publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Nonlinear Internal Tides in a Realistically Forced Global Ocean Simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2023
- Internal Solitary Waves within the Cold Tongue of the Equatorial Pacific Generated by Buoyant Gravity Currents. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 2023
- Spatial and temporal variability in mode-1 and mode-2 internal solitary waves from MODIS-Terra sun glint off the Amazon shelf. Ocean Science. 2023
- On the distinction of seasonal internal solitary waves characteristics in the Lombok Strait based on multi-satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2023
- Using a Tandem Flight Configuration between Sentinel-6 and Jason-3 to Compare SAR and Conventional Altimeters in Sea Surface Signatures of Internal Solitary Waves. Remote Sensing. 2023
- Multi-polarization radar backscatter signatures of internal waves at L-band. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2022
- Effects of Surface Wave Breaking Caused by Internal Solitary Waves in SAR Altimeter: Sentinel-3 Copernicus Products and Advanced New Products. Remote Sensing. 2022
- Coordinated Robotic Exploration of Dynamic Open Ocean Phenomena. Field Robotics. 2022
- Short timescale variability in large-amplitude internal waves on the western Portuguese shelf. Continental Shelf Research. 2022
- Small-Scale Topographic Effects on the Generation of Along-Shelf Propagating Internal Solitary Waves on the Amazon Shelf.. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2021
- Linking ocean colour features in the Western Iberian margin to wave-induced sediment resuspension and coccolithophore patches.. Continental Shelf Research. 2021
- Surface wave breaking caused by internal solitary waves: Effects on radar backscattering measured by SAR and radar altimeter.. Oceanography. 2021
- Using SAR imagery to survey internal solitary wave interactions: A case study off the Western Iberian shelf. Continental Shelf Research. 2021
- On the generation of internal waves by river plumes in subcritical initial conditions. Acta Cytologica. 2021
- Internal Wave Dark-Band Signatures in ALOS-PALSAR Imagery Revealed by the Standard Deviation of the Co-Polarized Phase Difference. Remote Sensing. 2020
- Long lived second mode internal solitary waves in the Andaman Sea. Acta Cytologica. 2020
- SEASTAR: A Mission to Study Ocean Submesoscale Dynamics and Small-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Processes in Coastal, Shelf and Polar Seas. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019
- SAR-Mode Altimetry Observations of Internal Solitary Waves in the Tropical Ocean Part 2: A Method of Detection. Remote Sensing. 2019
- Studies of Internal Waves in the Strait of Georgia Based on Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing. 2019
- Remote Sensing of Organic Films on the Water Surface Using Dual Co-Polarized Ship-Based X-/C-/S-Band Radar and TerraSAR-X. Remote Sensing. 2018
- Internal Solitary Waves in the Andaman Sea: New Insights from SAR Imagery. Remote Sensing. 2018
- SAR Mode Altimetry Observations of Internal Solitary Waves in the Tropical Ocean Part 1: Case Studies. Remote Sensing. 2018
- Internal waves along the Malvinas Current: Evidence of transcritical generation in satellite imagery. Oceanography. 2017
- Satellite Altimetry Observations of Large-Scale Internal Solitary Waves. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2017
- Role of internal waves on mixing, nutrient supply and phytoplankton community structure during spring and neap tides in the upwelling ecosystem of Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula). Limnology and Oceanography. 2017
- Effect of the North Equatorial Counter Current on the generation and propagation of internal solitary waves off the Amazon shelf (SAR observations). Ocean Science. 2016
- Transcritical Flow and Generation of Internal Solitary Waves off the Amazon River Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations and Interpretation. Oceanography. 2016
- Internal waves on the upstream side of a large sill of the Mascarene Ridge: A comprehensive view of their generation mechanisms and evolution. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2015
- Reprint of: Chlorophyll enhancement in the central region of the Bay of Biscay as a result of internal tidal wave interaction. Journal of Marine Systems. 2015
- Validation of standard and alternative satellite ocean-color chlorophyll products off Western Iberia. European Journal of Operational Research. 2015
- Whales and waves: Humpback whale foraging response and the shoaling of internal waves at Stellwagen Bank. Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans. 2015
- Chlorophyll enhancement in the central region of the Bay of Biscay as a result of internal tidal wave interaction. Journal of Marine Systems. 2014
- Observation of a turbid plume using MODIS imagery: The case of Douro estuary (Portugal). European Journal of Operational Research. 2014
- Effect of internal waves on near-surface chlorophyll concentration and primary production in the Nazaré Canyon (west of the Iberian Peninsula). Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2013
