publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A 5 pillars approach to the sustainable development goals performance and reporting in Portuguese higher education institutions. Proposal for an applied framework. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 2023
- Determinants of online-reporting on Sustainable Development Goals: the case of Portuguese higher education institutions. Social Responsibility Journal. 2023
- What are the drivers of sustainable development web-reporting in Portuguese local governments?. Financial Accountability and Management. 2023
- O papel das comunicações integradas de marketing no valor de uma marca: uma abordagem exploratória. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2020
artigo de conferência
- The use of Information and Communication Technologies to report on Sustainable Development Goals in Portuguese Municipalities. Case study of ODSlocal platform 2023
- Sustainable Development Goals disclosure practices in higher education: Analysis of the Portuguese institutions' websites 2022
- The role of digital marketing communication in brand equity : A study applied to Altice Forum Braga 2021