publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Cinema as a resource for the deconstruction of pedagogical practices 2023
- Communication made from a shadow animation 2022
- Collaborative learning in virtual environments built through innovation and creativity 2021
- Gender issues deconstructed into animation fragments 2021
- Designing an interactive application for creative exploration in art museums 2015
- TACTEC, Transforming Art and Culture Through Engagement and Construction 2014
- Trails around art and communication: images in the making 2014
- Checkers, a Recreation Based on Interactive Storytelling 2010
capítulo de livro
- O Storytelling como processo pedagógico de apropriação artístico-cultural: viagem na obra de Hieronymus Bosch mediatizada por uma superfície tangível 2017
- Storytelling as a pedagogical process of artistic-cultural appropriation: a journey through the work of Hieronymus Bosch mediated by a tangible surface 2017
- Graphic diary as a device for learning drawing in secondary education 2012
- Checkers, a recreation based on interactive storytelling 2010
- Jogo de damas, uma recriação fundamentada no storytelling interactivo 2010