- Internal solitary waves on the Saya de Malha bank of the Mascarene Plateau: SAR observations and interpretation. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2013
- Nonlinear Internal Waves in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery. Oceanography. 2013
- On the detectability of internal waves by an imaging lidar. Geophysical Research Letters. 2013
- Two spatial scales in a bleaching event: Corals from the mildest and the most extreme thermal environments escape mortality. Limnology and Oceanography. 2013
- Internal solitary waves in the red sea an un folding mystery. Oceanography. 2012
- SAR observations of internal solitary waves generated at the Estremadura Promontory off the west Iberian coast. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2012
- Soliton generation by internal tidal beams impinging on a pycnocline: Laboratory experiments. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2012
- The generation of nonlinear Internal waves. Oceanography. 2012
- Atmospheric gravity waves in the Red Sea: A new hotspot. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 2011
- Nearshore, seasonally persistent fronts in sea surface temperature on Red Sea tropical reefs. Ices Journal of Marine Science. 2011
- On the structure and propagation of internal solitary waves generated at the Mascarene Plateau in the Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2011
- Remote sensing of water quality parameters over Alqueva reservoir in the south of Portugal. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2011
- Internal solitary waves in the Mozambique Channel: Observations and interpretation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2009
- On the observability of the fortnightly cycle of the Tagus estuary turbid plume using MODIS ocean colour images. Journal of Marine Systems. 2009
- Satellite observations of large atmospheric gravity waves in the Mozambique Channel. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2009
- The response of sound scatterers to El Ninõ- and La Niña-like oceanographic regimes in the southeastern Atlantic. Ices Journal of Marine Science. 2009
- Synthetic Aperture Radar observations of resonantly generated internal solitary waves at Race Point Channel (Cape Code). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2008
- Evidence of sediment resuspension by nonlinear internal waves on the western Portuguese mid-shelf. Marine Geology. 2007
- On the role of SAR for observing "local generation" of internal solitary waves off the Iberian Peninsula. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 2007
- Physical oceanography of the western Iberia ecosystem: Latest views and challenges. Progress in Oceanography. 2007
- On the generation and propagation of internal solitary waves in the southern Bay of Biscay. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2006
- On the observability of internal tidal waves in remotely-sensed ocean colour data. Geophysical Research Letters. 2002
- On the role of wind direction in ERS SAR signatures of internal waves on the Iberian shelf. Global Atmosphere and Ocean System. 2002
- Remote-sensing evidence for the local generation of internal soliton packets in the central Bay of Biscay. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2002
- Synergy between synthetic aperture radar and other sensors for the remote sensing of the ocean. Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications. 2001
- Role of surface films in ERS SAR signatures of internal waves on the shelf 3. Mode transitions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2000
- Role of surface films in ERS SAR signatures of internal waves on the shelf 1. Sort-period internal waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 1998
- Role of surface films in ERS SAR signatures of internal waves on the shelf 2. Internal tidal waves. Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans. 1998
- The application of near real-time ERS-1 SAR data to the prediction of the location of internal waves at sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 1997
- The use of a fast-delivery ERS-1 SAR image to study internal waves at sea. Earth Observation Quarterly. 1995
artigo de conferência
- L-Band Co-Polarized Backscattering Analysis of Internal Waves. 2022
- On the variability of internal waves on the western Portuguese shelf 2022
- Can We Retrieve Internal Soliton Amplitudes in the Ocean with SAR Altimetry? What Would This Be Good For? 2020
- Detection of internal solitary waves with conventional and advanced SAR altimetry processing methods: Preliminary results 2020
- Further Insights on the Effects of Surfactants on Internal Wave SAR Signatures by Means of the Co-Polarized Phase Difference 2020
- SAR observations of internal solitary waves off the Portuguese coast: nonlinear interactions 2020
- Multiple Autonomous Vehicles Applied to Plume Detection and Tracking 2018
- SAR imaging of wave tails: recognition of second mode internal waves patterns and some mechanisms of their formation. 2016
- Satellite oceanography from the ERS synthetic aperture radar and radar altimeter: A brief review 2013
- Remote sensing of oil films on the water surface using radar 2012
