publicações selecionadas
- Unveiling the immunomodulatory potential of magnetic cell sheets for tendon therapies 2021
- Pursuing inflammatory cues in tendinopathy using a magnetically responsive cell-instructive system 2019
- The interplay between macrophages and tendon cells under magnetic actuation: insights on intercellular communication envisioning tendon regenerative approaches 2019
- Magnetic actuation on human tendon cells exposed to inflammatory cues 2019
- Magnetically responsive cell-instructive systems to target inflammatory cues in tendinopathy 2019
- Development of Magnetically Responsive Cell-Instructive Systems to Target Inflammatory Cues in Tendinopathy 2019
- The role of PEMF in IL-1B conditioned tendon cells cultured in magnetic responsive biomaterials 2019
- Unveiling the Role of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field on human tendon-derived cells response in an IL-1B inflammation model. 2018
- Impact of pulsed electromagnetic actuated biomaterials in tendon cells conditioned by inflammatory cues 2018
- Pulsed electromagnetic field actuated biomaterials for inflammation regulation in tendons 2018
- Influence of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field on human tendon-derived cells response using an induced model of inflammation 2017
- Evaluation of tenocyte response to magnetically actuated biomaterials in experimentally induced model of tendon inflammation 2017