publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Valorization of Water Treatment Sludge for Applications in the Construction Industry: A Review. Materials. 2024
- A Review: Construction and Demolition Waste as a Novel Source for CO2 Reduction in Portland Cement Production for Concrete. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Durabilidade de Estruturas Mistas em Aço-Betão Coladas. Engenharia Civil. 2023
- Impact of gypsum mortars functionalized with phase change materials in buildings. Journal of Energy Storage. 2023
- The Effect of Phase Change Materials on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Concrete Made with Recycled Aggregate. Bioengineering. 2023
- Influência da incorporação de resíduos de construção e demolição funcionalizados com material de mudança de fase nas propriedades mecânicas de betões. Engenharia Civil. 2023
- Green Thermal Aggregates: Influence of the Physical Properties of Recycled Aggregates with Phase Change Materials. Materials. 2023
- Caracterização dos materiais constituintes das alvenarias de pedra. Brazilian Journal of Development. 2023
- Performance of Eco-Friendly Cement Mortars Incorporating Ceramic Molds Shells and Paraffin Wax. Materials. 2023
- Prediction of the mechanical behavior of mortars incorporating phase change materials using data mining techniques. Materiales de Construcción. 2023
- Surface pathology on the walls of limestone and mortar masonry. U.Porto Journal of Engineering. 2023
- Physical and mechanical properties of lightweight concrete with incorporation of ceramic mold casting waste. Materialia. 2023
- "Betão" de ultraelevado desempenho reforçado com fibras metálicas 2023
- A New Sustainable System for Piped Water Cooling of Mass Concrete Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2023
- Contribution of Activated Mortars with Phase Change Materials to the Energy Efficiency of Buildings. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2023
- Mortars with the incorporation of treated ceramic molds shells wastes. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Thermal properties of PEG-based form-stable Phase Change Materials (PCMs) incorporated in mortars for energy efficiency of buildings. Journal of Energy Storage. 2023
- Use of sustainable Phase Change Material (PCM) in mortars for building energy efficiency. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022
- Mix design and physical and mechanical properties of pervious concretes. Materiales de Construcción. 2022
- A study of phase change material (PCM) on the physical and mechanical properties of compressed earth bricks (CEB). Malaysian Construction Research Journal. 2022
- Bloco solo-cimento sustentável com materiais de mudança de fase (PCMs) 2022
- Confection d’un éco-mortier dédié a la restauration des ornements architecturaux. Revue Nature et Technologie. 2022
- Innovative coating materials to prevent fungi growth . Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungi in the Built Environment: Designing Healthy Indoor Environments. 2022
- Plastic waste for the enhancement of concrete properties - a review 2022
- Argamassas com incorporação direta de Materiais de Mudança de Fase: Avaliação do comportamento a baixas e elevadas temperaturas. Materials. 2021
- Innovative Materials for Construction. Materials. 2020
- Utilization of waste glass in the improvement of concrete performance: A mini review. Waste Management and Research. 2020
- Aging factors affecting adhesion . Adhesion Technology: Physical and Chemical Aspects. 2020
- Bloco solo-cimento sustentável com materiais de mudança de fase (PCMs) 2020
- Characterization of Non-proprietary UHPC for Use in Rehabilitation/Strengthening Applications. RILEM Bookseries. 2020
- Comprehensive Methods for Concrete Mix Design. Industrial Applications of Green Solvents, Vol I. 2020
- Crack repair . Adhesion Technology: Physical and Chemical Aspects. 2020
- Life cycle assessment of concrete incorporating scrap tire rubber: comparative study 2020
- Argamassas eco-eficientes com incorporação simultânea de material de mudança de fase e cinzas volantes. Materials. 2019
- Mortars Containing Sustainable PCM's for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings. Matec Web of Conferences. 2019
- Structural Properties of Phosphate-Washing Waste Based Geopolymeric Mortars. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI). 2019
- Comportamento térmico de argamassas com incorporação de Materiais de Mudança de Fase (PCM) no clima português. Materials. 2017
- From NORM by-products to building materials. Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering. 2017
- Geopolymeric repair mortars based on a low reactive clay. Eco-Efficient Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Infrastructures. 2017
- Legislative aspects . Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering. 2017
- Special Concrete with Polymers. Scientific Bulletin of Valahia University: Materials and Mechanics. 2016
- Produtos de hidratação em argamassas geopoliméricas à base de argila da Tunísia para reparação de estruturas de concreto. Materials. 2016
- An experimental investigation on nano-TiO2 and fly ash based high performance concrete . The Indian Concrete Journal (ICJ). 2016
- Argamassas térmicas com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase 2016
- Mechanical performance of geopolymeric mortars based on tunisian calcined clay, fly ash and metakaolin. ALITinform. 2016
- Performance of alkali-activated mortars for OPC concrete repair . Handbook of Low Carbon Concrete. 2016
- Performance on an Alkali-Activated Cement-Based Binder (AACB) for Coating of an OPC Infrastructure Exposed to Chemical Attack. Handbook of Low Carbon Concrete. 2016
