publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The Impact of Local Governments’ Budget Transparency on Debt in Croatia. South East European Journal of Economics and Business. 2023
- The evolution of epidemics and the publication of epidemic news in the local press: a study in the region of Braga (Northern Portugal). Humanities & Social Sciences Communication. 2023
- Is there a pollution haven in European Union global value chain participation?. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2023
- Reproduction of Parental Occupations, Income and Poverty in Brazil. Social Indicators Research. 2023
- Why Are They Here? The Intentions of Brazilian Exhibitor at Business Fairs. Revista Administração em Diálogo - RAD. 2023
- “It’s the average cost, mister!” – Explaining the recurrent dismissal of European soccer coaches. Applied Economics. 2023
- Transaction costs and costs of activity independence in B2B buyer-supplier relationships: analysis of Central and Eastern European companies. Central European Management Journal. 2023
- Backpackers' Order and Visit Length in an Urban World Heritage Destination: an Analysis Using Ordered Logit and Linear Models. Tourism Review International. 2023
- Fiscal and monetary interactions in the European countries: panel data analysis. Applied Economics. 2023
- Decomposing wage differences in Brazilian regions: a revised insight about traditional discrimination. International Journal of Social Economics. 2023
- Budget transparency, revenues and debts among local governments in Croatia. South East European Journal of Economics and Business. 2023
- Drivers’ moves in Formula One Economics: A network analysis since 2000. Sport TK: Revista Euroamericana de Ciencias del Deporte. 2023
- The cycle of medieval cathedrals – Explaining the construction of Iberian cathedrals through economic development. European Review. 2023
- Depending on the web: discussing the technological support for parties' survival. Kybernetes. 2022
- European Men's Club Football in the Eyes of Consumers: The Determinants of Television Broadcast Demand. Journal of Sports Economics. 2022
- Exploring determinants of international transfers of women soccer players in Portuguese football. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 2022
- A bibliometric study of the European Super League of football – A new plan or an old threat?. Soccer and SocIETy. 2022
- The Portuguese Hub of Companies in 1973 – Discussing the Corporate Concentration in the Portuguese Economy on the Eve of the April Revolution. European Review. 2022
- As eurorrexións en perspectiva: vellos problemas e novos retos para a cooperación. Revista Galega de Economia. 2022
- Covid and Public Funds: More Opportunities for a Misuse? The Case of the Intermediate Governments of Galicia. Public Organization Review. 2022
- Political budget cycles at the municipal level in Slovakia: between structural dependence and electoral exhibitionism. Local Government Studies. 2022
- The role of policies in transforming regional fiscal structures: an exploratory analysis of spatial data from a policy of fiscal decentralization in Latin America. Journal of Economic Structures. 2022
- A literature review on the European Super League of football – tracing the discussion of a utopia?. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 2022
- Criar pontes entre o solidário e o mercantil: Riscos e benefícios de um trabalho colaborativo. Cooperativismo e Economia Social. 2022
- Efficiency of the European Union farm types: Scenarios with and without the 2013 CAP measures 2022
- Taylor’s rule, political cycle, and Latin America—An analysis of time series in search of responsibility for monetary stabilization. Antibiotics. 2021
- Discussing a challenging document focused on land use: The first bibliometric analysis of Laudato Si'. Land Degradation & Development. 2021
- Expansionary or restrictive policies in the Eurozone? Dominating trends in the first two decades. Acta Oeconomica. 2021
- Cointegrated land use and CO2 emissions—the silent Columbian cattle revolution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021
- What determines governments’ response time to COVID-19? A cross-country inquiry on the measure restricting internal movements. Open Economics. 2021
- Las aspiraciones educativas en Galicia bajo la influencia del territorio, el rendimiento y el perfil socioeconómico. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Reserach. 2020
- On the different survival rates of Portuguese microbusinesses – the case of projects supported by microcredit. Applied Economics. 2020
- The quiet Portuguese: Are Portuguese taxpayers victims of fiscal illusion?. Revista Galega de Economia. 2020
- Exploring the Likelihood of a Country Being a Tax Haven Using MIMIC Models. Econometric Research in Finance. 2020
- Governments as bankers - how European bonds have substituted bank deposits. Applied Economics. 2020
- Discussing the intriguing relation between unemployment and giving practices. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2020
- Discussing the determinants of online budget transparency based on a spatial regression analysis of Croatian cities and municipalities: Do good neighbours make you better?. International Area Studies Review. 2020
- Community development banks (CDB): a bibliometric analysis of the first 2 decades of scientific production. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2020
