publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Public and patient involvement in health data governance (DATAGov): protocol of a people-centred, mixed-methods study on data use and sharing for rare diseases care and research. BMJ Open. 2021
- Priority of Access to Fertility Treatments Based on Sexual Orientation and Marital Status: the Views of Gamete Donors and Recipients. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 2021
- Public preferences for involvement in the governance of health data. Early Human Development. 2020
- Concerns with educating the public about donating and receiving gametes. European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care. 2019
- A public health approach to patient-centredness in embryo research. Early Human Development. 2016
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Concerns and coping mechanisms during the first national COVID-19 lockdown: an online prospective study in Portugal. Healthcare. 2022
- Benefits and Risks of Sharing Genomic Data for Research: Comparing the Views of Rare Disease Patients, Informal Carers and Healthcare Professionals. Healthcare. 2022
- Public Views About Involvement in Decision-Making on Health Data Sharing, Access, Use and Reuse: The Importance of Trust in Science and Other Institutions. Frontiers in Public Health: Public Health Education and Promotion. 2022
- Payment to gamete donors: equality, gender equity, or solidarity?. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2019
capítulo de livro
- Getting involved in decisions about health data sharing, access, use and reuse? The views of rare disease patients and carers 2022
- Donating gametes to family and friends: the views of donors and recipients 2021
- Anonimato na doação de gâmetas: o que pensam dadores e beneficiários? 2019
- Campanhas sobre doação de gâmetas: contributo de dadores e beneficiários 2019
- Cuidados centrados nos dadores de gâmetas: facilitadores e constrangimentos 2019
- Investigação com embriões criados por doação de gâmetas: quem deve ser envolvido no consentimento? 2019
- Changing criteria of access to gamete donation: the views of donors and recipients 2019
- Data governance in gamete donation: policy on information sharing among gamete donors and recipients 2019
- Public participation in health data governance: a scoping review 2019
- Solidarity and reciprocity in data governance: information sharing among gamete donors and recipients 2019
- Geopolitical and gender inequalities in the transnational flow of gametes 2016
- The collection of narratives on strategies, ethics and public response of COVID-19 national vaccination process written by members of scholarly association Navigating Knowledge Landscapes Network