- Phase Change Materials as Smart Nanomaterials for Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings. Intelligent Nanomaterials. 2016
- Development of Foam One-Part Geopolymers with Enhanced Thermal Insulation Performance and Low Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Advanced Materials Research. 2015
- Performance of a Fly Ash Geopolymeric Mortar for Coating of Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete Exposed to Harsh Chemical Environments. Advanced Materials Research. 2015
- Sustainable Mortars with Incorporation of Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials. Advanced Materials Research. 2015
- Tensile Properties of Polymer Repair Materials - Effect of Test Parameters. Advanced Materials Research. 2015
- Influence of type of binder and sand on the characteristics of masonry mortars. Romanian Journal of Materials. 2015
- Influence of type of binder and sand on the characteristics of masonry mortars | Influenta tipului de liant si nisip asupra caracteristicilor mortarelor de zidarie. Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials. 2015
- Durability Performance of Fly Ash Based One-Part Geopolymer Mortars. Key Engineering Materials. 2014
- Mortars with Phase Change Materials - Part I: Physical and Mechanical Characterization. Key Engineering Materials. 2014
- Mortars with Phase Change Materials - Part II: Durability Evaluation. Key Engineering Materials. 2014
- Mortars with Phase Change Materials: Contribute to Sustainable Construction. Key Engineering Materials. 2014
- Betões de elevado desempenho com nano-partículas de TiO2 e cinzas volantes : resistência mecânica, durabilidade e custo 2014
- Comportamento de argamassas com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase submetidas a elevadas temperaturas 2014
- Compressive strength and microstructure of hybrid alkaline cements 2014
- Thermal Mortars with Incorporation of PCM Microcapsules. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments. 2013
- Influence of Adding Encapsulated Phase Change Materials in Aerial Lime Based Mortars. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Properties of Polymer Modified Concrete in Fresh and Hardened State. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Report from 13th ICPIC and 7th ASPIC: New Trends on Concrete-Polymer Composites. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Betões de elevado desempenho com nano-partículas de TiO2 e cinzas volantes: Resistência mecânica, durabilidade e custo . Engenharia Civil. 2013
- Influence of incorporation of phase change materials, PCM, granulates on workability, mechanical strength and aesthetical appearance of lime and gypsum mortars. Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment. 2013
- Polymer concrete, correlations between properties 2013
- Shrinkage and mechanical performance of geopolymeric mortars based on calcined Tunisian clay. Chemistry and Materials Research. 2013
- Using conformity control of concrete compressive strength for construction site classification . Bulletin of the Polythechnique Institute of Jassy. 2013
- Concrete Retrofitting Using CFRP and Geopolymer Mortars. Key Engineering Materials. 2012
- Thermal mortars: Contribution of the incorporation of PCM microcapsules. Asian Symposium on Polymers in Concrete. 2012
- Use of phase change materials microcapsules in aerial lime and gypsum mortars. Cement Wapno Beton. 2012
- Considerations Regarding the Possibility of Heat Losses Reducing Through Furnaces Lining in Accordance With Actual trends of Refractory Lining Structure Optimization. Metalurgia International. 2010
- Service life of concrete structures rehabilitated with polymers 2010
- Utilização de argamassas geopolíméricas em alternativa às resinas epoxídicas na reabilitação de betão com CFRP. Engenharia Civil. 2010
- New Trends in Concrete-Polymer Composite Materials and Systems. Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Polymers in Concrete. 2009
- Study of a Cement Mortar with Incorporation of PCM Microcapsules. Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Polymers in Concrete. 2009
- Use of Epoxy Resins with Incorporation of Fillers for Concrete Rehabilitation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH ASIAN SYMPOSIUM ON POLYMERS IN CONCRETE. 2009
- Coatings for concrete protection against aggressive environments. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2008
- Coatings for concrete protection against agressive environments 2008
- New trends in concrete-polymers composite materials and systems 2008
- Performance of Concrete in Aggressive Environment . International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials. 2008
- Properties of Gypsum-PCM Based Mortars for Interior Plastering of Construction Systems. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Protection of Concretes Against Chemically Aggressive Environments . Reprocity Monograph . 2008
- Effect of temperature on systems for the reinforcement of concrete . Advances in Materials Science and Restoration . 2007
- Gypsum plasters for energy conservation. Portugal Sb07 - Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practices: Challenge of the Industry For the New Millennium, Pts 1 and 2. 2007
- Ranking procedure for polymeric coatings and hydrophobic agents for concrete protection 2007
- Argamassas de cimento portland com incorporação de <<óxido secundário>> aluminífero. Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2005
- Fissuração de paredes: reabilitação de alvenaria de tijolo . Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2005
