publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Evaluation of Chloride Ion Attack in Self-Compacting Concrete Using Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste Aggregates. Bioengineering. 2024
- Estudo de parâmetros mecânicos de dois solos arenosos estabilizados com cimento. Engenharia Civil. 2023
- Long-Term Behavior Related to Water Ingress in Mortars Which Combine Expanded and Natural Cork Lightweight Aggregates and Eco-Friendly Cements. Bioengineering. 2023
- Predicting unconfined compression strength and split tensile strength of soil cement via artificial neural networks. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2023
- Chloride Ingress Resistance, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Mortars with Natural Cork and Expanded Clay Prepared Using Sustainable Blended Cements. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022
- The Narrow Mausolea at Conchada Cemetery as Part of Portuguese and European Architectural Heritage. Heritage. 2022
- Effect of using biomass fly ash on the concrete sustainability. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022
- Evaluation of self-compacting concretes produced with ternary and quaternary blends of different SCM and hydrated-lime. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2022
- Synergetic effect of biomass fly ash on improvement of high-volume coal fly ash concrete properties. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2022
- Characterization of Fresh and Durability Properties of Different Lime Mortars for Being Used as Masonry Coatings in the Restoration of Ancient Constructions. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Effects after 1500 Hardening Days on the Microstructure and Durability-Related Parameters of Mortars Produced by the Incorporation of Waste Glass Powder as a Clinker Replacement. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Evaluation of sugarcane bagasse ash for lightweight aggregates production. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Mechanical Performance of Lime Mortar Coatings for Rehabilitation of Masonry Elements in Old and Historical Buildings. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Strategies to mitigate shrinkage in an intermediate strength self-compacting concrete. Structural Concrete. 2020
- Strategies to mitigate shrinkage in self-compacting concrete. V Congreso Iberoamericano de Hormigon Autocompactante Y Hormigones Especiales. 2018
- Shrinkage of self-compacting concrete. A comparative analysis. Journal of Building Engineering. 2017
- Pombaline Buildings-Consequences of Some Rehabilitation Interventions. Putting Tradition Into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design. 2016
- Characterization of alkali-activated binders using the maturity method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2015
- Curing effect in the shrinkage of a lower strength self-compacting concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2015
- Assessment of a simplified experimental procedure to evaluate impact sound reduction of floor coverings. Applied Acoustics. 2014
- Combined effect of expansive and shrinkage reducing admixtures to control autogenous shrinkage in self-compacting concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2014
- Formulation of Kansa's method in the frequency domain for the analysis of transient heat conduction. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 2014
- Avaliação do processo de secagem como forma de reduzir as anomalias em pavimentos de betão. Revista Internacional Tech ITT (Construlink). 2013
- On the use of lightweight mortars for the minimization of impact sound transmission. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Adaptive policies for multi-mode project scheduling under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research. 2012
- Evaluation of impact noise reduction using a small-sized acoustic chamber. Noise and Vibration Worldwide. 2012
- 3D Multi-Domain MFS Analysis of Sound Pressure Level Reduction Between Connected Enclosures. Archives of Acoustics. 2011
- On the use of a small-sized acoustic chamber for the analysis of impact sound reduction by floor coverings. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 2010
- Painéis de Fachada em GRC. Revista Internacional Construlink. 2009
- Experimental evaluation of the durability of cork concrete. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2008
- Rehabilitation techniques in wooden structures. DISEGNARECON. 2008
- Can cork be used as a concrete aggregate?. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2007
- Dynamic analysis of submerged fluid-filled pipelines subjected to a point pressure load. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2004
- Heat conduction across double brick walls via BEM. Building and Environment. 2004
- Acoustic insertion loss provided by rigid acoustic barriers of different shapes. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2003
- Bond geometry and shear strength of steel plates bonded to concrete on heating. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2003
- Erratum: Propagation of pressure waves inside a confined fluid channel with an irregular floor (Journal of Computational Acoutics (June 2002) 10:2 (183-194)). Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2003
