publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Vegetation fuel characterization using machine learning approach over southern Portugal. Remote Sensing Applications: SocIETy and Environment. 2023
- A Cork Cell Wall Approach to Swelling and Boiling with ESEM Technology. Forests. 2022
- Influence of water supply on cork increment and quality in Quercus suber L.. Central European Forestry Journal. 2022
- A Multi-Scale Network with Percolation Model to Describe the Spreading of Forest Fires. Biomedicines. 2022
- Acacia dealbata Link. Aboveground Biomass Assessment: Sustainability of Control and Eradication Actions to Reduce Rural Fires Risk. Fire. 2022
- Allometric, Growth, and Biomass Estimation Models for Acacia dealbata Link.: A Case Study in Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal). Environments. 2022
- Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Invasive Species: A Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. Resources. 2022
- Energy Recovery of Shrub Species as a Path to Reduce the Risk of Occurrence of Rural Fires: A Case Study in Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal). Fire. 2022
- Influence of water and nutrients on cork oak radial growth – looking for an efficient fertirrigation regime. Silva Fennica. 2022
- The Impact of Rural Fires on the Development of Invasive Species: Analysis of a Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. in Casal do Rei (Seia, Portugal). Environments. 2022
- The Impact of Climate Change on Forest Development: A Sustainable Approach to Management Models Applied to Mediterranean-Type Climate Regions. Plants. 2021
- Cork influenced by a specific water regime—macro and microstructure characterization: the first approach. Wood Science and Technology. 2021
- Aplicação dos Modelos de Interação Atmosférica e de Incêndio Florestal BRAMS-SFIRE no sul de Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia. 2021
- Modelling Forest Fires Using Complex Networks. Mathematical and Computational Applications. 2021
- Control of Invasive Forest Species through the Creation of a Value Chain: Acacia dealbata Biomass Recovery. Environments. 2021
- Fire as a Selection Agent for the Dissemination of Invasive Species: Case Study on the Evolution of Forest Coverage. Environments. 2021
- Forest Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation: Management Oriented to Carbon Capture and Storage. Climate. 2021
- Irrigation of Young Cork Oaks under Field Conditions—Testing the Best Water Volume. Forests. 2020
- Carta Interpretativa do Solo do Mioceno da Charneca do Ribatejo. Silva Lusitana. 2020
- Impacts of Climate Change in Portugal: Common Perception of Causes AND Consequences in Forest Development. Research in Ecology. 2020
- Modeling Diachronic Cork Oak Dieback–Comparison of Two Case Studies. FORMATH. 2020
- Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion Facilitators. Research in Ecology. 2020
- Historical Development of the Portuguese Forest The Introduction of Invasive Species. Forests. 2019
- Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation: A Review on Carbon Cycle Flow Models for the Sustainability of Resources. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- The Evolution of Climate Changes in Portugal: Determination of Trend Series and Its Impact on Forest Development. Climate. 2019
- Socioeconomic Aspects of the Forests in Portugal: Recent Evolution and Perspectives of Sustainability of the Resource. Forests. 2019
- Progress in Identifying High Nature Value Montados: Impacts of Grazing on Hardwood Rangeland Biodiversity. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2018
- Estimation of positions and heights from UAV-sensed imagery in tree plantations in agrosilvopastoral systems. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2018
- Chronic cork oak decline and water status: new insights. New Forests. 2017
- Cork Oak Seedling Growth under Different Soil Conditions from Fertilisation, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Amino Acid Application. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2015
- Estimation of cork production usingaerial imagery,Estimação da produção de cortiça usando imagens digitais aéreas. Revista Arvore. 2015
- The effect of soil compaction at different depths on cork oak seedling growth. New Forests. 2015
- Importance of automatic threshold for image segmentation for accurate measurement of fine roots of woody plants. Forestry Journal. 2014
- Decline of Mediterranean oak trees and its association with Phytophthora cinnamomi: A review. European Journal of Forest Research. 2013
- Forest property insurance: An application to Portuguese woodlands. International Journal of Sustainable SocIETy. 2013
- Comparison of Pruning Regimes for Stone Pine (Pinus pinea L.) Using a Functional Structural Plant Model. FORMATH. 2012
- Optimal Regeneration Regime under Continuous Crown Cover Requirements in Cork Oak Woodlands. FORMATH. 2012
