publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The influence of synorogenic extension on the crustal architecture of North Gondwana during the assembly of Pangaea (Ossa–Morena Zone, SW Iberia). Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 2023
- Cadomian arc recycling along the northern Gondwana margin: Source-inherited composition of Miaolingian rift-related rhyolitic rocks (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia). Journal of African Earth Sciences. 2023
- Revisiting the Intermediate Sediment Repository Concept Applied to the Provenance of Zircon. Minerals. 2021
- Age of the basement beneath the Mesozoic Lusitanian Basin revealed by granitic xenoliths from the Papôa volcanic breccia (West Iberia). Geologica Acta. 2020
- Chronostratigraphic framework and provenance of the Ossa-Morena Zone Carboniferous basins (southwest Iberia). Solid Earth. 2020
- Detrital zircon provenance of Triassic sandstone of the Algarve Basin (SW Iberia): evidence of Gondwanan- and Laurussian-type sources of sediment. Geological Magazine. 2020
- Isotope geochemistry evidence for Laurussian-type sources of South Portuguese Zone Carboniferous turbidites (Variscan Orogeny). Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 2020
- Comment on Baltic provenance of top-Famennian siliciclastic material of the northern Rhenish Massif, Rhenohercynian zone of the Variscan orogen, by Koltonik et al., International Journal of Earth Sciences (2018) 107:2645–2669. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2019
- Comment on “Stratigraphy of the Northern Pulo do Lobo Domain, SW Iberia Variscides: A palynological contribution” by Zélia Pereira et al. (2018) – Geobios 51, 491–506. Geobios. 2019
- Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of Cambrian magmatism in the Coastal Block (Oued Rhebar volcanic complex, Moroccan Meseta): Implications for the geodynamic evolutionary model of North-Gondwana. Journal of African Earth Sciences. 2019
- Recycling of the Proterozoic crystalline basement in the Coastal Block (Moroccan Meseta): New insights for understanding the geodynamic evolution of the northern peri-Gondwanan realm. Precambrian Research. 2018
- Time-space distribution of silicic plutonism in a gneiss dome of the Iberian Variscan Belt: The Évora Massif (Ossa-Morena Zone, Portugal). Tectonophysics. 2018
- Birth and demise of the Rheic Ocean magmatic arc(s): Combined U–Pb and Hf isotope analyses in detrital zircon from SW Iberia siliciclastic strata. Lithos. 2017
- Coeval interaction between magmas of contrasting composition (Late Carboniferous-Early Permian Santa Eulália-Monforte massif, Ossa-Morena Zone): Field relationships and geochronological constraints. Geologica Acta. 2017
- Detrital provenance of the Upper Triassic siliciclastic rocks from southwest Iberia: a review. Journal of Iberian Geology. 2017
- Provenance of upper Triassic sandstone, southwest Iberia (Alentejo and Algarve basins): tracing variability in the sources. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2017
- S-type granite generation and emplacement during a regional switch from extensional to contractional deformation (Central Iberian Zone, Iberian autochthonous domain, Variscan Orogeny). International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2017
- Provenance of Holocene beach sand in the Western Iberian margin: The use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the deciphering of sediment recycling in a modern coastal system. Sedimentology. 2016
- Evidence for multi-cycle sedimentation and provenance constraints from detrital zircon U-Pb ages: Triassic strata of the Lusitanian basin (western Iberia). Tectonophysics. 2015
- Sediment sources and transport pathway identification based on grain-size distributions on the SW coast of Portugal. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 2015
- Applying the kolmogorov-smirnov test to sedimentary provenance studies | Utilização do teste kolmogorov-smirnov para estudos de proveniência sedimentar. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Provenance study of Pliocene-Pleistocene sands based on ancient detrital zircons (Alvalade Basin, SW Iberian Atlantic coast). Sedimentary Geology. 2014
- A new and practical method to obtain grain size measurements in sandy shores based on digital image acquisition and processing. Sedimentary Geology. 2012
- A precise and efficient methodology to analyse the shoreline displacement rate. Journal of Coastal Research. 2011
- Equilibrium configuration of sandy embayed beaches from the Southwest Portuguese rocky coast. Journal of Coastal Research. 2011
