the dynamic states of native vegetation with the highest ecological value in mainland Portugal 2022
- Quercus rotundifolia Lam. Woodlands of the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula 2022
- Taxonomy, Ecology and Distribution of Juniperus oxycedrus L. Group in the Mediterranean Basin Using Bioclimatic, Phytochemical and Morphometric Approaches, with Special Reference to the Iberian Peninsula 2022
- The Impact of Rural Fires on the Development of Invasive Species: Analysis of a Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. in Casal do Rei (Seia, Portugal). Environments. 2022
- Assessing Vegetation Heritage Value: The Alentejo Central (Portugal) as a Case Study 2021
- Control of Invasive Forest Species through the Creation of a Value Chain: Acacia dealbata Biomass Recovery. Environments. 2021
- Evaluation of Species Invasiveness: A Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. on the Slopes of Cabeça (Seia-Portugal) 2021
- Fire as a Selection Agent for the Dissemination of Invasive Species: Case Study on the Evolution of Forest Coverage. Environments. 2021
- Forest Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation: Management Oriented to Carbon Capture and Storage. Climate. 2021
- Forest and arborescent scrub habitats of special interest for SCIs in Central Spain 2021
- Intensive Agricultural Practices as Enhancers of the Dispersion of Invasive Species: Notification of the Observation of a Case with Robinia pseudoacacia L. in Alentejo (Southern Portugal) 2021
- Prunus lusitanica L.: An Endangered Plant Species Relict in the Central Region of Mainland Portugal 2021
- Selective Shrub Management to Preserve Mediterranean Forests and Reduce the Risk of Fire: The Case of Mainland Portugal 2021
- The Impact of Tourism Activity on Coastal Biodiversity: A Case Study at Praia da Cova Redonda (Algarve—Portugal) 2021
- Acacia dealbata biomass energy recovery: Species control through the creating of a value chain 2020
- Avaliação da biomassa arbustiva heliófila nos azereirais e adelfeirais das áreas do Projeto Life-Relict 2020
- Avaliação dos serviços do ecossistema nas áreas de intervenção do Projeto Life-Relict 2020
- Bioclimatology, Structure, and Conservation Perspectives of Quercus pyrenaica, Acer opalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylus avellana Deciduous Forests on Mediterranean Bioclimate in the South-Central Part of the Iberian Peninsula 2020
- Caracterização química e potencial antioxidante de óleos essenciais de Lavandula viridis, Thymus mastichina e Thymus capitellatus – plantas autóctones do sul de Portugal 2020
- Guia da excursão geobotânica do XIII Seminário Internacional de Gestão e Conservação da Biodiversidade-Vale do Lobo, Loulé (Algarve-Portugal) 2020
- Impacts of Climate Change in Portugal: Common Perception of Causes AND Consequences in Forest Development. Research in Ecology. 2020
- Indicative value of the dominant plant species for a rapid evaluation of the nutritional value of soils 2020
- Interpretation problems ln Habitat types listed ln annex I of council Dlrective 92/43/CEE - Portugal Mainland 2020
- LIFE-RELICT An example of challenges and opportunities of the LIFE Projects in Portugal. 2020
- Management and conservation of Prunus lusitanica and Rhododendron ponticum in Portugal 2020
- Originalities of willow of salix atrocinerea Brot. in mediterranean Europe 2020
- Phytosociological study, diversity and conservation status of the cloud forest in the Dominican Republic 2020
- Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion Facilitators. Research in Ecology. 2020
- Propagation of invasive species as the result of rural fires: a case study in Casal do Rei (Seia) 2020
- Proposta de comunicação do projeto Life-Relict 2020
- Resultados da monitorização dos habitats de interesse comunitário em Portugal 2020
- The Evolution of Climate Changes in Portugal: Determination of Trend Series and Its Impact on Forest Development 2020
- The importance of traditional olive groves in the conservation and valorization of biodiversity 2020
- Historical Development of the Portuguese Forest The Introduction of Invasive Species. Forests. 2019
- Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation: A Review on Carbon Cycle Flow Models for the Sustainability of Resources. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Socioeconomic Aspects of the Forests in Portugal: Recent Evolution and Perspectives of Sustainability of the Resource. Forests. 2019
- 115.- Asplenium obovatum Viv. subsp. protobillotii (Demiriz, Viane & Reichst.) Herrero, Pajarón & Prada. Anotaciones Corológicas a la Flora Extremadura.. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Avance al conocimiento sintaxonómico de los pastizales de Sierra Morena: Ejemplo comparativo de dos fincas del Batolito de los Pedroches 2019
