publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Business to consumer (B2c): Factors preventing online purchase by students of higher education in portugal,Business to consumer (B2c): barreiras à compra online identificadas por estudantes do ensino superior em portugal. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2021
- Computational simulation of the COVID-19 epidemic with the SEIR stochastic model. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 2021
- Job Satisfaction Versus Absenteeism in Municipalities from Bragança District, Portugal. IBIMA Business Review. 2021
- Using Analog Ensembles with Alternative Metrics for Hindcasting with Multistations. ParadigmPlus. 2020
- General Data Protection Regulation in Health Clinics. Journal of Medical Systems. 2020
- Impact of brand loyalty and online impulse buying on the consumer’s attitude towards the brand,Impacto da fidelidade à marca e da compra por impulso online na atitude do consumidor em relação à marca. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2020
- Influence of maritime interests in the economy of ecuador,Influencia de los intereses marítimos en el economía de ecuador. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2020
- E-commerce: the perception and experience of young e-buyers of Portuguese higher education,Comércio eletrónico: A perceção e a experiência de jovens e-buyers do ensino superior Português. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2019
- Implementation of ISO 27001 Standards as GDPR Compliance Facilitator. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management. 2019
- Importance of information technologies in the demand for a tourist destination: The case of a Portuguese smart city,Importância das tecnologias de informação na procura de um destino turístico: O caso de uma smart city portuguesa. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2019
- Qr code as a tool to promote the culture and promotion of the city of salvador (Brazil),O qr code como ferramenta de divulgação da cultura e promoção da cidade de salvador (Brasil). RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2019
- Security and privacy policies: Shape and background,Políticas de segurança e privacidade: Forma e fundo. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2019
- Special Section: Intelligent fuzzy theory in engineering and science, Guest editors: Teresa Guarda, Isabel Lopes and Álvaro Rocha. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2019
- The QR code and the forms of creative perception in cemetery tourism,O QR code e as formas de perceção criativa no turismo cemiterial. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2019
- Adoption of information sistems security policies in Mozambican universities,Adoção de políticas de segurança de sistemas de informação nas universidades moçambicanas. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2018
- Applicability of the general data protection regulation in health clinics,Aplicabilidade do regulamento geral sobre proteção de dados em clínicas de saúde. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2018
- Implementation of an Information Systems Security Policy: Action Research. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (Ecrm 2014). 2014
- Institutionalization of Information Systems Security Policies Adoption: Factors and Guidelines. International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Deterministic and Stochastic Simulation of the COVID-19 Epidemic with the SEIR Model 2021
- How to measure the performance of a smart city 2020
- The Importance of Using the QR Code in Tourism in Portugal : The visitor's perception of the city of Bragança,A Importancia da Utilizacão do QR Code no Turismo em Portugal A percecão do visitante à cidade de Braganca 2020
- The use of information and communication technologies in agriculture: A bibliometric analysis,O uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Agricultura: Uma análise bibliométrica 2020
- Use of a fab lab in STEAM education : Development of Information Technologies inserted in a smart city context through a fablab,Utilizacão de um fab lab na educacão STEAM Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias de informacão inseridos num contexto de smart city por meio de um fablab 2020
- Geographic market intelligence as a competitive advantage 2019
- Hindcasting with multistations using analog ensembles 2019
- How ISO 27001 Can Help Achieve GDPR Compliance 2019
- Numerical simulation of the biological control of the chestnut gall wasp with T. Sinensis 2019
- Absence from work and job satisfaction: A case study developed in the municipality of Bragança, Portugal 2018
- Implementation of the general data protection regulation: A survey in health clinics 2018
- The relationship between smart cities and smart tourism in low density regions,Relação entre smart cities e smart tourism em regiões de baixa densidade 2018
- Can a small city be considered a smart city? 2017
- Results of information systems planning: Articulation between vision, goals and policies,Resultados do Planeamento de Sistemas de Informação: Articulação entre Visão, Objetivos e Políticas 2017
- The dimensions of a smart city in remote (smart) regions - Case study,As Dimensões de uma Smart City em Regiões Remotas (Smart) - Estudo de Caso 2017