- Influência da temperatura no comportamento de elementos de betão armado reforçados à flexão com laminados de CFRP 2005
- Influência da temperatura no comportamento de reforços exteriores de betão armado 2005
- Utilização de materiais activos em argamassas. Arte & Construção. 2005
- Avaliação do módulo de elasticidade de betões de elevado desempenho com cinzas volantes. Mecânica Experimental. 2002
- High performance concrete using fly ash 2002
- Incorporation of fly ashes from the incineration of MSW in cement mortars. Xxx Iahs World Congress on Housing, Housing Construction: an Interdisciplinary Task, Vols 1-3. 2002
- Reutilization of leather residue by incorporation in bricks. Tile & Brick. 2002
- Incorporation Feasibility of Leather Residues in Bricks. Key Engineering Materials. 2001
- Betões de elevado desempenho de custo reduzido utilizando materiais correntes 1999
- Caracterização de betões de elevado desempenho de custo reduzido 1999
- Evaluation method for adhesion test results of bonded wet concrete to epoxies. Second International Rilem Symposium on Adhesion Between Polymers and Concrete. 1999
- A study of the adhesion between hydraulic mortars and concrete. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 1998
- Controlo da produção de betões 1996
- Aderência dos epóxidos ao betão hidráulico 1995
- Essais d’adhérence des époxydes au béton hydraulique (Tests on bonding between epoxies and hydraulic concrete). Materials and Structures. 1993
- A qualidade na construção civil. Engenharia Civil. 1993
- Essais d'adhérence des époxydes au béton hydraulique 1993
- O centro de materiais cerâmicos e pedras naturais 1992
- Aplicação de materiais plásticos em engenharia civil 1988
artigo de conferência
- Valorization of water treatment sludge from a circular economy perspective: the case of the WTP of Areias de Vilar 2023
- Cement mortars with incorporation of foundry industry wastes: physical, mechanical and durability behavior 2023
- Construction and Demolition Waste Parameters in Northern European Countries 2023
- Physical and mechanical characterization of cement boards with incorporation of free phase change materials 2023
- Physical and mechanical performance of green concrete 2023
- Placas inovadoras para revestimento interior de edifícios com capacidade de regulação térmica 2023
- Placas inovadoras para revestimento interior de edifícios com capacidade de regulação térmica (Resumo alargado) 2023
- Post-earthquake construction and demolition waste management: a case of 2023 turkey earthquake (Resumo) 2023
- Valorização de resíduos da indústria de fundição em argamassas de revestimento para edifícios 2023
- Valorização de resíduos da indústria de fundição em argamassas de revestimento para edifícios (Resumo alargado) 2023
- Betão leve com resíduos de moldes cerâmicos de fundição 2022
- Caracterização dos materiais constituintes das alvenarias de pedra 2022
- Caracterização física e mecânica de argamassas com incorporação de resíduos industriais 2022
- Características dos blocos de cimento furados para alvenaria 2022
- Desempenho em misturas drenantes na prevenção de zonas com elevado risco de água 2022
- Durabilidade de estruturas mistas em aço-betão coladas 2022
- Influência da incorporação de resíduos de construção e demolição com incorporação de material de mudança de fase nas propriedades mecânicas de betões 2022
- Placas sustentáveis à base de argamassas de cimento com incorporação direta de PCM 2022
- Propriedades de betão drenante em misturas com agregados reciclados 2022
- Chloride Ion Penetration into Cracked UHPFRC During Wetting-drying Cycles 2021
- Performance requirements, challenges and existing solutions of PCM in massive concrete for temperature control 2020
- Characterization of Drainage Concrete in Roads Pavements Construction 2019
- Non-proprietary UHPFRC for use in rehabilitation/strengthening applications 2019
- Influence of micro-cracking on capillary water absorption of an UHPFRC 2018
- Argamassas de cimento com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase 2018
- Argamassas de cimento com incorporação direta de materiais de mudança de fase 2018
- Blocos de terra compactada com incorporação de material de mudança de fase 2018
- Comportamento a temperaturas extremas de argamassas de cimento com incorporação de PCM 2018
- Comportamento térmico de argamassas com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase 2018
- Durabilidade de um material cimentício de ultraelevado desempenho reforçado com fibras metálicas 2018
- Durability design of ultra-high performance fibre reinforced cement-based composites (UHPFRC) 2018
- Mortars with Phase Change Materials (PCM) and Stone Waste to Improve Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2018
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cement Mortars with Direct Incorporation of Phase Change Material 2018
- Prevenção de fungos em paredes e tetos 2018
- NDT testing of stiffness evolution of UHPFRC since casting 2017
- Protection of RC elements strengthened with CFRP against high temperatures 2017
- Argamassas de cimento com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase 2016
- Comportamento térmico de argamassas de cimento com incorporação de material de mudança de fase 2016
- Durabilidade de varões compósitos entrançados (BCR) submetidos a ambientes agressivos 2016
- Durabilidade do betão auto-compactável de elevado desempenho face ao ataque químico 2016
- Energy saving potential of cement-based mortar containing hybrid phase change materials applied in building envelopes. Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies. 2016