- Bioclimatology, Structure, and Conservation Perspectives of Quercus pyrenaica, Acer opalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylus avellana Deciduous Forests on Mediterranean Bioclimate in the South-Central Part of the Iberian Peninsula 2019
- Characteristics of Iona National Park’s visitors: Planning for ecotourism and sustainable development in Angola 2019
- Diversity and conservation status of mangrove communities in two areas of Mesocaribea biogeographic region 2019
- Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation: A Review on Carbon Cycle Flow Models for the Sustainability of Resources 2019
- Forest fringe communities of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente. 2019
- Geobotanical study of the microforests of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. badia in the Central and Southern Iberian Peninsula 2019
- Historical Development of the Portuguese Forest The Introduction of Invasive Species 2019
- IDE-OTALEX C: A Primeira Infraestrutura de Dados Espaciais transfronteiriça entre Portugal e Espanha 2019
- Management and conservation of Prunus lusitanica and Rhododendron ponticum in Portugal 2019
- Socioeconomic Aspects of the Forests in Portugal: Recent Evolution and Perspectives of Sustainability of the Resource 2019
- The Agrostion castellanae Rivas Goday 1957 corr. Rivas Goday & Rivas- Martínez 1963 alliance in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula 2019
- Villagers’ perceptions of tourism activities in Iona National Park: locality as a key factor in planning for sustainability 2019
- Avance al conocimiento sintaxonómico de los pastizales de Sierra Morena: Ejemplo comparativo de dos fincas del Batolito de los Pedroches. Botanique. 2018
- Diversity and conservation status of mangrove communities in two areas of Mesocaribea biogeographic region. Proceedings of SPIE. 2018
- Potential impacts of climate change on habitat suitability of Fagus sylvatica L. forests in spain 2018
- Similarity analysis between species of the genus Quercus L. (Fagaceae) in southern Italy based on the fractal dimension 2018
- The Agrostion castellanae Rivas Goday 1957 corr. Rivas Goday & Rivas- Martínez 1963 alliance in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Plant Sociology. 2018
- A phytosociological review of siliceous sedges in C-W Spain and their state of conservation based on diversity indices 2017
- Análisis de la dimensión fractal del género Quercus en el sur de Italia 2017
- Distribution patterns of endemic flora to define hotspots on Hispaniola 2017
- Ethnobotanical study in the protected landscape “Serra de Montejunto” (Portugal) 2017
- IDE -OTALEX C: A Primeira Infraestrutura de Dados Espaciais transfronteiriça entre Portugal e Espanha 2017
- Morphometric analysis and bioclimatic distribution of Glebionis coronaria s.l. (Asteraceae) in the Mediterranean area 2017
- New Method for Increasing Sustainable Agricultural Yield 2017
- Rupicolous habitats of interest for conservation in the central-southern Iberian peninsula 2017
- The application of symphytosociology in landscape architecture in the Western Mediterranean 2017
- Um exemplo de cooperação-LIFE RELICT 2017
- Análisis de la dimensión fractal del género Quercus en el sur de Italia 2016
- Best management practices to face degradated territories occupied by Cistus ladanifer shrublands – Portugal case study 2016
- Biomass residues for energy production and habitat preservation. Case study in a montado area in Southwestern Europe 2016
- Brèves considérations sur Jean-Marie Géhu et la phytosociologie au Portugal 2016
- Forests and Landscapes of Dominican Republic 2016
- How to enhance Geobotany in the frame of the renewed Biological Sciences? 2016
- IDE-OTALEX C. The big challenge of the first Crossborder SDI between Spain and Portugal 2016
- Phytosociological survey on the Lusitan-Extremadurean grasslands of Dactylis hispanica subsp. lusitanica (Stebbins & D.Zohary) Rivas-Mart. & Izco 2016
- Séries de vegetação prioritárias para a conservação no centro e sul de Portugal continental 2016
- Sítio de Importância Comunitária Sicó-Alvaiázere e o ecoturismo: desafios e oportunidades de gestão para a conservação da biodiversidade 2016
- The application of symphytosociology in landscape architecture in the Western Mediterranean 2016
- Three New Oak Hybrids from Southwest Iberia (Spain and Portugal) 2016
- Vegetation series as a basis for habitats and species conservation: methodological aspects 2016
- (Re)valorización de la biodiversidad en el espacio urbano mediterráneo 2015
- Anotaciones a la diversidad del género Quercus L. (Fagaceae) en la Estremadura Portuguesa 2015
- Methodological proposal for the assessment of vegetation heritage value: application in Central Alentejo (Portugal) 2015
- Soil and Phytosociological Characterisation of Grasslands in the Western Mediterranean 2015
- Taxonomic peculiarities of marcescent oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae) in southern Portugal 2015