- The EUFAR transnational access project A.NEW (Airborne observations of Nonlinear Evolution of internal Waves generated by internal tidal beams) 2012
- Possibilities of oil slick detection on the sea surface using radar 2010
- Comparison of MERIS (algal-1 and algal-2) and MODIS (OC3M) chlorophyll products and validation with HPLC in situ data collected off the western Iberian Peninsula 2008
- Do moving polar highs play a role on the generation of internal solitary waves in the atmosphere? 2008
- Internal waves effect on near-surface chlorophyll concentration: Remote sensing and modelling 2008
- Marine surface films in the coastal zone: What can we learn using remote sensing data? 2007
- Study of the water quality of Alqueva artificial lake in the South of Portugal using MERIS data 2007
- Potes M., M.J. Costa and J.C.B. da Silva, 2007. Study of the Water Quality of Alqueva Artificial Lake in the South of Portugal Using MERIS Data.Envisat Symposium 2007 , 23¬27 April 2007, Montreux, Switzerland. SP-636, Nº 461440. 2007
- Potes, M., M.J. Costa, J.C.B. da Silva, 2007. “Detecção remota de parâmetros associados com a qualidade da água de lagos artificiais”. 3º Encontro de pós-graduação em investigação e ensino das ciências físicas e da terra da Universidade de Évora, 47-48. 2007
- Remote sensing of slicks as indicators for marine processes in the Coastal Zone 2007
- Observation of rip currents by synthetic aperture radar 2006
- SIMP: Slicks as indicators for marine processes 2005
- Using marine surface films as indicators for marine processes in the coastal zone 2005
- Observações In Situ e com Satélites da Pluma do Rio Douro 2004
- Synergy of MERIS/ASAR for observing marine film slicks and small scale processes 2003
- Hot-spots of internal wave activity off iberia revealed by multisensor remote sensing satellite observations - Spotiwave 2003
- Can internal tidal waves be observed by ocean color satellite sensors? 2002
- Possible generation sites of internal solitary waves observed by ERS SAR in the central region of the Bay of Biscay 2002
- Multisensor observations of internal waves and their effects in the Bay of Biscay 2000
- On the role of wind direction in ERS SAR signatures of internal waves on the Iberian shelf 2000
- On the variety of internal wave radar observations in the ocean. 1. Slick-like signatures 2000
- On the variety of internal wave radar observations in the ocean. 2. Rip-like signatures 2000
- ERS SAR observations of long internal waves with positive backscatter signatures 1999
- Can internal waves be used to detect organic films from space? 1998
- ERS SAR imaging of long period internal (tidal) waves 1997
- Radar and optical measurements of damping of small-scale wind waves in artificial slicks 1997
- The character of short-period internal wave ERS SAR signatures at very low wind speeds 1997
capítulo de livro
- SAR Remote Sensing of Internal Solitary Waves in the Ocean (Chapter 10) 2018
- A note on radar altimeter signatures of Internal Solitary Waves in the ocean 2016
- Internal solitons in the Andaman Sea: a new look at an old problem 2016
- Radar probing of surfactant films on the water surface using dual co-polarized SAR 2016
- Spreading of oil films on the sea surface: radar/optical observations and physical mechanisms 2015
- Internal Solitary Waves System in the Mozambique Channel 2014
- Internal Waves 2010
- SAR observation of rip currents off the Portuguese coast 2008
- Sentinel-3 SAR Mode altimetry observations of wave breaking dissipation owing to large-amplitude Internal Solitary Waves: effects on SWH and radar backscatter 2022
- The generation of Internal Solitary Waves by buoyant gravity currents released from Tropical Instability Waves in the Pacific Ocean: satellite observations and modelling 2022
- Surface wave breaking owing to large amplitude Internal Solitary Waves: a MULTISENSOR approach to observe effects on SWH and radar altimeter backscattering 2022
- Interactions and variability in Internal Waves off Cabo Mondego (Portugal) 2022
- Sentinel-6 and Jason-3: Internal Solitary Wave synergy observations in SAR and conventional altimeters 2022
- A submesoscale cyclonic eddy observed with autonomous vehicles in synergy with ship and satellite measurements 2020
- DORIS - Developing an autonomous surface vehicle for measuring marine surfactants at the Ocean-River Interface System 2019
- Synergy of Sentinel-3 Radar Altimeter and OLCI for detection of internal waves (algorithm development). 2019
- SAR mode altimetry observations of internal solitary waves in the tropical ocean: a method of detection 2018
- Radar altimeter signatures of Internal Solitary Waves in the ocean. 2018
- Large current systems affecting Internal Solitary Waves near the Amazon shelf as observed in SAR imagery. 2015
- The generation of mode-1 and mode-2 nonlinear internal waves on the upstream side of a large sill of the Mascarene Ridge (Indian Ocean). 2014
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa, J. C. B. da Silva, 2007. Remote Sensing of Parameters Associated to the Water Quality of Artificial Lakes. 2007
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa, J. C. B. da Silva, 2007. Study of the water quality of Alqueva artificial lake in the south of Portugal using MERIS data. Montreux, Switzerland. 2007