- Eficiência Financeira, Atores e Interações: Um Estudo do Fluxo de Jogadores entre Clubes e as Equipes Semifinalistas de São Paulo em 2017. Internext. 2020
- Portuguese Ministers as Political Survivors: an empirical analysis of the first 20 Constitutional Governments. Revista de Sociologia e Politica. 2020
- Teaching Teachers for Brazilian Universities: A Content Analysis of Scientific Publications Focused on the Sustainability of Stricto Sensu Programs. Higher Education Studies. 2019
- Forest fire legislation: Reactive or proactive?. Ecological Indicators. 2019
- ‘No country for old men’? The multiplier effects of pensions in Portuguese municipalities - Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance. 2018
- Expenditure on public services in the countries of the European Union. Determinants of fiscal policy and public governance. European Journal of Service Management. 2018
- The Effect of the Establishment of the Portuguese Republic on the Revenue of Secular Brotherhoods: the Case of Bom Jesus de Braga. E-Journal of Portuguese History. 2016
- [Recensão a] Duque, Eduardo (2014), Mudanças culturais, mudanças religiosas – Perfis e tendências da religiosidade em Portugal numa perspetiva comparada. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Editora Húmus, 338 pp. 2016
- Studying the Golden Generations' Effects and the Changes in the Competitive Balance of the Portuguese Soccer League. International Journal of Sport Finance. 2015
- When a Rider Falls: A Discussion of the Economic Costs and Determinants for a Cyclist's Withdrawal. International Journal of Sport Finance. 2014
- Do give looking at whom. Study on the project . Innovar. 2013
- Do give looking at whom. Study on the project "Every Man is my brother" | Dar olhando a quem - Estudo sobre o Projecto "Todo Homem é meu irmão". Innovar. 2013
- Towards a discussion of Rawls's thinking on education | Para uma discussão das políticas educativas à luz de Rawls. Cuadernos de Economia. 2013
- Women out, children out: The effect of female labor on portuguese preschool enrollment rates. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2013
- A case of dictator game in public finances-fiscal illusion between agents 2012
- Analyse the Budget and Financial Question Resolved - Economic Systems and Reforms through extinguishing the deficit being equaled revenue and budget for the economic year 1869 to 1870 with little sacrifice for all with remarkable improvement of many services and without prejudice to any. Journal of Economic Literature. 2012
- On an institutionalist approach to volunteer action - The case of the Portuguese red cross | Para uma abordagem institucionalista do voluntariado - O caso do voluntário da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. Innovar. 2012
- Toward a centrality index for computing grids. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2012
- Location Factors of the Active Religious Brotherhoods: a Research on the Atlantic and Pacific borders. Scripta Nova-Revista Electronica De Geografia Y Ciencias Sociales. 2011
- Location factors of the active religious brotherhoods: A research on the Atlantic and Pacific borders | Factores de localización de las cofradías religiosas en actividad: Una investigación a orillas del Atlántico y el Pacífico. Scripta Nova. 2011
- Time elapsed since the last medical visit: Analysis of a statistical model applied to the case of Spanish women. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira. 2011
- Debate: The dangers of fiscal illusion. Public Money & Management. 2010
- Regional determinants of competitiveness: The case of European soccer teams. International Journal of Sport Finance. 2010
- As exportações portuguesas entre 1714 e 1770: Os efeitos do pombalismo através de uma discussão econométrica. Economia Aplicada. 2009
- The competitiveness of portuguese towns. the case of district capital towns | La competitividad de las ciudades portuguesas. El caso de las capitales de distrito. Revista de Economia Institucional. 2009
- Local development and competitive soccer teams location. The Portuguese case. Investigaciones Regionales. 2008
- Towards a Puviani's fiscal illusion index. Hacienda Publica Espanola. 2008
- Factores de alteração da composição da despesa pública: o caso norte-americano. Notas Económicas. 2007
- The Economics of Illusion. A Discussion Based on Fiscal Illusion. Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice. 2007
- "Why do they prefer the sea? The location of Portuguese professional soccer teams". European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences. 2007
- Contributo para uma visão económica do associativismo religioso - O caso da localização das confrarias activas de Lisboa. Revista de Economia del Rosario. 2007
- The regional planning in Portugal and the European community | La planificación regional en Portugal y en la comunidad Europea. Revista Galega de Economia. 2007
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Revisiting a Macroeconomic Controversy: The Case of the Multiplier–Accelerator Effect. Economies. 2022
- Corruption and inflation in agricultural production: the problem of the chicken and the egg. Economies. 2022
- Health by Words—A Content Analysis of Political Manifestos in the Portuguese Elections of 1975. Healthcare. 2021
- About sad legacies: a study of the intergenerational occupational legacy in Brazil. International Journal of Manpower. 2021