- Three New Oak Hybrids from Southwest Iberia (Spain and Portugal) 2015
- Anotaciones a la diversidad del género Quercus L. (Fagaceae) en la Estremadura Portuguesa 2014
- Biogeography of Spain and Portugal. Preliminary typological synopsis 2014
- Geobotanical aspects of Cytisus oromediterraneus and Genista cinerascens Serra da Estrela (Portugal) in 2014
- IDE-OTALEX C. The First Crossborder SDI between Portugal and Spain: Background and Development 2014
- IDE-OTALEX C. The big challenge of the first Crossborder SDI between Spain and Portugal 2014
- O Impacte das Pedreiras Inactivas na Fauna, Flora e Vegetação da Zona dos Mármores: Problema ou Benefício? 2014
- Soil and Phytosociological Characterisation of Grasslands in the Western Mediterranean 2014
- Taxonomic peculiarities of marcescent oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae) in southern Portugal 2014
- Analysis of the Cytisetea scopario-striati scrubs in the south-west-centre of the Iberian Peninsula 2013
- Approach to climatophilous vegetation series of Serra da Estrela (Portugal) 2013
- Conservation status of vegetation in the North and Central area of Pardiela river basin (Évora, Portugal) 2013
- Contribution to Local Landscape Units definition in OTALEX II. Acta Botanica Gallica. 2013
- Current state of the Prunetalia spinosae communities in the centre and south of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal) 2013
- Geobotanical aspects of Cytisus oromediterraneus and Genista cinerascens Serra da Estrela (Portugal) in 2013
- Geobotanical aspects of Cytisus oromediterraneus and Genista cinerascens in Serra da Estrela (Portugal) 2013
- Guia de campo do itinerário geobotânico à Serra da Estrela 2013
- IDE-OTALEX C. The First Crossborder SDI between Portugal and Spain: Background and Development 2013
- Impact of soil texture on plant communities of Raphanus raphanistrum L. 2013
- New records of Orchids from Morocco 2013
- Sintaxonomic concerns on Genista polyanthos R. Roem. ex Willk. broomlands. Plant Sociology. 2013
- The Algarve climatophilous vegetation series – Portugal: a base document to the planning, management and nature conservation Les séries de végètation climatophiles de l’Algarve - Portugal: un document de base pour la planification, gestion et conservation de la nature. Acta Botanica Gallica. 2013
- A new Erica lusitanica Rudolphi heathland association to the Iberian south-west. Acta Botanica Gallica. 2012
- Analysis of the Cytisetea scopario-striati scrubs in the south-west-centre of the Iberian Peninsula. Acta Botanica Gallica. 2012
- Approach to climatophilous vegetation series of Serra da Estrela (Portugal) 2012
- Conservation status of vegetation in the North and Central area of Pardiela river basin (Évora, Portugal) 2012
- Contribution to the study of the Taenianthero-Aegilopion geniculatae alliance in Portugal 2012
- Current situation of the Gaudinio fragilis -Hordeion bulbosi alliance in the Iberian Peninsula 2012
- Current state of the Prunetalia spinosae communities in the centre and south of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal) 2012
- Determination of phytoextraction potential of plant speciesfor toxic elements in soils of abandoned sulphide-mining areas 2012
- Gestao e conservaçao de habitats dunares de sudoeste de Portugal: do diagnostico à recuperaçao 2012
- Guia de campo do itinerário geobotânico à Serra da Estrela 2012
- Le Teucrio salviastri-Quercetum rotundifoliae, nouvelle association forestière de chêne à feuilles rondes des montagnes du centre-nord du Portugal 2012
- New Proposals on Portuguese Vegetation (II) 2012
- New records of Orchids from Morocco 2012
- Os montados: bases para uma metodologia integrada de exploraçao, gestao e conservaçao 2012
- Suitable methods for landscape evaluation and valorization: the third dimension in landscape metrics. Acta Botanica Gallica. 2012
- Temporihygrophilous Quercus broteroi forests in southern Portugal: Analysis and conservation. Plant Biosystems. 2012
- The management and preservation of communitarian interest habitats in the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela (Portugal) 2012
- Spatial analysis of mean temperature trends in Spain over the period 1961–2006 2011
- A contribute to the knowledge of the climatophilous cork-oak woodlands from Iberian southwest 2010
- Characterization and phytoremediation of abandoned contaminated mining area in Portugal by INAA 2010
- New Proposals on Portuguese Vegetation (II) 2010
- The Teucrio salviastri-Quercetum rotundifoliae, a new forest association of holm-oak in the Center-North of Portugal 2010
- Biodiversity of Hordeion leporini in Portugal: a phytosociological and edaphic analysis 2009
- Current situation of the Gaudinio fragilis -Hordeion bulbosi alliance in the Iberian Peninsula 2009
