publicações selecionadas
- Nature-inspired platforms for pleiotropic cytokine delivery 2023
- Biotechnological production and delivery of pleiotropic cytokines for multiple biomedical purposes 2023
- A multi-dimensional analysis of phylogeny, classification, and residue conservation of LIFR-binding IL-6 proteins. 2022
- Valorisation of the invasive macroalgae Undaria pinnatifida for the development of new nanoparticles with antibiotic and antifungal activity 2022
- Production and purification of pleiotropic recombinant cytokines for biomedical applications 2022
- Production and purification of pleiotropic recombinant cytokines for tissue engineering 2022
- A molecular biology platform for the production of cytokines and cytokine-functionalized materials 2019
- Elastin-based tags for the biotechnological production of antimicrobial peptides 2019
- Genetically engineered protein-based polymers for the development of antimicrobial materials 2019
- Development and antimicrobial evaluation of genetically engineered protein-based/essential oil composites. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical SocIETy. 2018
- Bioinspired antibacterial protein fibres: from recombinant DNA technology to electrospinning 2017
- Fabrication of polymeric protein-based materials with antimicrobial properties for biomedical applications 2017
- Antimicrobial activity of genetically engineered-derived materials 2017
- Genetically engineered antimicrobial biopolymers as promising therapeutics for biomedical application 2017
- Antimicrobial activity of genetically engineered silk-elastin protein films containing essential oils 2016
- Production of antimicrobial protein-based materials via one-step synthesis of silver nanoparticles 2016
- Recombinant DNA technology as tool for antimicrobial biopolymers creation 2016
- Silk-based biomaterials with improved cell adhesion properties 2016
- Antimicrobial activity of genetically engineered silk-elastin-like composite materials 2016
- Formulation of biocomposites based on recombinant proteins and plant essential oils for the development of active wound dressings 2016
- Antimicrobial electrospun fibres of an elastin-like recombinamer functionalized with an antimicrobial domain 2015
- Electrospun fibres of an elastin-like recombinamer functionalized with an antimicrobial domain 2015
- Fabrication of antimicrobial composite materials comprising a genetically engineered copolymer 2015
- Heterologous expression of antimicrobial peptide synoeca-mp fused to recombinant protein-based polymer as platform for biomaterials 2015
- Antibacterial activity of genetically engineered silk-elastin-like films and fibres containing silver nanoparticles 2015
- Silk-based polymers functionalized with fibronectin type-II for improved cell adhesion 2015
- Functionalized silk-based polymers as advanced biomaterials 2014
- Fabrication of SELP/Ag nanocomposite materials with antimicrobial properties by electrospinning and solvent casting 2014
- Electrospun silk-elastin-like fiber mats for tissue engineering applications 2013
- Electrospun silk-elastin-like fiber mats with potential application for tissue engineering 2013
- Development of functionalized recombinant protein-based polymers exhibiting antimicrobial properties 2013
- Fabrication of recombinant silk-elastin-like fiber mats for tissue engineering applications 2013
- Electrospun silk-elastin-like fibre matrices for tissue engineering applications 2013
- Novel nanocellulose reinforced recombinant protein based polymer composites 2013
- Development of an ex vivo assay for the characterization of a new elastin-like polymer with antimicrobial properties. International Review of Neurobiology. 2013
- Development of new chimeric proteins for tissue engineering 2013
- Electrospun recombinant Protein-Based Polymers fibre matrices for skin regeneration 2013
- Optimising a cell factory system for the bioproduction of silk-elastin-like polymers 2013
- Synthesis and processing of recombinant silk and elastin copolymers 2013
- Key stress factors and parameters for bath production optimisation of silk-elastin-like proteins in E. coli 2011
- Production and purification of recombinant antimicrobial peptides by exploiting the thermoresponsiveness of the elastin-like polymer based on the VPAVG sequence 2010