- Explaining COVID-19 contagion in Portuguese municipalities using spatial autocorrelation models. Revista Galega de Economia. 2021
- Lusophone Entrepreneurship: Analysis of Entrepreneurial Behavioural Characteristics in Brazilian and Portuguese Universities. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Through the Irregular Paths of Inequality: An Analysis of the Evolution of Socioeconomic Inequality in Brazilian States Since 1976. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- How Economic Development Influences Entrepreneurial Networks-Dissecting Reasons for the Birth, Development and Death of Local Development’s Agents. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Circular Economy and Economic Development in the European Union: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Economic Development and Changes in Human Resource Management in a Sustainable Agricultural Sector: Recent Evidence from Brazilian Sugar–Alcohol Companies. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Footsteps in the sand: studying refugee paths since 2005 through a network analysis of 205 territories. Quality & Quantity. 2020
- Testing McClelland at the Academy: An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Behavioral Characteristics. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Christianity, democracy, and Maritain: a reading of a path of meetings and retreats. International Review of Economics. 2019
- Many are never too many: an analysis of crowdfunding projects in Brazil. International Journal of Financial Studies. 2018
- Smoking gentlemen - How formula one has controlled CO² emissions. Sustainability (MDPI). 2018
- Costs and economies of scale at not-for-profit organizations: The case of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Barcelos between 2002 and 2013. Social Indicators Research. 2017
- Discussing structural breaks in the Portuguese regulation on forest fires: an economic approach. Land Use Policy. 2016
- Income inequality in host countries and remittances: A discussion of the determinants of Portuguese emigrants’ remittances. International Migration. 2016
- Rhetoric on the economy: have European parties changed their economic messages?. Applied Economics. 2016
- Scoring the efficiency of Portuguese wine exports – an analysis recurring to Stochastic Frontier Models. Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola. 2016
- Soccer transfers, team efficiency and the sports cycle in the most valued European soccer leagues – have European soccer teams been efficient in trading players?. Applied Economics. 2016
- Socio-economic determinants for the portuguese immigration : an empirical discussion. Social Indicators Research. 2016
- Discussing Chevalier’s data on the efficiency of tariffs for american and french canals in the 1830s. Psychological Reports. 2015
- Gini playing soccer. Applied Economics. 2015
- Periodograms on fiscal illusion: discussing the cycle lengths of public finances in European countries. Applied Economics. 2015
- The complex relation between Belarusian trade openness and the agricultural sector. Land Use Policy. 2015
- Does European regional competitiveness influence sports? an analysis of three sports. Applied Economics. 2014
- The choices of the fire - Debating socioeconomic determinants of the fires observed at Portuguese municipalities. Forest Policy and Economics. 2014
- When municipalities go shopping-Portuguese direct awards. Public Money & Management. 2014
- Pork-barrel versus irrelevance effects in Portuguese public spending. Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy. 2013
- The messenger of inflation - how media change political competition. Applied Economics Letters. 2013
- Does the Economic Cycle Change Our Prayers? A Discussion Based on Catholic Bulletins. Kyklos. 2012
- Fiscal illusion around the world: An analysis using the structural equation approach. Public Finance Review. 2012
- How the cake is distributed: the case of Portuguese decentralized grants. Environment and Planning A. 2012
- The African aid trap-are we helping the poorest or the richest?. Agrekon. 2012
- The indebtedness of Portuguese soccer teams - looking for determinants. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2012
- Why does the microcredit borrowing rate differ across countries? A cross-country study. International Journal of Social Economics. 2012
- Has trade openness already voted? A panel data study. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2011
capítulo de livro
- 10. Regiões diferentes, efeitos fiscais diferentes: uma discussão em torno da importância dos desenhos da descentralização fiscal em Portugal 2023
- Conclusions 2023
- Introduction 2023
- The theory behind the pretender state and its imperfect citizens: From fiscal illusion to the logic of collective action 2023
- Ética e política económica – O palco de decisões paralelas, concorrentes e desafiantes 2023
- Economics and COVID-19 2021
- Portuguese Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs) 2021
- Navegação de cabotagem - um economista revê-se ao longo (do primeiro semestre) da pandemia 2020
- População rural e urbana em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro 2020
- From Handshakes to Hugs: How Brazilian Business Fairs Enhance Relationships Between Exhibitors 2019
