publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Penetrating Keratoplasty.. Sociedade Portuguesa De Oftalmologia. 2023
- Analysis of conjunctival vascular density in scleral contact lens wearers using optical coherence tomography angiography. 2022
- Optical coherence tomography angiography in herpetic leucoma. 2022
- Biomechanical and Tomographic Corneal Evaluation in High Myopia After Correction with Iris-fixated Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation.. Revista Española de Investigaciones Oftalmológicas. 2015
- Light Distortion and Ocular Scattering with Glistening and Aberration-free Pseudophakic Iol: a Pilot Study. . Journal of Emmetropia. 2015
- Alterações Induzidas pela Cirurgia da Catarata na Córnea e Câmara Anterior. . Oftalmologia . 2009
- Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography in Scleral Contact Lens Wearers: Conjunctival Vascular Density. 2022
- Impacto das Lentes de Contacto Esclerais na Densidade Vascular, em doentes com Queratocone: Angiografia por tomografia de Coerência Ótica de Segmento Anterior. 2021
- Manual of Clinical Cases I. /Manual de casos clínicos I. 2021
- Manual of Clinical Cases II./ Manual de casos clínicos II. 2021
- Practical Manual of Basic Contactology I. /Manual prático de Contactologia Básica I. 2021
- Practical Manual of Ocular Electrophysiology/ Manual prático de Eletrofisiologia Ocular 2021
- Subjective Evaluation of Visual Outcomes After Premium Intraocular Lens Implantation 2016
- Biomechanical and Tomographic Corneal Evaluation in High Myopia After Correction with Iris-fixated Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation. 2014
- Diurnal Variations in new Biomechanical Corneal and Ocular Parameters Measuered with Covis-ST. 2014
- Effect of Residual Astigmatism in Light Distortion After Cataract Surgery with Monophocal Aspheric IOL. 2014
- Avaliação da Espessura Corneana Central com Métodos Ultrassónico, Especular e de Coerência Ótica (Lenstar LS900). 2013
- Long-term Outcomes of Corneal and Anterior Chamber Changes After Phacoemulsification. 2009
- Cirurgia da Catarata por Facoemulsificação: variação da biomecânica e tomografia corneanas. 2008