- Determination of the nutritional state of soils by means of the phytosociological method and different statistical techniques (Bayesian statistics and decision trees) in Spain 2009
- Ensayo para la determinación del estado de conservación de la vegetación 2009
- The management and preservation of communitarian interest habitats in the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela (Portugal) 2009
artigo de conferência
- LIFE-RELICT: an example of restoration of continental Laurisilva 2021
- III Congresso Luso-Extremadurense de Ciências e Tecnologia 2020
- Interactions between surrounding landscape biodiversity and intermittent rivers in mediterranean environments – case study of the Caia River 2020
- III Congresso Luso-Extremadurense de Ciências e Tecnologia 2019
- The Landscape in climate change mitigation. 2019
- Characterization of Landscape perception and natural values of Serra de Monchique 2018
- Desafios à conservação de habitats ameaçados de extinção no sul de Portugal continental 2017
- I Congresso Luso-Extremadurense de Ciências e Tecnologia 2017
- Vegetação Natural Potencial como fundamento para o Desenho da Paisagem 2017
- IDE-OTALEX C - primeira IIG transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento, desafios e sustentabilidade. 2016
- Harmonização de dados na EUROACE 2015
- La IDE OTALEX C, herramienta para estudios entomológicos 2014
- Rurality index new methodological approach to regional development in OTALEX C 2014
- O novo catálogo da vegetação portuguesa (Continente, Açores e Madeira): descrição e importância para a conservação da flora e dos habitats 2013
capítulo de livro
- Cork Oak Vegetation Series of Southwestern Iberian Peninsula: Diversity and Ecosystem Services 2022
- Desafios para o futuro 2022
- Methodological proposal for the identification of abandoned mining areas with high level of potential toxicity in Extremadura 2022
- Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Scholar and Social Buildings: Concepts and Pilot Solutions for Portugal and Spain 2022
- Serra de Ficalho 2022
- Analysis of the Relationship Between Bioclimatology and Sustainable Development 2021
- Cork Oak Vegetation Series of Southwestern Iberian Peninsula: Diversity and Ecosystem Services 2021
- Methodological proposal for the identification of abandoned mining areas with high level of potential toxicity in Extremadura 2021
- Climate Change Impact on Environmental Variability in the Forest 2020
- Erradicação, contenção e controlo de espécies invasoras. 2020
- Plantas em Risco de Extinção 2020
- Border effect on flora and raptors diversity. An iberian case. 2019
- Merging traditional livelihood activities with new employment opportunities brought by ecotourism to Iona national park, Angola: rethinking social sustainability 2019
- Natural and semi-natural habitats in the design of urban open spaces – an approach to the challenges of contemporary cities 2019
- Percepção local sobre o património natural vegetal e sua conservação. Caso de estudo: Serra de Monchique 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - Capítulo A - Enquadramento 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - Capítulo B - Caracterização Biofísica, Socioeconómica e dos Recursos Florestais 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - Capítulo C - Funções dos Espaços Florestais e Áreas Florestais Sensíveis 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - Capítulo D - Análise Prospetiva e Definição de Objetivos 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - Capítulo E - Normas e Modelos Gerais de Silvicultura e de Gestão 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - Capítulo F - Articulação com os Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial Relevantes para os Espaços Florestais 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - Capítulo G - Programa de Execução e Atribuições 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - Capítulo H - Monitorização e Avaliação 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal. Alentejo - Capítulo A – Enquadramento 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal. Alentejo - Capítulo B – Caracterização Biofísica, Socioeconómica e dos Recursos Florestais 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal. Alentejo - Capítulo C – Funções dos Espaços Florestais e Áreas Florestais Sensíveis 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal. Alentejo - Capítulo D - Análise Prospetiva e Definição de Objetivos 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal. Alentejo - Capítulo E - Normas e Modelos Gerais de Silvicultura e de Gestão 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal. Alentejo - Capítulo F - Articulação com os Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial Relevantes para os Espaços Florestais 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal. Alentejo - Capítulo G - Programa de Execução e Atribuição 2019
