publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Emotion regulation and negative urgency in adolescents’ disordered eating: The mediation role of executive functions 2024
- Food addiction and grazing - The role of difficulties in emotion regulation and negative urgency in university students. Nutrients. 2023
- The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Disordered Eating Behaviors in a Community Sample: The Mediation Role of Psychological Distress. Journal: Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. 2022
- Eating behaviors and weight outcomes in bariatric surgery patients amidst COVID-19. Surg Obes Relat Dis. . 2021
- Intuitive Eating Scale-2: Factor Structure and Associations with Disordered Eating, Impulsivity and Quality of life in Adolescents with Overweight/Obesity. Eat Behav. 2021
- The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Disordered Eating Behaviors in a Community Sample: The Mediation Role of Psychological Distress. Journal: Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. 2021
capítulo de livro
- Assessing Psychometric Properties of the LOCES and LOCES-B: A Comprehensive Study in a Portuguese Community Sample and Bariatric Surgery Population, 2024
- Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of LOCES and LOCES-B: A Comprehensive Analysis in a Portuguese Community Sample and Among Individuals Undergoing Bariatric Surgery. 2024
- O papel do eixo microbiota-intestino-cérebro na compreensão da compulsão alimentar - uma revisão sistemática 2023
- Food Addiction and grazing behaviors - the role of difficulties in emotion regulation and negative urgency in college students 2023
- The role of the microbiota-gut-brain axis in understanding binge-eating - a sistematic review 2023
- ) Food addiction, eating habits and food choices in a sample of college students. 2022
- Characterization of food addiction, eating habits, and food choices in a sample of students from a Portuguese public university 2022
- Emotion regulation impact on eating behavior during adolescence: The protocol of an ongoing research project 2022
- Executive Functions and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Adolescents with Overweight/Obesity 2022
- Food addiction, eating habits and food choices in a sample of college students 2022
- O papel da regulação emocional através da patologia alimentar e peso: Uma revisão sistemática [The role of emotional regulation in eating pathology and weight: A systematic review] 2022
- O papel mediador do auto-criticismo na relação entre a regulação emocional e o petisco contínuo em adolescentes [The mediating role of self-criticism in the relationship between emotional regulation and grazing in adolescents] 2022
- The transdiagnostic role of emotion regulation across eating and weight pathology spectrum during adolescence: A systematic review 2022
- A characterization of the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 lockdown in post-bariatric surgery patients 2021
- Eating behaviors and weight outcomes in post-bariatric surgery patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: A three-year longitudinal study. 2021
- Grazing Eating Behavior in Pediatric Obesity 2021
- Loss of Control Over Eating, Inhibitory Control and Reward Sensitivity in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review 2021
- Maternal Eating Behavior and Problematic Eating Behaviors of Children Undergoing Weight Loss Treatment: A Cluster Analysis. 2021
- Adolescents’ perspective regarding an online intervention program to improve overweight/obesity treatment: preliminary results. 2020
- Mothers and adolescents' experience regarding an online intervention for adolescents with overweight and obesity: A pilot study 2020
- The DSM-5 indicators of loss of control eating: The utility for the bariatric surgery population 2020
- Perceptions about an intervention implemented on Facebook for overweight / obese adolescents 2019
- Psychometric properties of the repetitive eating questionnaire [Rep(eat)- Q] in treatment-seeking adolescents with overweight/obesity 2019