- Retração autogénea em betão de ultra-elevado desempenho 2016
- Toxicity measurement techniques for building materials with wastes 2015
- Avaliação experimental de compósitos de agregados leves impregnados com PCM, para aplicação em pavimentos rodoviários 2015
- Development of foam one-part geopolymers with enhanced thermal insulation performance and low carbon dioxide emissions. Advanced Materials Research. 2015
- Durability performance of fly ash based one-part geopolymer mortars. Key Engineering Materials. 2015
- Experimental investigation on the composition, mechanical strength and self-cleaning ability of photocatalytic mortars 2015
- Mechanical performance of geopolymeric mortars based on tunisian calcined clay, fly ash and metakaolin 2015
- Mortars with incorporation of PCM based in different binders: mechanical and thermal behavior 2015
- Mortars with phase change materials - Part I: Physical and mechanical characterization. Key Engineering Materials. 2015
- Performance of a fly ash geopolymeric mortar for coating of ordinary portland cement concrete exposed to harsh chemical environments 2015
- Performance of fly ash-based geopolymer mortar 2015
- Prediction of the compressive strength of one-part geopolymers 2015
- Sustainable mortars with incorporation of microencapsulated phase change materials 2015
- Tensile properties of polymer repair materials - effect of test parameters. Advanced Materials Research. 2015
- Assessment of the thermal performance of plastering mortars within controlled test cells 2014
- Caracterização mecânica e durabilidade de argamassas térmicas 2014
- Foam geopolymers: state of the art and preliminary experimental results 2014
- High temperatures behaviour of mortars with incorporation of phase change materials 2014
- Novos materiais de construção com tecnologias avançadas 2014
- Performance of fly ash based one-part geopolymer mortars in durability tests 2014
- Phase change materials: contribute to sustainable construction 2014
- Utilização de nano-partículas para a obtenção de betões de elevado desempenho 2014
- Eco-concrete: one-part geopolymer mixes 2013
- Experimental analysis of the thermal performance of plastering mortars comprising hybrid phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in buildings 2013
- Influence of adding encapsulated phase change materials in aerial lime based mortars. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- One-part geopolymers versus Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) mortars : durability assessment 2013
- Polymer effect on the rheological properties of the PPC blends 2013
- Properties of polymer modified concrete in fresh and hardened state. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Report from 13th ICPIC and 7th ASPIC : new trends on concrete-polymer composites. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Special self-compacting concretes 2013
- Argamassas fotocatalíticas: influência da composição na resistência mecânica e na capacidade de auto-limpeza 2012
- Argamassas térmicas sustentáveis: O contributo dos materiais de mudança de fase 2012
- Desenvolvimento de um betão com elevada resistência ao ataque por ácido sulfúrico contendo resíduos de borracha de pneus 2012
- Influência da adição de microcápsulas de PCM em argamassas de cal aérea 2012
- Latent heat storage capability in different type of mortars 2012
- Papel de nano-aditivos na funcionalização de argamassas 2012
- Preliminary experimental investigation on one-part geopolymer mixes 2012
- Thermal mortars : contribution of the incorporation of PCM microcapsules 2012
- Argamassas térmicas à base de cal 2011
- Conformidade da resistência à compressão de betões : um exemplo no Norte de Portugal 2011
- Properties of lime based thermal mortars 2011
- Use of phase change materials microcapsules in aerial lime and gypsum mortars 2011
- 13th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete 2010
- Application of latent heat thermal energy storage in cement mortars 2010
- Argamassas funcionais para uma construção sustentável 2010
- Caracterização de argamassas para assentamento de alvenaria de tijolo 2010
- Concrete rehabilitation using epoxy resins 2010
- Quality of concrete : one example in the north of Portugal 2010
- Rehabilitation mortars for zero-impact buildings 2010
- Service life of concrete structures rehabilitated with polymers 2010
- The portuguese masonry’s mechanical characterization 2010
- Civil engineering experiences in Portugal 2009
- Mechanical characterization for mortar for masonry 2009
- New trends in concrete-polymer composite materials and systems 2009
- Patologias em pavimentos e cobertura de edifícios 2009
- Study of a cement mortar with incorporation of PCM microcapsules 2009
- Use of epoxy resins with incorporation of fillers for concrete rehabilitation 2009
- A report on multiple approaches to the S. Frutuoso of Montélios Chapel survey 2008
- A utilização de materiais de mudança de fase na regulação da temperatura interior 2008
- Adhesion between high-strength concrete, epoxy resin and CFRP 2008
- Comparative study between polymeric superplasticizers 2008
- Contribution to a ranking procedure for polymeric caotings and hydrophobic agents for concrete 2008
- Interior comfort regulation with gypsum plasters 2008
- Rehabilitation of brick masonry 2008
- Advances in adhesion between polymers and concrete 2007
- Conformidade da resistência à compressão de betões 2007
- Effect of temperature on systems for the reinforcement of concrete 2007
- Evaluation of polymeric coatings and primers against chloride ingress in concrete 2007