- Growth modeling in complex forest systems: CORKFITS a tree spatial growth model for cork oak woodlands. FORMATH. 2011
- Herbaceous layer development during spring does not deplete soil nitrogen in the Portuguese montado. Journal of Arid Environments. 2011
- Integrating differentiated landscape preferences in a decision support model for the multifunctional management of the Montado. Agroforestry Systems. 2011
- Introducing the montado, the cork and holm oak agroforestry system of Southern Portugal. Agroforestry Systems. 2011
- Leaf-level responses to light in two co-occurring Quercus (Quercus ilex and Quercus suber): Leaf structure, chemical composition and photosynthesis. Agroforestry Systems. 2011
- Method for evaluation of coarse cork oak root system by means of digital imaging. Agroforestry Systems. 2011
- Observations on 3-dimensional crown growth of Stone pine. Agroforestry Systems. 2011
- Software Development for Forest Growth Models and Management: CORKFITS Web-Based Growth Simulator. FORMATH. 2011
- A new method for measurement of annual growth rings in cork by means of autofluorescence. Trees-Structure and Function. 2009
- CO2 exchange and biomass development of the herbaceous vegetation in the Portuguese montado ecosystem during spring. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2009
Assessment and up-scaling of CO
2 exchange by patches of the herbaceous vegetation mosaic in a Portuguese cork oak woodland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2008 - Desenvolvimento e Exploração de um Modelo de Dados Espaciais para Ordenamento Florestal. Silva Lusitana. 2008
- Economic implications of different cork oak forest management systems. International Journal of Sustainable SocIETy. 2008
- Avaliação da morfologia dos sistemas radicais de plantas de regeneração do sobreiro através de imagem digital. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 2007
- Automated aerial imagery analysis system for individual tree identification in cork oak stands. . Advances In Geoecology. 2004
- Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) site rating. . Advances In Geoecology. 2004
- Discrimination of vegetation from the background in high resolution colour remote sensed imagery,Rozlíšenie vegetácie od pozadia na infracervených leteckých snimkach s vysokým rozlisením. Journal of Forest Science. 2004
- Landscape diversity patterns in Alentejo forest area. Advances In Geoecology. 2004
- The importance of crown cover on the sustainability of cork oak stands. A simulation approach 2004
capítulo de livro
- Capítulo B - Caracterização Biofísica, Socioeconómica e dos Recursos Florestais. PROF - Alentejo. 2019
- Capítulo B - Caracterização Biofísica, Socioeconómica e dos Recursos Florestais. PROF - Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. 2019
- Capítulo D - Análise Prospetiva e Definição de Objetivos. PROF - Lisboa e Vale do Tejo 2019
- Adaptive Management on Sustainability of Cork Oak Woodlands 2010
- Sap flow in cork oak trees at two contrasting sites in Portugal 2009
- Site Profile 4.1: Machuqueira do Grou, Portugal 2008
- Kartografer: A tool supporting the management of forest landscape linking GIS and individual growth simulator 2007
- Modeling Cork Oak Production in Portugal 2006
- Growth Simulation and sustainability of cork oak stands 2003
- Multi Level Monitoring System for Cork Oak (Quercus Suber L.) Stands in Portugal 2003
- Juniperus navicularis: estudo populacional 2023
- Study of mega fires in Portugal: surface, atmosphere and society perspectives. 2022
- A importância da avaliação e modelação dos fatores bióticos e abióticos na conceptualização e desenvolvimento de modelos de crescimento em contexto de alterações climáticas 2022
- Cellular analysis of cork from a specific water regime 2022
- Cork oak fertirrigation - improving radial growth with minumum water requirements 2022
- Análisis de corcho de un rodal de regadío ¿ calibre, porosidad y densidad 2022
- Relationship between sap flow and radial increments in irrigated cork oaks 2022
- Long term fertirrigation in Quercus suber: an efficient functional acclimation to drought and recovery after fertirrigation supression 2022
- Sobreiros com fertirrega: manual de apoio aos primeiros anos 2022
- Factors associated with Cork Oak mortality: Modeling Diachronic Dieback using aerial imagery 2021
- Manual Técnico de Práticas Silvícolas para a Gestão Sustentável em Povoamentos de Sobreiro e Azinheira. 2020
- Cork production and a new reality: Deficit irrigation of corh oak trees. What physiological changes are expected? (a review) 2018
- Irrigated cor oak trees - an ecophysiological approach 2018
- Irrigating cork oaks trees - first insights on growth and stripping. 2017
- Irrigating new cork oak plantations- a new paradigm? 2017
- Cork Oak Transplant: A New Reality? A Physiological Approach to Maximize Success Rate 2016
- Ripping Plantation Lines Improves Deep Root Development Of Container-Grown Cork-Oak Seedlings. 2016
- The Protective Role of Canopy Cover against Cork Oak Decline in the Face of Climate Change