publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Exploring Adult Age-at-Death Research in Anthropology: Bibliometric Mapping and Content Analysis. Forensic Sciences. 2023
- To Replicate, or Not to Replicate? The Creation, Use, and Dissemination of 3D Models of Human Remains: A Case Study from Portugal. Heritage. 2022
- Metagenomic Research of Infectious Diseases in Archaeological Contexts: Evidence from the Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos (Portugal). Applied Sciences. 2022
- The Scientific Profiles of Documented Collections via Publication Data: Past, Present, and Future Directions in Forensic Anthropology. Forensic Sciences. 2022
- An overview of ethical issues and human remains.. International Journal of Cultural Property. 2022
- Biografias na Morte. Arqueologia e História - Revista da Associação dos Arqueologos Portugueses. 2022
- Et sepultus est: A multiplicidade da morte na Necrópole Noroeste de Olisipo entre os séculos I e IV d.C.. Revista da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses. 2022
- Documented Skeletal Collections and Their Importance in Forensic Anthropology in the United States. Forensic Sciences. 2021
- Exploring “wear and tear” of joints and “muscle function” assumptions in skeletons with known occupation at death. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2021
- Ancient diseases explored by paleopathology: A worldwide review . Special issue of paleopathology - Japanese Archaeological Journal. 2021
- A life beyond death? The curious case of the human remains incorporated into Contemporaneous Identified Osteological Collections. Bulletin de la Société Suisse de Anthropologie [2018]. 2020
- Is it a cystic or a cystic-like condition?. International Journal of Paleopathology. 2018
- Can osteophytes be used as age at death estimators? Testing correlations in skeletonized human remains with known age-at-death. Forensic Science International. 2018
- Is differential diagnosis attainable in disarticulated pathological bone remains? A case-study from a late 19th/early 20th century necropolis from Juncal (Porto de Mós, Portugal). International Journal of Paleopathology. 2018
- Across disciplinary boundaries: Remembering cláudia sousa,Para além das fronteiras disciplinares: Lembrando cláudia sousa. Etnográfica. 2016
- All different, all equal: Evidence of a heterogeneous Neolithic population at the Bom Santo Cave necropolis (Portugal). Homo- Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 2016
- Entheseal changes: The role of Portuguese research. Antropologia Portuguesa. 2016
- Exploring poverty: Skeletal biology and documentary evidence in 19th-20th century Portugal. Annals of Human Biology. 2016
- In search of consensus: Terminology for entheseal changes (EC). International Journal of Paleopathology. 2016
- Remains of the Dead: Exploring a Human Anatomical Collection from Brazilian Amazon. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2016
- The Bom santo cave (Lisbon, Portugal): Catchment, Diet, and patterns of mobility of a middle neolithic population. European Journal of Archaeology. 2016
- Bone Diagenesis and its Implication for Disease Diagnosis: The Relevance of Bone Microstructure Analysis for the Study of Past Human Remains. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2015
- A possible case of acquired syphilis at the former Royal Hospital of All-Saints (RHAS) in Lisbon, Portugal (18th century): A comparative methodological approach to differential diagnosis. Anthropologischer Anzeiger. 2015
- Exploring the relationship between entheseal changes and physical activity: A multivariate study. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2015
- The Legacy of Cláudia Sousa: Bridging disciplines towards an integrated anthropology. Cardernos GEEvH. 2015
- Paleogenetic studies in Guajajara skeletal remains, Maranhão state, Brazil. Journal of Anthropology. 2014
- Sample-specific sex estimation in archaeological contexts with commingled human remains: A case study from the Middle Neolithic cave of Bom Santo in Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science. 2014
- Special Issue Entheseal Changes and Occupation: Technical and Theoretical Advances and Their Applications. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2013
- Categorization of Occupation in Documented Skeletal Collections: Its Relevance for the Interpretation of Activity-Related Osseous Changes. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2013
- The Categorisation of Occupation in Identified Skeletal Collections: A Source of Bias?. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2013
- The Coimbra workshop in musculoskeletal stress markers (MSM): An annotated review. Antropologia Portuguesa. 2011