- Feasibility study of geopolymers for externally bonded reinforcement 2007
- Gypsum plasters for energy conservation 2007
- Influência da composição no desempenho de argamassas adesivas 2007
- Performance of protected concrete against chemically aggressive environments 2007
- Estudo de um edifício de habitação multifamiliar com anomalias não estruturais 2006
- Analysis of compression resistance results of concretes 2006
- Concrete workability and water resistance improvement using polymeric admixtures 2006
- Descolagem de um revestimento cerâmico em fachada 2006
- International Symposium Polymers in Concrete: proceedings of ISPIC 2006 2006
- Systems for superficial protection of concretes 2006
- Argamassas com desempenho térmico melhorado 2005
- Durabilidade em ambiente marítimo de betões protegidos com pinturas acrílicas 2005
- Durability of concrete protected by acrylic painting 2005
- Effect of temperature on systems for the reinforcement of concrete 2005
- Effect of temperature on the durability of system for strengthening of concrete structures 2005
- Effect of temperature on the durability of systems for strengthening of concrete structures 2005
- Estimating compressive strength of concrete by mortar testing 2005
- Effect of temperature on the rupture of systems for the reinforcement of concrete 2004
- Flexural tensile behaviour of enhanced performance concrete 2004
- Gestão de resíduos de construção e demolição 2004
- Influência de temperaturas elevadas no comportamento de reforços exteriores de betão armado 2004
- Mechanical properties of high-performance concrete with fly ash 2004
- Penetrability of chloride ions in concrete protected by an acrylic painting 2004
- Predicting mechanical properties of enhanced performance concrete using compressive strength 2004
- Viabilidade económica de uma central de tratamento de resíduos de construção e demolição 2004
- Análise do comportamento de reforços exteriores de betão armado submetidos a elevadas temperaturas 2003
- Determinação da aderência entre resinas epoxídicas e argamassas hidráulicas 2003
- Durability of low cost high performance fly ash concrete 2003
- Statistical analysis of compressive strength of concrete specimens 2003
- Contribuição da adição de cinzas volantes para a melhoria da durabilidade do betão 2002
- Durability of high-performance concrete with fly ash 2002
- Incorporation of fly ashes from the incineration of MSW in cement mortars 2002
- Reabilitação de estruturas de betão armado 2002
- Roller compacted concrete (RCC) : strength and permeability of horizontal joints 2002
- Utilização de cinzas volantes de incineração de RSU 2002
- Aderência entre betão húmido e resinas epoxídicas 2001
- Avaliação do módulo de elasticidade de betões de elevado desempenho com cinzas volantes 2001
- Fracture mechanics applied to the determination of adhesion strength between epoxies and hydraulic mortars 2001
- Influência de temperaturas elevadas no desempenho de colagens com resinas epoxídicas 2001
- Comportamento à tracção em flexão de betões de desempenho melhorado 2000
- Influência das cinzas volantes no desempenho de betões 2000
- Materiais para a reparação de estruturas de betão 2000
- Use of an acrylic painting to increase the durability of reinforced concrete in a seawater environment 2000
- Evaluation method for adhesion test results of bonded wet concrete to epoxies 1999
- Incorporação de resíduos da indústria do calçado em produtos cerâmicos de construção 1999
- Influence of high temperatures on the adhesion of epoxy to hardened mortar or fresh cement mortar and steel plate 1999
- Avaliação das características mecânicas e durabilidade do betão num sistema de reservatórios 1998
- Caracterização mecânica de betões de elevado desempenho com cinzas volantes 1998
- Low cost high performance concrete using low quality fly ash 1998
- Controlo de qualidade em obras de betão 1996
- Adhesion between repair mortars and concrete 1995
- Controlo de qualidade de betões 1994
- Recuperação de estruturas de betão armado 1994
- Rehabilitation d'une dalle en béton armé 1992
- Le contrôle de qualité des matériaux de réparation de structures en béton 1991
- A qualidade dos materiais de reparação de estruturas de betão 1990
- Reparação e colagens de betão com epóxidos 1989
- Comportamento das resinas epóxido na ligação por colagem de elementos de betão 1987
- Mechanical behaviour of adhesive joints such as a concrete epoxy 1987
- Influence de la nature et de la granularité de la charge sur l'adhérence des résines époxydes au béton durci sec et humide 1986
- Influence of the Nature and Granularity of the Filler on Adherence of Epoxy Resins to Dry and Wet Hardened Concrete. | INFLUENCE DE LA NATURE ET DE LA GRANULARITE DE LA CHARGE SUR L'ADHERENCE DES RESINES EPOXYDES AU BETON DURCI SEC ET HUMIDE. 1986
- Quantificação das acções - acção da neve - elementos para a sua quantificação 1983
artigo de revista
- Perspective on the Development of Energy Storage Technology Using Phase Change Materials in the Construction Industry: A Review. Energies. 2023
- Development and Performance of Eco-Sustainable Form-Stable Phase Change Materials (PCMs) for Mortars to Be Applied in Buildings Located in Different Climatic Areas. Coatings. 2023
- Hardening characterisation of a non-proprietary and more eco-friendly UHPC. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Cement mortars with ceramic molds shells and paraffin waxes wastes: Physical and mechanical behavior. Composite Structures. 2022
- Physical Properties of Eco-Sustainable Form-Stable Phase Change Materials Included in Mortars Suitable for Buildings Located in Different Continental Regions. Materials. 2022
