publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
- ASBGO*: a mechatronic improved smart walker 2018
- Boosting hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in pressurized bioreactors 2017
- Design and dynamic modelling of an ankle-foot prosthesis for humanoid robot. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2017
- Overview of the ASBGo #x002B; #x002B; Smart Walker 2017
- Considerations and Mechanical Modifications on a Smart Walker. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2016
- Enrichment and microbial characterization of syngas converting anaerobic cultures 2013
- Anaerobic microbial LCFA degradation in bioreactors 2007
- Discontinuous operation promotes efficient continuous anaerobic treatment of effluents with high lipid content 2007
- LCFA accumulation and biodegradation during anaerobic discontinuous treatment of an oleate-rich wastewater 2007
artigo de revista
- Factors Associated With Physical and Psychological Health Outcomes Among Inmate Women in Portugal. Women and Criminal Justice. 2022
- Assessment of the health status of women in prison: a comparison between drug users versus non-users. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2022
- Stability of a smart walker in fall related events. Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic Research. 2019
- Design considerations of ASBGo++ (Plus Plus) Smart Walker. Revista 'robótica'. 2017
- TLR2-Induced IL-10 Production Impairs Neutrophil Recruitment to Infected Tissues during Neonatal Bacterial Sepsis. The Journal of Immunology. 2013
- Engineered heat treated methanogenic granules: A promising biotechnological approach for extreme thermophilic biohydrogen production. Bioresource Technology. 2010
- Anaerobic microbial LCFA degradation in bioreactors. Water Science and Technology. 2008
- Anaerobic granular sludge as biocatalyst for CH4 production at moderate H2/CO2 pressures 2021
- Mycobacterial blood cultures in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients: are they useful?. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2019
- Addition of co-substrates stimulates hexadecene conversion to methane by an enriched microbial consortium 2017
- Facts and challenges on hydrocarbons bioremediation 2017
- Microbial diversity of anaerobic syngas converting enrichments from a multi-orifice baffled bioreactor (MOBB) 2017
- Hydrogenotrophic activity under increased H2/CO2 pressure: effect on methane production and microbial community 2015
- Novel anaerobe obtained from a hexadecane-degrading consortium 2015
- Unraveling who is who in methanogenic oil degradation 2015
- Who is who in anaerobic oil biodegradation? 2015
- Isolation and characterization of two novel thermophilic anaerobic bacteria from syngas - and carbon monoxide - degrading cultures 2012
- Anaerobic LCFA degradation: the role of syntrophic and non-syntrophic bacteria 2009
- Population dynamics of LCFA-degrading syntrophic communities exposed to extended contact with sulfate 2009
- The influence of sulfate on methanogenic LCFA-degrading microbial communities 2008
- Fed-batch anaerobic degradation of long chain fatty acids 2005