- Evolution of the institutionalization of information systems security policies in Portuguese public administration,Evolução da Institucionalização de Políticas de Segurança de Sistemas de Informação na Administração Pública Portuguesa 2016
- Critical success factors for the implementation of a security policy in health clinics,Factores Críticos de Sucesso para a Implementação de uma Política de Segurança em Clínicas de Saúde 2015
- Evaluation of the adoption of an information systems security policy 2015
- Information systems security policies adoption: An institutional theory view 2014
- Information security policies : a content analysis 2012
- Information security policies: A content analysis 2012
- Information Systems Security Policies: A survey in Portuguese Public Administration 2010
- Information systems security policies : a survey in portuguese public administration 2010
artigo de revista
- Adoption of information sistems security policies in Mozambican universities. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2018
- Applicability of the general data protection regulation in health clinics. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2018
- Institutionalization of information systems security policies adoption: factors and guidelines. International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. 2014
capítulo de livro
- Adoption of GDPR – In the Intermunicipal Community of Terras de Trás-os-Montes, Portugal 2024
- Cognitive Computing in the Travel and Tourism Industry 2024
- Implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection – In the Intermunicipal Community of Douro, Portugal 2024
- Augmented Analytics an Innovative Paradigm 2023
- Implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection – In the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Tâmega and Barroso, Portugal 2023
- International Mobility Flows and COVID-19 Effects: Evidence from Instituto Politécnico de Bragança 2023
- Two Decades (2000–2020) of Scientific Production About Digital Economy: A Bibliometric Analysis 2023
- Participative Sensing Challenges 2022
- Smart Tourism: How Can We Count on Digital in the Recovery of Post-covid Tourism in Portugal 2022
- Impact of Technology Revolution on Economic Development Over the Past Decade 2024
- The Impact of Smart Tourism on Tourist Experiences 2024
- Adoption of the Rules of the General Data Protection Regulation on the Websites of Municipalities 2023
- Augmented Computing and Smart Cities Sustainability 2023
- How 5G Will Transform Smart Cities: A Literature Review 2023
- How the 5G Network Will Boost the Concept of Smart Tourism in Portugal: A Literature Review 2023
- Hybrid Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review 2023
- Impact of ICT on the Agricultural Sector's Sustainability: Evidence Based on Practices 2023
- Online Purchasing Behavior of Portuguese Consumers of Garment and Beauty Products During the COVID-19 Pandemic 2023
- Digital Presence of Companies: Consumer Social Interaction and the Purchase Decision 2022
- A Bibliometric Analysis About the Use of ICT in the Agricultural Sector 2021
- Smart Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Publications from the Scopus and Web of Science Databases 2021
- The Impact of TikTok on Digital Marketing 2021
- The Impact of YouTubers’ Credibility and Congruence in Consumers’ Attitude Towards the Brand 2021
- The QR Code as a Communication Tool in Cultural Valorization: Intercultural Study Between the Cities of Bragança (Portugal) and Salvador (Brazil) 2021
- An Exploratory Study on the Simulation of Stochastic Epidemic Models 2020
- Fernandes, Paula O. (Ed.); Nunes, Alcina (Ed.); Lopes, Isabel Maria (Ed.); Pereira, João Paulo (Ed.); Teixeira, João Paulo (Ed.); Leite, Joaquim (Ed.); Alves, Jorge (Ed.); et al. XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica: livro de resumos. 2020
- Mobile Communication Systems: Evolution and Security 2020
- The Four Dimensions of the GDPR Framework: An Institutional Theory Perspective 2020
- The Influence of YouTubers in Consumer Behavior 2020
- User Behavior: The Case of Instagram 2020
- EU General Data Protection Regulation Implementation: An Institutional Theory View 2019
- Improvement of the Applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation in Health Clinics 2019
- Mobile crowdsensing privacy 2019
- The Art of Phishing 2019
- The relationship between smart cities and the internet of things in low density regions 2019
- The importance of the dimensions of a smart city – A survey in small cities 2018
- Definition of information systems security policies 2017
- Information security in virtual social networks: A survey in higher education 2017
- Next generation access networks: Infrastructure sharing 2017
- Architecture of information security policies: A content analysis 2016
- The security policy application process: Action research 2016
- Applying action research in the formulation of information security policies 2015
- Implementation of information systems security policies: A survey in small and medium sized enterprises 2015
- Understanding information security culture: A survey in small and medium sized enterprises 2014
- Applying Action Research in the Adoption of Information Systems Security Policies 2013