- Determinants of the Well-Succeeded Crowdfunding Projects in Brazil: A Study of the Platform Kickante 2018
- Technology Transfer by Transnational Corporations: A Discussion of the Importance of Cooperative Arrangements in Foreign Direct Investment 2018
- Designing Inquiries into the Financial Sustainability of Local Associations: The Case of Portuguese Amateur Soccer Teams 2017
- Investors or Givers ? The Case of a Portuguese Crowdfunding Site. AI Communications. 2015
- How Political Illusions Harm National Stability: Fiscal Illusion as a Source of Taxation. AI Communications. 2013
- O ajuste directo em Portugal – Do enquadramento legislativo ao enquadramento económico 2013
- Confissão 2011
- Dívida, perdão e gratuitidade 2011
- Fiscal Illusion Causes Fiscal Delusion – Please Be Careful! 2010
- Nuno Álvares Pereira e a economia política dos séculos XIV e XV 2009
- European Regional Policy and Development 2023
- Regional Development and Forgotten Spaces 2023
- Estudos sobre o setor fundacional : boas práticas de governo no setor fundacional 2022
- A Economia do Esquecimento: rasgando o Estreito de Magalhães 2020
- The Economics of Motorsports 2017
- Economia sem gravata 2015
- A liberdade religiosa como estímulo à migração 2009
- Determinantes da despesa pública em Portugal 2006
- A ilusão fiscal num estudo sobre uma amostra da população portuguesa do Norte do país 2019
- Análise das condições primárias da viabilidade económica e social referente a implementação de painéis solares fotovoltaicos no Bairro de Chigubuta B 2019
- Nivelar os pratos da balança: Estudo da Comunicação Organizacional como fator de sustentabilidade nas parcerias estratégicas entre organizações solidárias e empresas 2018
- Contributo para uma discussão da sustentabilidade económica e financeira das Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social do distrito de Bragança 2017
- Os fundos comunitários como resposta à necessidade de apoio ao financiamento da valorização das PME: uma reflexão a partir do estágio profissional na Vizelgraf e Prescript 2017
- Responsabilidade social das empresas: estudo de caso da Gfi Portugal 2017
- A importância dos instrumentos digitais para a economia do turismo: estudo de caso da Ticketbar 2016
- Estudo sobre os determinantes dos projetos financiados por crowdfunding: o caso do PPL Crowdfunding 2016
- Microcrédito e o desenvolvimento económico na região da África Subsariana: o caso da desigualdade de género 2016
- O Microcrédito na Europa: estudo do impacto da dinâmica das IMF na captação de público 2016
- Para uma discussão dos determinantes da criminalidade em Portugal 2016
- Perceção do contributo das instituições da Economia Social no desenvolvimento social local: um estudo de caso das IPSS do distrito de Bragança 2015
- Um estudo sobre as diferenças nos indicadores económico-financeiros das instituições mutualistas no conjunto das instituições bancárias portuguesas 2015
- A prática de Fundraising nas IPSS : (estudo do caso "Unidos, Une-te a Nós!") 2014
- A sustentabilidade dos clubes das Associações Distritais de Futebol 2014
- Impacto do terceiro sector no desenvolvimento local e social : inquérito à percepção das Associações de Amarante 2014
- Pobreza e microcrédito na região da América Latina e Caraíbas 2014
- Pobreza e microcrédito na Ásia 2014
- A eficiência na distribuição das respostas sociais dirigidas à terceira idade nos distritos de Portugal Continental 2013
- Análise de custos e estudo de economias de escala na Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Barcelos 2013
- As novas formas de capital nas organizações sem fins lucrativos : um estudo de caso na Delegação de Fafe da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa 2013
- Capital social e inovação nos países da União Europeia 2013
- Contributo para uma discussão da distribuição da localização das empresas beneficiárias de incentivos fiscais à interioridade 2013
- Microcrédito em Portugal : porquê o valor de financiamento difere no país? 2013
- O associativismo empresarial : o caso da Associação Empresarial de Fafe, Cabeceiras de Basto e Celorico de Basto 2013
- Responsabilidade social na atividade bancária : contributo para a definição do papel da Fundação Crédito Agrícola do Noroeste 2013
- Uma discussão sobre o valor das transferências de jogadores profissionais de futebol 2013
- A concentração regional das equipas de voleibol portuguesas : um estudo das determinantes económicas e desportivas dos municípios portugueses observados entre 2001 a 2008 2012
- A educação de adultos em análise : estudo de caso das novas oportunidades 2012
- Determinantes locais e regionais do desempenho desportivo das entidades do Terceiro Sector : o caso dos clubes da Associação de Futebol de Braga 2012
- O emprego no terceiro setor: uma análise comparativa 2012
- Políticas Pork Barrel : um estudo de caso sobre a despesa pública do PIDDAC 2012
- Porquê as taxas aplicadas no microcrédito diferem de país para país? : uma discussão com dados seccionais 2012
- A captação do investimento directo chinês em África 2011
- Captação de receitas fiscais pelas autarquias locais : uma análise de eficiência no período de 2003-2007 2011
- Determinantes do endividamento municipal em Portugal 2011
- Voluntariado como expressão de dádiva: uma abordagem institucionalista do voluntariado da Delegação de Guimarães da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa 2011
- Quatro ensaios sobre a ilusão fiscal 2009