- Programa Regional de Ordenamento Florestal. Alentejo - Capítulo H - Monitorização e Avaliação 2019
- The relevance of vegetation series on the maintenance and sustainability of public spaces in the southwest Iberian Peninsula in Landscape Architecture. 2018
- Advances in the Knowledge of the Vegetation of Hispaniola (Caribbean Central America) 2018
- Analysis of the Conservation of Central American Mangroves Using the Phytosociological Method 2018
- The relevance of vegetation series on the maintenance and sustainability of public spaces in the southwest Iberian Peninsula 2018
- Lusitania 2017
- Expansion of the Juniperus Genus due to Anthropic Activity 2015
- Análise Da Fragmentação De Áreas Agrícolas No Território OTALEX C 2014
- Bioclimatologia, Biogeografia e Vegetação Potencial na área OTALEX C 2014
- Flowering meadows, a biodiverse alternative to lawns in mediterranean urban spaces 2014
- Unidades locales de Paisaje aplicadas a escala regional: área Alentejo, Centro y Extremadura 2014
- Análise Da Fragmentação De Áreas Agrícolas No Território OTALEX C 2013
- Bioclimatologia, Biogeografia e Vegetação Potencial na área OTALEX C 2013
- Unidades edafoambientales en OTALEX C 2013
- Estado de Conservação da vegetação na Bacia da Pardiela (OTALEX) 2012
- Traços Biofísicos no território OTALEX 2012
- Estado de Conservação da vegetação na Bacia da Pardiela (OTALEX) 2011
- Traços Biofísicos no território OTALEX 2011
- Juniperus navicularis: estudo populacional 2023
- Zimbral for Life a new project aiming to improve the conservation status of dune Juniperus communities in Portugal 2023
- Main challenges in the monitoring of habitats and species of Community Interest in Portugal 2023
- The importance of geobotany in habitat restoration 2023
- Zimbral for life: preserving coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. 2023
- Adelfeirais and azereirais - restoration and monitoring 2022
- Contributions to the management and valorisation of Prunus lusitanica L. communities 2022
- Invasions by alien plant species in Algarve: state of art 2022
- The importance of olive grove management for the conservation and enhancement of RELAPE species 2022
- Valuing ecosystems and biodiversity through ecotourism: a case study in the limestone mountains of central Portugal 2022
- Aquatic and riparian vegetation of the south of portugal with ornamental value to be applied in green spaces 2022
- Botanical gardens and natural and national parks and biosphere reserves: tools for teaching 2022
- Ecosystem services assessment in the life-relict project 2022
- Fire and the portuguese forest relicts 2022
- Invasive plant species in algarve: impacts for the habitats of special interest from habitats directive 92/43/CEE 2022
- Measuring and teaching biological diversity botanical-ecological values 2022
- Restoring montane communities of rhododendron ponticum subsp. Baeticum, a relict habitat of the portuguese natura 2000 network. 2022
- Syntaxonomic originalities for the mountains of central Portugal 2022
- Urban Spaces as a Phytogenetic Reserve 2022
- Assessment of the invasiveness of Acacia dealbata Link. based on spatiotemporal data in the Loriga Valley 2021
- O contributo do Life-Relict para a multiplicação de espécies relíquias da Laurissilva Continental 2021
- Sítios de Interesse Botânico de Portugal Continental Tomo II 2021
- Desafios no Restrauro de Habitats - O Caso das Relíquias da Laurissilva Continental 2020
- Évora com Ciência-Percursos 2020
- Comparative analysis of ephemeral river ecosystem services in agricultural and natural landscapes in Mediterranean environments. A Practical Approach to Caia River 2019
- Potential vegetation: contribution to urban planning 2018
- Methodological proposal for the assessment of vegetation heritage value: application in Central Alentejo (Portugal) 2015
- Methodological proposal for the assessment of vegetation heritage value: application in Central Alentejo (Portugal) 2014
- O Interesse das Séries de Vegetação no Projecto em Arquitectura paisagista (Distrito de Évora) 2013
- Contributo para a caracterização biogeoquímica da Mina da Caveira – Estudo da planta Erica australis 2007
- Manual de Multiplicación de Espécies del Género Quercus (Espécies Vulnerables del SW de la Península Ibérica) 2020
- Red List of Vascular Flora Portugal Mainland 2020
- XI International Meeting of Phytosociology - Natural and semi-natural habitats of the Natura 2000 Network: Improving knowledge to support conservation measures 2020
- XIII International Seminar Mamagment and Biodiversity Conservation 2020
- Estudo de Indicadores de Sustentabilidade para a Área de OTALEX C 2016
- The Garden as a Lab 2014
- Livro Verde dos Montados 2013
- OTALEX C: Resultados do projeto 2013
- Plano específico de ordenamento florestal para o Alentejo 2012
- Guia de campo. As árvores e os arbustos de Portugal continental 2007