- Modelação Numérica do Comportamento de Pilares Curtos Reforçados por Encamisamento de Betão Armado. Revista Internacional Construlink. 2003
- Steady-state moisture diffusion in curved walls, in the absence of condensate flow, via the BEM: a practical Civil Engineering approach (Glaser method). Building and Environment. 2003
- Wave scattering by infinite cylindrical shell structures submerged in a fluid medium. Wave Motion. 2003
- 3D Wave propagation analysis of infinite ring-shaped structures submerged in a fluid medium. Boundary Elements Xxiv: Incorporating Meshless Solutions. 2002
- Definition of two-dimensional condensation via BEM, using the Glaser method approach. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2002
- Experimental tests on single adhesive anchors under tensile load. Xxx Iahs World Congress on Housing, Housing Construction: an Interdisciplinary Task, Vols 1-3. 2002
- Stress analysis in pipelines submerged in a fluid medium subjected to a point pressure load. Maritime Engineering and Ports Ii. 2002
- 3D acoustic scattering from an irregular fluid waveguide via the BEM. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2001
- A note on accuracy of the BEM in steady state heat conductive problems. Journal of Boundary Elements Communications: An International Journal. 2001
- Acoustic scattering from a 2-D fluid waveguide with an irregular floor via the BEM. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2001
- Definition of two-dimensional condensation via BEM. Boundary Elements Xxiv: Incorporating Meshless Solutions. 2001
- Shear tests of steel plates epoxy-bonded to concrete under temperature. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2000
- Temperature conduction across double brick walls via BEM. International Series on Advances in Boundary Elements. 2000
- Scherversuche an mit Epoxidharz befestigten Stahlplatten auf Beton unter Temperatureinfluß. Bautechnik. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Effect of adding cutting limestone waste in mortars 2023
- Mechanical Performance of Mortars with Incorporation of Stone Cutting Sludge 2023
- Estudo Comparativo de Desempenho Mecânico de Argamassas com Diferentes Tipos de Ligantes 2022
- Desempenho de argamassas de cimento sob a ação de água 2022
- Migração de cloretos - Estudo paramétrico experimental 2021
- Effects in the short-term of combining an eco-friendly slag cement and several lightweight aggregates in relation to the microstructure and water ingress ability of mortars 2020
- Comportamento à Compressão de Pilares Circulares de Betão Confinados por Sistemas Compósitos de FRP Híbridos 2018
- Caracterização e incorporação de cinzas volantes de biomassa em argamassas 2018
- Estudo de Betões Eco Eficientes Através da Utilização de Cinzas Volantes de Biomassa 2018
- Evolution of the tensile response of unidirectional hybrid FRP laminates fabricated by hand lay-up method: experimental and analytic assessment 2018
- Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Containing Biomass Fly Ash 2016
- Incorporação de cinzas de biomassa como substituto do cimento em argamassas 2016
- Resposta à tração uniaxial de sistemas FRP híbridos 2016
- Reforço de Pilares de Betão por Confinamento Híbrido de FRP 2014
- Avaliação de Maturidade na Prefabricação de Elementos em Betão 2012
- 3D MFS analysis of SPL reduction between coupled enclosures 2011
- Estimation of impact sound reduction by floor coverings using vibration and pressure measurements 2011
- estudo experimental de um solo-cimento 2010
- Analysis of impact sound reduction by floor coverings using a small-sized acoustic chamber 2010
- A meshless model for 3D sound propagation through acoustic attenuators and expansion chambers 2009
- Using lightweight mortars to minimize impact sound transmission 2009
- Wave propagation in an elastic half-space containing a homogeneous basin using the MFS 2005
artigo de revista
- Effect of Biomass Fly Ash on Fresh and Hardened Properties of High Volume Fly Ash Mortars. Crystals. 2021
- Analytical hybrid effect prediction and evolution of the tensile response of unidirectional hybrid fibre-reinforced polymers composites for civil engineering applications. Journal of Composite Materials. 2020
- 3D finite element model for hybrid FRP-confined concrete in compression using modified CDPM. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Recycling of biomass and coal fly ash as cement replacement material and its effect on hydration and carbonation of concrete. Waste Management. 2019
- Valorisation of wood fly ash on concrete. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2019
- Quality and durability properties and life-cycle assessment of high volume biomass fly ash mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Hybrid FRP jacketing for enhanced confinement of circular concrete columns in compression. Composite Structures. 2018
- Hybrid effect and pseudo-ductile behaviour of unidirectional interlayer hybrid FRP composites for civil engineering applications. Composite Structures. 2018
- Comparative environmental life-cycle analysis of concretes using biomass and coal fly ashes as partial cement replacement material. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016
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