- Enthesopathy formation in the humerus: Data from known age-at-death and known occupation skeletal collections. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2010
- Gender and paleopathology: a 19th and 20th century Portuguese perspective. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2009
- Cunha, E.; Cardoso, F. (2002/2003). New data on Muge shell middens : a contribution to more accurate numbers and dates. Estudos arqueológicos de Muge. Centro de Estudos Arqueológicos da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Salvaterra de Magos, Câmara Municipal de Salvaterra de Magos: 171-183 2002
- New anthropological data on the Mesolithic communities from Portugal: the shell, middens from Sado. Human Evolution. 2002
- The Osteological Series from Cabeço da Amoreira (Muge, Portugal). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris. 2001
- Cardoso, F.; Lopes, C. (1998). A população inumada na Igreja de Santo André : resultados preliminares. Boletim Cultural’ 98 Mafra: 420-426. 1998
- Cardoso, F.; Lopes, C. (1997). A população inumada na Igreja de Santo André : resultados preliminares. Boletim Cultural’ 97 Mafra: 359-363 1997
artigo de conferência
- From the field to the lab: Archaeological and bioanthropological applications of digital technology. 2024
- Lazareto, fortaleza e prisão: arqueologia do Presídio da Trafaria (Almada). 2023
- O contexto funerário do sector da “necrópole NO” da Rua das Portas de S. Antão (Lisboa): o espaço, os artefactos, os indivíduos e a sua interconectividade na interpretação do passado 2020
- Ritual, descarte ou afectividade? A presença de canis lupus familiaris na Necrópole NO de Olisipo (Lisboa) 2020
- ¿Requiescat in pace? Abordagem transdisciplinar a possíveis casos de enterramentos atípicos identificados na Necrópole Noroeste de Olisipo 2017
- Sacudir a Poeira: interrogações contemporâneas sobre colecções e arquivos. 2016
- General overview of the human osteological remains exhumed in the necropolis of the extinct Royal Hospital of All Saints (Lisbon, 15th-18th centuries) / Panorama geral do espólio osteológico exumado na Necrópole do extinto Hospital Real de Todos os Santos (Lisboa, século XV a XVIII)”, 2013
- Severe Non-specific Infectious Processes from Late-Medieval Period, 2001
- Patologia oral nas Clarissas de Coimbra entre os Séculos XIV e XVII. (Oral pathology in the Clarissas of Coimbra between the 14th and the 17th centuries) 1999
capítulo de livro
- Alves-Cardoso, Francisca and Inês Belém. “A Portrait of Disease in Medieval Portugal: The Contribution of Palaeopathology.” In Materialities of Disease in the Global Medieval World: Images, Objects, and Remains. Edited by Lori Jones. York: Arc Humanities Press, forthcoming. 2024
- Conclusion - Ethical discourses in biological anthropology: what does the future hold? 2024
- Perceptions on the Study of 3D Replicas of human remains in Biological Anthropology: A Public-Based Survey from the United States 2024
- What about ethics in biological anthropology? 2024
- “Esprital Grande de Lixboa”: A arqueologia de um espaço de saúde pública em Época Moderna. 2023
- Acting on what we have learned and moving forward with skeletal behaviour 2023
- Activity and the shoulder: From soft tissues to bare bones 2023
- Skeletons in action: Inferring behaviour from our bones 2023
- A Morte no Hospital Real de Todos os Santos: testemunho do século XVIII 2022
- L'expérience de la Constitution des Collections Documentées au Portugal 2022
- Restos osteológicos humanos en Portugal: un punto (necesario) de convergencia entre ciencia, política y economia 2022
- A Infância entre a Época Romana e a Antiguidade Tardia 2021
- A Necrópole NO de Olisipo. A Praça da Figueira 2021
- A Necrópole NO de Olisipo. O núcleo das Portas de Santo Antão 2021
- A criança no mundo fúnebre olisiponense romano e da Antiguidade Tardia 2021
- All Saints Royal Hospital: Lisbon and Public Health 2021
- Núcleos ocidentais III – Rua da Prata. Evidências Fúnebres da Antiguidade Tardia 2021
- Os olisiponenses: estudo bioantropológico de uma população da Lusitânia 2021
- Práticas e rituais funerários em Olisipo entre os séculos I e VI d.C. 2021
- Um Espaço Funerário Conventual do séc. XV em Lisboa: o caso do Convento de São Domingos da Cidade 2020
- “Not of one’s body”: The creation of identified skeletal collections with Portuguese human remains 2020
- Till Death Us Do Part? 2019
- Till Death Us do Part? Human Segmentation in Funerary Practices in the Middle Neolithic Cemetery Cave of Bom Santo (Montejunto Mountain Range, Portugal). 2019
- Final Summary - Identified Skeletal Collections: The testing ground of anthropology? 2018
- Lives not written in bones: discussing biographical data from identified skeletal collections 2018
