publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Morphological analysis of mechanically recycled blends of high density polyethylene and polypropylene with strong difference in melt flow index. E-Polymers. 2024
- Circularity Micro-Indicators for Plastic Packaging and Their Relation to Circular Economy Principles and Design Tools. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Comparative analysis of micro level indicators for evaluating the progress towards a circular economy. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2023
- Practical application of circularity micro-indicators to automotive plastic parts in an industrial context. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2023
- Effect of polymer type on the properties of polypropylene composites with high loads of spent coffee grounds. Waste Management. 2022
- Effect of Reprocessed PPS on the Mechanical Performance of Injection Molded Parts. Materials Proceedings. 2022
- Investigations on Blowing Agents for the Processability of Foamed Parts by Rotational Molding Techniques. Materials Proceedings. 2022
- Avaliação de resíduos poliméricos pós-industriais e pós-consumo à base de poliolefinas para moldação por injeção 2015
- Effect of friction stir welding parameters on morphology and strength of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plate welds. Materials & Design. 2014
- In situ WAXS/SAXS structural evolution study during uniaxial stretching of poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocomposites in the solid state: Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/titanium dioxide and poly(ethylene terephthalate)/silica nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2014
- Morphology and strength of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene welds performed by robotic friction stir welding. Materials & Design. 2014
- Control the strain-induced crystallization of polyethylene terephthalate by temporally varying deformation rates: A mechano-optical study. E-Polymers. 2007
- Role of relaxation on strain crystallization of uniaxially stretched poly(ethylene naphthalate) films : a mechanooptical study 2006
- Role of relaxation on strain crystallization of uniaxially stretched poly(ethylene naphthalate) films: A mechanooptical study. Biomacromolecules. 2006
- Large deformation mechano-optical and dynamical phase behavior in uniaxially stretched poly(ethylene naphthalate). Biomacromolecules. 2005
artigo de conferência
- Development of composites with plastic waste and used foundry sands 2024
- Circularity Micro-Indicators Applied to Plastic Parts: The Materials Perspective 2022
- Challenges on polymer/cork composites for Rotomoulding applications 2019
- MFC concept as a possible solution for closed-loop recycling of food packaging trays. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Optimization of injection moulding process of PP with metallic pigments 2014
- Morphological aspects of injection-molded polypropylene with metallic pigments 2013
- Design and development of large rigid plastic packaging for olives 2012
- On the effect of metallic particles on the performance of injection moulded PP plastic parts 2012
- The influence of processing conditions on the aesthetical, morphological and mechanical properties of SF mouldings of high-impact polystyrene (HIPS-SF) 2012
- Bi-component injection moulding of carbon nanofibre /polypropylene composites : morphology evaluation and correlation with mechanical and electrical properties 2011
- Bi-component injection moulding of carbon nanofibre /polypropylene composites for multifunctional parts 2011
- Formulation and characterization of polypropylene structural foam for large parts 2011
- Influence of the injection rate and mould block material of hybrid moulds on the morphological development of PP parts 2011
- Mechanical and thermal analysis of PET subjected to non-linear uniaxial deformations 2011
- Multi scale structure evolution of pet/mmt and PET/SiO2 nanocomposites upon solid state uniaxial deformation : an in situ WAXS/SAXS study 2011
- Structure evolution during deformation of novel polymer systems based on poly(ethylene terephthalate) reinforced with inorganic particles 2011
- Study of welding strengh in PVC profiles 2011
- The influence of molecular weight on the relaxation behavior of uniaxially strethed PEN films as investigated by real time spectral birefringence technique 2004
- Structure development during uniaxial deformation of PEN using real time spectral birefringence technique 2003
artigo de revista
- Thermal, Mechanical, Morphological and Aesthetical Properties of Rotational Molding PE/Pine Wood Sawdust Composites. E-Polymers. 2022
- Thin wall injection-overmoulding of polyamide 6/polypropylene multilayer parts: PA6/PP-g-ma interfacial adhesion investigations. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2020
- Processing–Structure–Properties of Cork Polymer Composites. Frontiers in Materials. 2020
- Multiscale carbon fibre–reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) composites containing carbon nanotubes with tailored interfaces. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2019
- Development of Crystalline Morphology and Its Relationship with Mechanical Properties of PP/PET Microfibrillar Composites Containing POE and POE-g-MA. E-Polymers. 2018
- Thin wall injection-overmoulding of polyamide 6/polypropylene multilayer parts: influence of processing conditions on thermomechanical properties of the layer assembly. International Journal of Materials & Product Technology. 2016
- Prediction of injection-moulded flax fibre reinforced polypropylene tensile properties through a micro-morphology analysis. Journal of Composite Materials. 2015
- In situ WAXS/SAXS structural evolution study during uniaxial stretching of poly(ethylene therephthalate) nanocomposites in solid state: Poly(ethylene therephthalate)/montmorillonite nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013
- The influence of processing on the aesthetic, morphological and mechanical properties of structural foam mouldings of high-impact polystyrene. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2013
- Solid-state structural evolution of poly(ethylene terephthalate) during step uniaxial stretching from different initial morphologies: An in situ wide angle x-ray scattering study. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2012
- Structural development of poly(ethylene terephthalate) during uniaxial stretching above the glass-transition temperature: Study of the statistical influence of the stretching variables. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2011
- Análise de circularidade do produto em diferentes estágios de conceção e produção no setor automóvel 2024
- Behaviour of core and cavity inserts in injection moulding of high-performance polymers 2024
- Indicadores para monitorizar a competitividade económica e ambiental em contexto de empresa 2024
- Desenvolvimento de uma IV check valve com materiais alternativos ao silicone para o ramo médico hospitalar 2021
- Implementação de ferramentas da qualidade para melhoria do processo de produção de peças injetadas com acabamento de alto brilho 2021
- Core back moulding, adhesion optimization in the joining area 2020
- Estudo da processabilidade e caracterização de compósitos de polietileno e madeira por moldação rotacional 2020
- Estratégias de melhoria de propriedades de compósitos de polietileno e cortiça por moldação rotacional 2019
- Estudo de materiais estanques à humidade em condensadores de filme, para encapsulamento da bobina 2019
- Estudo do processamento de peças em PE com cortiça por moldação rotacional 2019
- Caracterização ótica e estudo do impacto da cor do PMMA num retrorrefletor 2018
- Influence parameters of peel adhesion test in tire reinforcements 2018
- Análise de filme antifog 2017
- Development and study of hybrid cords for tire reinforcement 2017
- Adequabilidade do processo de moldação rotacional para o processamento de Poli (tereftalato de etileno) reciclado 2016
- Estudo sobre a processabilidade de PET reciclado obtido pelo processo de reciclagem mecânica 2016
- A study of mechanical properties of multilayer polymer sheets containing a recycled layer 2015
- Caracterização da contaminação de PCB's 2015
- Desenvolvimento morfológico sob deformação de nanocompósitos de PET e nanotubos de carbono 2013
- Sustentabilidade de compósitos de polipropileno e nanofibras de carbono : avaliação do efeito de reprocessamento 2012
- Multiscale morphology evolution of PET and its nanocomposites under deformation 2011