publicações selecionadas
- Keep it simple ¿ Circadian cycles of stomata opening 2021
- Plant-environment interactions: from intracellular processes through to climate change. 2021
- Membrane solute transport in grapevine and plant environment interaction 2021
- Inovação agrícola e crescimento sustentado 2021
- Flavescence Dorée¿derived leaf yellowing in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is caused by a general repression of isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways. 2021
- Grapevine in a changing environment field-oriented research to optimize short-term adaptation measures 2021
- From the French paradox to nanoencapsulation of wine bioactive compounds. Workshop Exploring the molecular diversity of grape, a source of natural ingredients 2020
- Grapevine in a changing environment ¿ field-oriented research to optimize short-term adaptation measures¿ in the international Webinaire ¿Vine & Wine: building the heritage of the future 2020