- Physical Properties of an Eco-Sustainable, Form-Stable Phase Change Material Included in Aerial-Lime-Based Mortar Intended for Different Climates. Materials. 2022
- Sustainability Analysis of Interior Coatings for the Prevention of Fungal Development. Construction Materials. 2022
- Argamassas de cimento com incorporação direta de materiais de mudança de fase. Engenharia Civil. 2022
- Compacted Earth Blocks Additivated with Phase Change Material. Materials. 2022
- Phase change materials composite boards and mortars: Mixture design, physical, mechanical and thermal behavior. Journal of Energy Storage. 2022
- Durability of an UHPFRC under mechanical and chloride loads. Composite Structures. 2021
- Mechanical and durability properties of concrete incorporating glass and plastic waste . Advances in Concrete Construction. 2021
- Durability of an UHPC containing spent equilibrium catalyst. Composite Structures. 2021
- An innovative approach for temperature control of massive concrete structures at early ages based on post-cooling: Proof of concept. Journal of Building Engineering. 2020
- Properties of a new material based on a gypsum matrix incorporating waste brick. Composite Structures. 2020
- Hydraulic lime mortars incorporating micro cork granules with antifungal properties. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Characterization of innovative mortars with direct incorporation of phase change materials. Journal of Energy Storage. 2020
- Thermal Performance of Mortars Based on Different Binders and Containing a Novel Sustainable Phase Change Material (PCM). Materials. 2020
- Phase change materials and energy efficiency of buildings: A review of knowledge. Journal of Energy Storage. 2020
- Behavior of cementitious mortars with direct incorporation of non-encapsulated phase change material after severe temperature exposure. Composite Structures. 2020
- Spectroscopic and microscopic study of alkali activated mortars based on Tunisian phosphate washing waste. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Sustainable polymer-based Phase Change Materials for energy efficiency in buildings and their application in aerial lime mortars. Composite Structures. 2020
- Influence of the incorporation of phase change materials on temperature development in mortar at early ages: Experiments and numerical simulation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Spent equilibrium catalyst as internal curing agent in UHPFRC. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Applications of Sustainable Polymer-Based Phase Change Materials in Mortars Composed by Different Binders. Materials. 2019
- Hydraulic lime mortars with antifungal properties. Applied Surface Science. 2019
- Recycling of biomass and coal fly ash as cement replacement material and its effect on hydration and carbonation of concrete. Waste Management. 2019
- Capillary Transport of Water in Cracked and Non-cracked UHPFRC Specimens. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2019
- Evaluation of latent heat storage in mortars containing microencapsulated paraffin waxes – a selection of optimal composition and binders. Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019
- Mineralogical and chemical investigation of Tunisian phosphate washing waste during calcination. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2019
- Physical and mechanical performance of concrete made with waste rubber aggregate, glass powder and silica sand powder. Journal of Building Engineering. 2019
- Investigations of geopolymeric mixtures based on phosphate washing waste. Science and Technology of Materials. 2018
- Classification of mortars with incorporation of phase change materials based on their physical, mechanical and thermal properties. Materials. 2018
- Reabilitação térmica: Contributo das argamassas com incorporação de material de mudança de fase. Materials. 2018
- Eco-concrete with incorporation of blast furnace slag as natural aggregates replacement. Science and Technology of Materials. 2018
- Energy benefits of cement-based plaster containing hybrid phase-change material. Construction Materials: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 2018
- Multifunctional wall coating combining photocatalysis, self-cleaning and latent heat storage. Materials Research Express. 2018
- Effect of the calcinations temperatures of phosphate washing waste on the structural and mechanical properties of geopolymeric mortar. Composite Structures. 2018
- Durability Properties of Five Years Aged Lightweight Concretes Containing Rubber Aggregates. Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering. 2017
- A Comparative Study on the Properties of Potentially Bioactive Glasses Obtained by Sol-Gel Technique and by Melting Mixtures of Oxides. Scientific Bulletin of Valahia University: Materials and Mechanics. 2017
- Red mud-based geopolymers with tailored alkali diffusion properties and pH buffering ability. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017
- Eco-efficient mortars with incorporation of phase change materials. Journal of Building Physics. 2017
- Thermal behavior of mortars with incorporation of phase change materials (PCM) in the portuguese climate | Comportamento térmico de argamassas com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase (PCM) no clima português. Materials. 2017
- Influence of adding phase change materials on the physical and mechanical properties of cement mortars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Role of Superplasticizer Additives Upon Hydration Process of Cement Pastes. Scientific Bulletin of Valahia University: Materials and Mechanics. 2016
