publicações selecionadas
artigo de revista
- Detoxification of Ciprofloxacin in an Anaerobic Bioprocess Supplemented with Magnetic Carbon Nanotubes: Contribution of Adsorption and Biodegradation Mechanisms. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- Tailoring Carbon Nanotubes to Enhance their Efficiency as Electron Shuttle on the Biological Removal of Acid Orange 10 Under Anaerobic Conditions. Nanomaterials. 2020
- Assessment of Butylone degradation by advanced oxidation technologies and ecotoxicity of treated wastewater 2023
- Application of new carbon nanomaterials to accelerate the biological removal of recalcitrant micropollutants under anaerobic conditions 2022
- Modulation of butyrate-degrading methanogenic communities by conductive materials 2021
- Ciprofloxacin removal catalysed by Conductive Carbon Materials 2019
- Toxicity assessment of nanomaterials used in chemical and biological processes for the degradation of ciprofloxacin 2018
- Environmental impact of nanomaterials: assessment of toxicity in chemical and biological processes for the degradation of micropollutants 2018