- Medium-term evolution of an intermediate beach with an intertidal bar (Amoreira beach, Southwest Portuguese rocky coast). Journal of Coastal Research. 2011
- New land-based method for surveying sandy shores and extracting DEMs: The INSHORE system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011
- Sand size versus beachface slope - An explanation based on the Constructal Law. Geomorphology. 2010
- Use of sand beds of variable permeability in beach profile engineering. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010
- Shadowing effects on beach morphodynamics during storm events on Tróia-Sines embayed coast, Southwest Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009
- Micropalaeontological record of Holocene estuarine and marine stages in the Corgo do Porto rivulet (Mira River, SW Portugal). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2006
artigo de conferência
- Revisiting the Ediacaran Cambrian boundary in the Ossa Morena Zone (SW Iberia) 2019
- Unraveling terrane sources of synorogenic basins provenance analysis of Late Devonian Carboniferous siliciclastic rocks from SW Iberia (Variscan belt) 2019
- Sedimentary provenance of siliciclastic rocks from the Lalla Mouchaa Calcschists Formation (Coastal Block, Western Rehamna): Evidence of denudation of ca. 2 Ga basement in the Moroccan Meseta 2018
- U-Pb geochronology of the El Jadida rhyolite and relation to possible Lower Cambrian recycling (Coastal block, Moroccan Meseta) 2018
- Early Carboniferous synorogenic basins evolution of the Ossa-Morena and Galicia-Trás-os-Montes zones (Iberia): a tectonic model, IX Congreso Geológico de España - Simpósio S3: Correlación de los terrenos alóctonos del NO y SO del Macizo Ibérico 2016
- Tracing the geodynamic evolution of the North Gondwana margin using detrital zircon geochronology of Pliocene-Pleistocene sand from SW Iberia 2014
- Sedimentary record of the amalgamation and break up of Pangea: U Pb detrital zircon geochronology and provenance of Carboniferous Triassic siliciclastic rocks, SW Iberia 2014
- Utilização do Teste Kolmogorov Smirnov para estudos de proveniência sedimentar 2014
- Short-term evolution of a reflective beach sector in front of a coastal lagoon (Southwest Portuguese coast) 2012
- Generation of DSM using aerial stereo images for reconstruction of the sea cliff retreat pattern controlled by gulling process, Costa da Galé and Melides sectors (Southwest of Portugal) 2012
- Caracterização da Agitação Marítima no Arco Litoral Tróia Sines para os anos de 2009 e 2010 2012
- Evaluation of the short-term sea cliff retreat along the Tróia-Sines Embayed Coast (Costa da Galé sector), using stereo digital aerial images and Bayesian inference 2011
- Sediment Transport using Grain Size Trend Analysis A Case Study in SW of Portugal 2011
- Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of the Aljezur alluvial plain (SW Portuguese coast) 2011
- Medium-term evolution of an intermediate beach with an intertidal bar (Amoreira beach, Southwest Portuguese rocky coast) 2011
- Equilibrium configuration of sandy embayed beaches from the Southwest Portuguese rocky coast 2011
- Metodologia Inovadora para Monitorização da Erosão Costeira, Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira 2011
- Probabilistic surface change detection and measurement from digital aerial stereo images. 2010
- Characterization of the wave field along the Tróia-Sines embayed coast during a storm event. 2010
- Evolution of the beach profile in response to storm incidence: Santo André beach, Portuguese Southwest coast 2010
capítulo de livro
- Isotope geochemistry evidence for Laurussian-type sources of South Portuguese Zone Carboniferous turbidites (Variscan Orogeny) 2019
- Early Carboniferous synorogenic basins evolution of the Ossa-Morena and Galicia-Trás-os-Montes zones (Iberia): a tectonic model 2016
- Sedimentary Provenance of Neogene Strata From the Southwestern Portuguese Coast (Sines Cape): Detrital Zircon U–Pb Geochronology 2014
- Beachface slope and sand size, §5.5. In: Constructal theory and multi-scale geometries 2010
- Use of sand beds of variable permeability in beach profile engineering 2010
- Riscos Costeiros 2005
- Deteção Remota aplicada ao estudo da evolução morfossedimentar da parte terminal do Estuário do Rio Mira. 2020
- Dinâmica de Sistemas Sedimentares do Litoral Ocidental Português a sul do Cabo Espichel. 2005
- Caracterização do fenómeno da sobreelevação do nível do mar de origem meteorológica em Portugal Continental. Efeito Amplificador deste fenómeno sobre as variações volumétricas de sedimentos nas praias da Comporta, São Torpes, Odeceixe e Arrifana. 1997