- Thermal performance and cost analysis of mortars made with PCM and different binders. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Fresh State Properties of Concrete Incorporating Scrap Tire Rubber. Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering. 2016
- Mortars with Incorporation of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Rehabilitation. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- Concrete with triphasic conductive materials for self-monitoring of cracking development subjected to flexure. Composite Structures. 2016
- Optimal behavior of responsive residential demand considering hybrid phase change materials. Applied Energy. 2016
- Cost efficiency and resistance to chemical attack of a fly ash geopolymeric mortar versus epoxy resin and acrylic paint coatings. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2016
- Bioactivity enhancement of calcined kaolin geopolymer with CaCl2 treatment. ScienceAsia. 2016
- Experimental and numerical studies of hybrid PCM embedded in plastering mortar for enhanced thermal behaviour of buildings. Energy. 2016
- Hydration products of geopolymeric mortars based on Tunisian clay for repair of concrete structures | Produtos de hidratação em argamassas geopoliméricas à base de argila da Tunísia para reparação de estruturas de concreto. Materials. 2016
- Cost-efficient one-part alkali-activated mortars with low global warming potential for floor heating systems applications. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2015
- Self-monitoring of freeze-thaw damage using triphasic electric conductive concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Effect of temperature on mortars with incorporation of phase change materials. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Mix design, properties and cost analysis of fly ash-based geopolymer foam. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Argamassas com incorporação de Materiais de Mudança de Fase (PCM): Caracterização física, mecânica e durabilidade. Materials. 2015
- Mortars based in different binders with incorporation of phase-change materials: Physical and mechanical properties. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2015
- Apatite formation on calcined kaolin-white Portland cement geopolymer. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2015
- Assessing the feasibility of impregnating phase change materials in lightweight aggregate for development of thermal energy storage systems. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Ranking procedure based on mechanical, durability and thermal behavior of mortars with incorporation of phase change materials. Materiales de Construcción. 2015
- Thermal behavior of cement based plastering mortar containing hybrid microencapsulated phase change materials. Energy and Buildings. 2014
- Compressive strength, microstructure and hydration products of hybrid alkaline cements. Materials Research. 2014
- Estimation of the specific enthalpy–temperature functions for plastering mortars containing hybrid mixes of phase change materials. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering. 2014
- Fibres for enhancing of the bond capacity between GFRP rebar and concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2014
- Carbonation of surface protected concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Influence of the Type of Phase Change Materials Microcapsules on the Properties of Lime-Gypsum Thermal Mortars. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2013
- Incorporation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in mortars — Influence of microstructure in the hardened state properties and photocatalytic activity. Cement and Concrete Research. 2013
- Latent heat storage in PCM containing mortars-Study of microstructural modifications. Energy and Buildings. 2013
- Properties and durability of HPC with tyre rubber wastes. Composite Structures. 2012
- Study on residual behaviour and flexural toughness of fibre cocktail reinforced self compacting high performance concrete after exposure to high temperature. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Concrete retrofitting using metakaolin geopolymer mortars and CFRP. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Fresh state characterization of lime mortars with PCM additions. Applied Rheology. 2010
- Effect of temperature on RC elements strengthened with CFRP. Materials and Structures. 2008
- Mechanical behaviour of Portland cement mortars with incorporation of Al-containing salt slags. Cement and Concrete Research. 2000
- Durability of polymeric pipes in contact with domestic products. Composite Structures. 1999
capítulo de livro
- A New Sustainable System for Piped Water Cooling of Mass Concrete Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2023
- Early Age Temperature Control in Mass Concrete Through Incorporation of Dispersed Phase Change Materials (PCMs). RILEM Bookseries. 2021
- Performance Requirements, Challenges and Existing Solutions of PCM in Massive Concrete for Temperature Control. RILEM Bookseries. 2021
- Characterization of non-proprietary UHPC for use in rehabilitation/strengthening applications. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Sustainable Development of Piped Water Cooling of Mass Concrete Structures 2022
- Effectiveness of incorporation of pristine phase change materials on cement-based mortar 2022
- Caracterização dos materiais constituintes das alvenarias de pedra 2022
- Características dos blocos de cimento furados para alvenaria 2022
- Desempenho em misturas drenantes na prevenção de zonas com elevado risco de água 2022
