publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- EPIC: A Framework to Exploit Parallelism in Irregular Codes. Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience. 2016
artigo de conferência
- SGAIN, WSGAIN-CP and WSGAIN-GP: Novel GAN Methods for Missing Data Imputation 2021
- TBox - Risk Classification Models for Kidney Graft Failure 2021
- Towards a Faster and Accurate Supertree Inference 2015
- Multilevel Task Parallelism Exploitation on Asymmetric Sets of Tasks and When Using Third-Party Tools 2015
- On the Synthesis and Reconfiguration of Pipelines 2015
- ReActOR: A Middleware as a Service to Interact with Objects Remotely 2015
- Parallelizing SuperFine 2012
- Improving the Separation of Parallel Code in Skeletal Systems 2009
- Non-Invasive Gridification through an Aspect-Oriented Approach 2008
artigo de revista
- Parallel SuperFine—A Tool for Fast and Accurate Supertree Estimation: Features and limitations. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2017