publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- More than Psychometric Properties of the Fear of Covid-19 Scale. The Struggle of the Portuguese Police Officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2024
- From the Road to the Hotline: Differences and Commonalities in Road Infrastructure Professionals [on going] 2024
- Hurt People, Hurt People? A Qualitative Study With Men Who Committed Homicide. Journal of Crime and Justice. 2024
- Meta-analysis of suicide ideation among police officers 2024
- Bringing a Uniform Home: a Qualitative Study on Police Officer’s Work-Family Balance Perspective!. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2023
- Connecting the Dots: Occupational Stressors and PTSD Symptoms as Serial Mediators of the Relationship between Fear of COVID-19 and Burnout among Portuguese Police Officers. Psych. 2023
- We vote for the person, not the policies: a systematic review on how personality traits influence voting behaviour. Discover Psychology. 2023
- Health management of malnourished elderly in primary health care: a scoping review. BMC Primary Care. 2022
- English HIV Stigma Scale: Tradução e validação da versão reduzida para a população Portuguesa. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2022
- Short HIV Stigma Scale: Psychometric properties of the Portuguese Version. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2022
- The Grand Finale: Televised Political Debate Effects in The Portuguese General Elections. Journal of Information Technology and Politics. 2021
- Dissociation and trauma within at-risk youth: Psychometric Properties of A-DES with a sample of Portuguese at-risk adolescents. 2021
- Posttraumatic Growth and PTSD in a Community Sample with traumatic exposure: Results from the Portuguese version of Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. . Traumatology. 2021
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DMS-5 (PCL-5): Validity and measurement invariance in a Portuguese Volunteer Firefighters sample.. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2021
- Suicide ideation and suicide deaths among police officers: A meta-analytic approach. . Journal Police Practice and Research. 2021
- The prevalence of complex trauma and its impact on at-risk youths¿ lives: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Campbell Colaboration. 2021
- The prevalence of complex trauma and its impact on at-risk youths’ lives: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2021
- Item reduction and validation of the Geriatric Depression Scale in Portuguese elderly 2021
- The prevalence of complex trauma and its impact on at risk youths’ lives: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. . Campbell Colaboration. 2021
- Suicide ideation and suicide deaths among police officers: Protocol of a Systematic review and Meta-Analysis. 2020
- Campaign's tone impact on voting behaviour - Protocol of a Systematic review and Meta-Analysis. 2020
- The effect of personality traits of political leaders on the voting behaviour: a protocol for a systematic review with meta-analysis.. 2020
- The effect of personality traits of political leaders on the voting behaviour: a protocol for a systematic review with meta-analysis 2020
- Hypoxia and Macrophages Act in Concert Towards a Beneficial Outcome in Colon Cancer. Cancers. 2020
- Portuguese Version of the Short HIV Stigma Scale. Social Science & Medicine. Manuscript submitted for publication.. AIDS and Behavior. 2020
- Quality of Life in Portuguese Adolescents Exposed to Childhood Adversity and Trauma: A Two-Wave Longitudinal Study. Manuscript In Preparation. 2020
- Rates Of Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders In Youth: A Systematic Review. Manuscript In Preparation. 2020
- MECANISMOS DE COPING E CONTROLO GLICÉMICO EM DOENTES COM BOMBA INFUSORA DE INSULINA. Revista Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo. 2015
- Significance of Osteopontin Expression in Human Invasive Breast Tumour Stroma. Open Breast Cancer Journal. 2009
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- The impact of modes of administration on self-reports of offending: evidence from a methodological experiment with university students. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022
- The psychometric properties of the adolescent dissociative experiences scale (A-DES) in a sample of Portuguese at-risk adolescents. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation. 2022
- HIV Stigma Scale: Translation and Validation of the Short Version to the Portuguese Population. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2022
- Disruption of pH Dynamics Suppresses Proliferation and Potentiates Doxorubicin Cytotoxicity in Breast Cancer Cells. Pharmaceutics. 2021
- Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth in a community sample exposed to stressful events: A (not so) curvilinear relationship. Traumatology. 2021
- The basal epithelial marker P-cadherin associates with breast cancer cell populations harboring a glycolytic and acid-resistant phenotype. BMC Cancer. 2014
- Loss of WNK2 expression by promoter gene methylation occurs in adult gliomas and triggers Rac1-mediated tumour cell invasiveness. Human Molecular Genetics. 2013
- Loss of caveolin-1 and gain of MCT4 expression in the tumor stroma Key events in the progression from an in situ to an invasive breast carcinoma. Cell Cycle. 2013
- GLUT1 and CAIX expression profiles in breast cancer correlate with adverse prognostic factors and MCT1 overexpression. Histology and Histopathology. 2011
- Monocarboxylate transporter 1 is up-regulated in basal-like breast carcinoma.. Histopathology. 2010
- P-cadherin, vimentin and CK14 for identification of basal-like phenotype in breast carcinomas: an immunohistochemical study. Histology and Histopathology. 2010
- Vessel density assessed by endoglin expression in breast carcinomas with different expression profiles. Histopathology. 2009
- Expression of FOXA1 and GATA-3 in breast cancer: the prognostic significance in hormone receptor-negative tumours. Breast Cancer Research. 2009
- Significance of osteopontin expression in human invasive breast tumour stroma. Open Breast Cancer Journal. 2009
- A duas vozes: O peso dos desafios profissionais nas dinâmicas familiares de policias e cônjuges 2024
- Da estrada à linha direta: Diferenças e comunalidades em profissionais de infraestruturas rodoviárias 2024
- Pessoas Magoadas Magoam Pessoas? Um Estudo Qualitativo com Homens que Cometeram Homicídio 2024
- Adverse and Traumatic Experiences in People who Comitted Homicide - A Systematic Review [on going] 2024
- From the road to the hotline: Differences and commonalities in road infrastructure professionals [on going] 2024
- Psychotherapeutical Interventions for War Veterans with PTSD – A Scoping Review [on going] 2024
- Ideação Suicida Em Forças Policiais. Uma Revisão Sistemática E Meta-Análise. 2023
- Campaign’s tone impact on voting behaviour - Protocol of a Systematic review and Meta-Analysis 2022
- Health processes and outcomes in Primary Health Care associated with malnutrition in the elderly: protocol for a scoping review 2022
- Police officers are also first responders: Are they burning out after one year of pandemics? 2021
- Police officers are also first responders: Are they burning out after one year of pandemic? 2021
- Validação do instrumento Communities That Care - Youth Survey (CTC-YS) para a população adolescente Portuguesa 2021
- O impacto dos modos de administração nas medições de comportamento delinquente 2019
- Do Trauma Cumulativo aos Problemas Comportamentiais em Jovens em Risco: O papel mediador da dissociação. 2019
- Maternal Interactive Behaviours in Parenting Children with Williams Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Executive Function in Preschool Children 2018
- Mother´s parenting self-efficacy during the first year postpartum - Validation of the Karitane 2018
- Parenting and child development: A correlational study in domestic violence 2015
- Associações entre o Desenvolvimento Cognitivo da Criança, Satisfação Parental e Violência Doméstica 2015
- Hypothyroidism Dependent Quality of Life: Cross-cultural validity (unpublished) 2015
- Satisfaction in hypothyroidism (ThyTSQ) : Cross-cultural validity 2015
- Thyroid Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (status version): ThyTSQs-Present and ThyTSQs-Past 2015
- More Than Psychometric Properties of The Fear of Covid-19 Scale. The Struggle of The Portuguese Police Officers