- Propriedades de betão drenante em misturas com agregados reciclados 2022
- Materiais de Construção I 2018
- Materiais Avançados de Construção e Reabilitação 2017
- NDT testing of stiffness evolution of UHPFRC since casting 2017
An experimental investigation on nano-TiO
2 and fly ash based high performance concrete 2016 - Qualidade de Betões 2015
- Patologia e Reabilitação da Construção 2014
- Patologia e Reabilitação da Pedra Natural 2011
- Qualidade de Argamassas 2011
- Tecnologias Tradicionais 2011
- Materiais de Construção II 2009
- Controlo da Qualidade do Betão 2008
- Qualidade de Argamassas 2008
- Materiais de Construção I 2007
- Patologia e Reabilitação do Betão 2006
- Materiais de Construção I 2005
- Patologia do Betão 2003
- Materiais de Construção II 2001
- Introdução aos Materiais de Construção 1999
- Materiais de Construção 1999
- Reparação e Protecção de Betões Hidráulicos 1999
- Materiais de Construção I 1998
- Corrosão do Aço no Betão 1997
- Materiais de Construção 1997
- Materiais de Construção 1995
- Aplicação de polímeros epóxido na reparação, protecção e colagem de elementos de betão 1986
- Estudo da ligação adesiva, em meio húmido, entre sistemas epóxido e materiais hidráulicos 1986
- Concrete Materials and Technology: A Practical Guide 2023
- Eficiência energética dos edifícios: contributo dos materiais de mudança de fase 2021
- Innovative Materials for Construction 2021
- A Comprehensive Method for Concrete Mix Design 2020
- Durabilidade de um material cimentício de ultraelevado desempenho reforçado com fibras metálicas 2018
- Performance on an Alkali-Activated Cement-Based Binder (AACB) for Coating of an OPC Infrastructure Exposed to Chemical Attack: A Case Study 2016
- Performance of alkali-activated mortars for the repair and strengthening of OPC concrete 2015
- Preface 2015
- Materiais de Construção Sustentáveis 2014
- Key Engineering Materials: Preface 2011
- 13th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete 2010
- Service life of concrete strutures rehabilitated with polymers 2010
- Effect of temperature on systems for the reinforcement of concrete 2007
- International Symposium on Polymers in Concrete 2006
- Incorporation feasibility of leather residues in bricks 2002
- Patologia e Reabilitação da Construção 2001
- Recuperação de estruturas de betão armado 1993
- Conceção de um betão drenante para pavimentos rígidos 2023
- Betão leve com resíduos de fundição 2021
- Materiais ativados alcalinamente com base em cinza volante 2021
- Avaliação da Durabilidade de Elementos Estruturais Mistos em Aço e Betão, Colados e Submetidos à Flexão 2020
- Uso de nanomateriais na prevenção de fungos em paredes e tetos 2020
- Reabilitação de um Edifício com Cross Lamminated Timber (CLT) 2019
- Comportamento de Argamassas Térmicas Submetidas a Condições Extremas 2018
- Comportamento de argamassas com incorporação de material de mudança de fase não encapsulado submetidas a condições extremas 2018
- Desenvolvimento e caraterização de argamassas com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase 2018
- Incorporação de Materiais Ecoeficientes em Blocos de Terra 2018
- Durabilidade do betão auto-compactável de elevado desempenho face ao ataque químico 2017
- Development of foam one-part geopolymers 2016
- Durabilidade de varões compósitos entrançados (BCR) submetidos a ambientes agressivos 2016
- Incorporation of hybrid phase change materials in plastering mortars for increased energy efficiency in buildings 2016
- Ligantes de baixo impacto ambiental e baixo custo, baseados na ativação química de escórias de aciaria 2015
- Análise de argamassas geopoliméricas expostas a temperaturas elevadas em edifícios industriais 2014
- Argamassas geopoliméricas para reparação de betões expostos a ataques de ácidos 2014
- Controlo da qualidade de betões 2014
- Desempenho comparado entre argamassas geopoliméricas correntes e monofásicas com condutibilidade térmica melhorada 2014
- Reciclagem de placas de gesso cartonado 2014
- Avaliação do desempenho das envolventes dos edifícios face à acção dos sismos 2013
- Durabilidade de geopolímeros monofásicos 2013
- Estudo de tintas autolimpantes e purificadoras 2013
- O edifício doente: relação entre construção, saúde e bem-estar 2013
- Otimização da quantidade de cinzas volantes em betões : benefício económico 2013
- Resistência a altas temperaturas de argamassas com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase (PCM) 2013
- Utilização de nanopartículas para obtenção de betões de elevado desempenho 2013
- Argamassas sustentáveis de baixa retração 2012
- Geopolímeros: contributos para a redução das eflorescências 2012
- Reabilitação sustentável de estruturas em betão armado 2012
- Utilização de geopolímeros para protecção de betão : resistência a altas temperaturas 2012
- Argamassas funcionais para uma construção sustentável 2011
- Conformidade da resistência à compressão do betão 2011
- Incorporação de materiais de mudança de fases em materiais de construção 2009
- Contribuição dos revestimentos poliméricos para a durabilidade de betões em ambientes agressivos 2006
- Influência de temperaturas elevadas no comportamento de reforços exteriores de betão armado 2006
- Anomalias em paredes de alvenaria sem função estrutural 2005
- Utilização de materiais activos para melhoria do desempenho térmico das construções 2005
- Otimização das Condições de Processamento para Inertização de Resíduos Industriais de Alumínio em Matrizes Cerâmicas Estruturais 2004
- Betões de elevado desempenho com incorporação de cinzas volantes 2002
- Contribuição para o estudo da aderência entre polímeros e betão 1990