publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Microfinance institutions managers' motivation towards environment protection through green microfinance: the case of the developing country of Cabo Verde. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 2023
- Cross-cultural cognitive conditions and gender differences in the entrepreneurial activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gender in Management. 2023
- Once-in-a-lifetime leisure experiences (OLLE): The role of Flow, novelty, and interpersonal interaction on tourists’ satisfaction and memories. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 2023
- A Delphi study of business models for cycling urban mobility platforms. Research in Transportation Business and Management. 2022
- Marketing decisions and implementation process for entrepreneurial and managerial practices: a critical incident technique approach. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. 2022
- A review and extension of the flow experience concept. Insights and directions for Tourism research. Tourism Management Perspectives. 2021
- Exploring sources of voter-based political human brand equity. Journal of Brand Management. 2020
- Effect of entrepreneurial framework conditions on R&D transfer to new and growing firms: The case of European Union innovation-driven countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2019
- Does Gender Matter When Defining Higher Education Student Success? Evidence From Portugal. Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research (icgr). 2019
- Towards the university entrepreneurial mission: Portuguese academics' self-perspective of their role in knowledge transfer. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 2018
- A importância do marketing social no turismo: revisão da literatura. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento. 2017
- Personal characteristics, business relationships and entrepreneurial performance: Some empirical evidence. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 2014
- Entrepreneurial performance and stakeholders' relationships: A social network analysis perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2013
- Career self-management and entrepreneurship: An experience with PHD students. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology. 2012
- Internet adoption in the public sector: The case of Portuguese public institutions. International Journal of Technology Marketing. 2010
artigo de conferência
- A digital service platform for Connected 2-Wheelers 2021
- A study on Fomsumer's post purchase response 2021
- Smart and sustainable urban mobility: How connectivity may support bike-sharing operators' businesses 2021
- Does gender matter when defining higher education student success? Evidence from Portugal 2019
- Valorização e potenciais aplicações de uma amostra de própolis português da Beira Alta 2018
- Academic entrepreneurship: Different realities, diverse motivations 2012
artigo de revista
- Factors influencing user behaviour in micromobility sharing systems: A systematic literature review and research directions. Travel Behaviour and SocIETy. 2022
- Dance Is for All: A Social Marketing Intervention with Children and Adolescents to Reduce Prejudice towards Boys Who Dance. Healthcare. 2021
- The influence of ambient scent on the passengers’ experience, emotions and behavioral intentions: An experimental study in a Public Bus service. Transport Policy. 2021
- Local development through rural entrepreneurship, from the Triple Helix perspective: The case of a peripheral region in northern Portugal. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research (IJEBR). 2019
capítulo de livro
- Flow experience and emotions in tourism 2022
- ROQ 2018
- A marca local Art on Chairs como motor de inovação e desenvolvimento territorial - Estratégia em hélice quádrupla 2017
- The context and outcomes of entrepreneurial marketing as a decision-making process under uncertainty 2016
- Envolvimento dos académicos em empreendedorismo: O caso português 2013
- Design of a Social Marketing Intervention to achieve gender equality in dance 2022
- Managers' intentions towards green microfinance: The case of Microfinance Institutions of the developing country of Cape Verde 2022
- A Digital Service Platform for Connected 2-Wheelers 2021
- A Study On Fomsumers' Post Purchase Response 2021
- Guidelines to write the research proposal 2017
- Marketing - Guia de apoio aos estudantes 2016
- The context and outcomes of entrepreneurial marketing as a decision making process under uncertainty 2015
- Gestão pessoal da carreira e empreendedorismo: Avaliação de um modelo de intervenção com grupos de bolseiros de investigação científica 2011
- Carreira, criatividade e empreendedorismo - Actas da VII Conferência de Desenvolvimento Vocacional 2011
- Get lifted - Guia do empreendedor da ideia ao negócio 2011
- Gestão pessoal da carreira e empreendedorismo: Práticas de intervenção na Universidade do Minho 2009
- Implementação do plano de marketing: Inibições e sucesso 2004
- O processo de planeamento de marketing: Uma revisão dos benefícios, modelos e críticas 2004