publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The PR Pyramid: Social media and the new role of Public Relations in organizations. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas. 2012
- Effect of ethanol on fluxes of water and protons across the plasma membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Views on the pandemic: rereading the experience of the religious education of children and young people 2021
- Brand communication on Instagram during the COVID-19 pandemic: perceptions of users and brands 2020
- Magnetic carbon composites as recycling electron shuttles on anaerobic biotransformations 2017
- Carbon-coated metallic magnetic nanoparticles for application on biorremediation 2015
- CM@MNP composites for the biodegradation of organic compounds 2014
artigo de revista
- TikTok practices among teenagers in Portugal: a uses & gratifications approach. Journalism and Media. 2022
- TikTok: usos e motivações entre adolescentes em Portugal. Chasqui. 2021
- A phygital approach to cultural heritage: augmented reality at Regaleira. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2020
- Subsídios para uma sistemática dos jazigos minerais e minérios de lítio de Portugal. Boletim de Minas. 2018
- Synthesis, characterization and application of magnetic carbon materials as electron shuttles for the biological and chemical reduction of the azo dye Acid Orange 10. Applied Catalysis. B: Environmental. 2017
- Perspectives on carbon materials as powerful catalysts in continuous anaerobic bioreactors. Water Research. 2016
capítulo de livro
- Youth, faith and future: a portrait of how Portuguese envisions the future in the light of World Youth Day 2023 2023
- Brand communication on Instagram during the COVID-19 pandemic: the Portuguese context 2022
- Crianças no mundo digital: a dinâmica de uma língua Portuguesa viva 2022
- Ser uma social brand: a importância de uma atividade empresarial socialmente responsável e sustentável 2021
- O caso da Regaleira 4.0 - proporcionar experiências alternativas do património cultural 2020
- Movimientos cívicos contra la austeridad en Portugal: La configuración de la agenda en los medios sociales 2016
- Desafios das RP na Era dos Media Sociais 2015
- Workplace communication in hybrid environments 2023
- Views on the pandemic: rereading the experience of the religious education of children and young people 2021
- Magnetic carbon composites as recycling electron shuttles on anaerobic biotransformations 2017
- Carbon-coated metallic magnetic nanoparticles for application on biorremediation 2015
- CM@MNP composites for the biodegradation of organic compounds 2014