- Memórias partilhadas do caça-minas Roberto Ivens 2018
- Paleopathology 2018
- A igreja de São Miguel de Fetal: Resultados das escavações e a sua interpretação 2016
- Genetics in anthropology 2016
- Osteological profile 2014
- Taphonomy and funerary practices 2014
- Bioarchaeology's Holy Grail: The Reconstruction of Activity 2012
- Charlotte Roberts; Alves-Cardoso, Francisca; Bernofsky, K.; Henderson, C.Y.; Jakob, T.; Plomp, K.; et al. 2012. "Palaeopathology: studying the origin, evolution and frequency of disease in human remains from archaeological sites". In Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 21-34. Eolss Publishers 2012
- Alves-Cardoso, F. (2007). Reviver o Passado em Aeminium. Estudo paleodemográfico e paleopatológico duma amostra antropológica do Convento de Santa Clara-a-Velha [Recall the Past in Aeminium. A paleodemographic and paleopathological study of an anthropological sample from the Convent of Santa Clara-a-Velha] 2007
- What Can Pathology Say About the Mesolithic and Late Neolithic/Chalcolithic Communities? The Portuguese case. 2007
- About Violent Interactions in the Mesolithic: The absence of evidence from the Portuguese Shells Middens 2004
- Inferences About Mesolithic Life Style on the Basis of Anthropological Data. The case of the Portuguese Shell Middens 2003
- Teeth, Diseases, Diet and Cultural Habits: Some comments about Muge Mesolithic communities” 2002
- Comments on Diet Based on Oral Pathology. The case of the Mendian Order of the Clarissas in Coimbra (Portugal) 1999
- Oral Pathology in a Female Religious Community of Coimbra (Portugal): Preliminary results 1997
- From the Field: The Use of Photogrammetry to Explore Complex Burials in Archaeological Contexts. 2024
- In the Lab: The Use of Photogrammetry as a Means of Digital Reconstruction and Preservation of Fragmented Human Remains. 2024
- FLYER: Workshop: Explorar o Porto em contextos de cólera: abordagens multidisciplinares. Explorar o Porto em contextos de cólera: abordagens multidisciplinares, Porto 2024
- Coming of Age: Ethics and Biological Anthropology in the 21st Century. 2024
- Casimiro, S.; Silva, R.; Rocha, M.; Nunes, M.; Garrido, T.; Martingil, M.; Dimas, F.; Pedroso, S.; Santos, J.; Santos, D.; Azevedo, A.; Monteiro, C.; Quaresmas, F.; Filipe, V.; Alves Cardoso, F.; Krus, A. (2023). Uma Nova Inscrição Romana na Rua de Santa Marta, Lisboa. 2023
- LIVRO DE RESUMO: Conferência Anual do GI "Práticas e Políticas da Cultura" - Museus, história e comunidades: desafios antropológicos no presente. Zenodo 2023
- ). Dissertations&Thesis on Human Remains_Portugal [Data set] 2023
- Behaviour in our Bones: How Human Behaviour Influences Skeletal Morphology 2023
- Dissertations on medieval Human Remains_Portugal [Data set] 2023
- Zenodo Community - BeFRAIL Project 2023
- Guia para a curadoria de dados em repositórios (1.0). Tradução e adaptação de: Cooper, Alexandra, Steeleworthy, Michael, Paquette-Bigras, Ève, Clary, Erin, MacPherson, Erin, Gillis, Louise, Wilson, Lee, & Brodeur, Jason. (2021). Dataverse Curation Guide (Version 01). Grupo de trabalho do Fórum GDI | Repositórios de Dados: Tecnologia, organização e certificação. 2022
- Zenodo Community - LIFE AFTER DEATH: Rethinking Human Remains and Human Osteological Collections as Cultural Heritage and Biobanks 2022
- 2021. Fragmentos de um Quotidiano da Lisboa Baixo Medieval: O Conjunto Cerâmico da Rua do Poço do Borratém. III Encontro de Arqueologia de Lisboa ¿ Arqueologia na Cidade: CAL. Lisboa, Teatro Aberto, 18-19 Novembro 2021
- A proximal femoral fracture in a young female from Rua do Poço do Borratém: a case study from Medieval Lisbon. 7th Portuguese Paleopathological Conference, 24-25 September. CIAS - Universidade de Coimbra/Universidade de Évora 2021
- O contexto funerário do sector da Necrópole Noroeste da Rua das Portas de Santo Antão (Lisboa): o espaço, os artefactos, os indivíduos e a sua interconectividade na interpretação do passado. 2020
- O espaço funerário conventual do século XV em Lisboa: o caso do Convento de São Domingos da Cidade. 2020
- Surveying Portugal residents' view on the creation and dissemination of three- dimensional replicas of human skeletal remains 2019
- “Surveying Portugal residents' view on the creation and dissemination of three- dimensional replicas of human skeletal remains.” 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland 2019
- Matching pieces in commingled context: the importance of palaeopathological analysis. XV Congreso Nacional e Internacional de Paleopatología –Rastos de Vida Y Muerte, Sociedad Espanola de Paleopatologia, University of Granada, Granda, Spain 2019
- “Fazer Sentido De Ossos Humanos Dispersos Através Da Paleopatologia. Um estudo de caso de cronologia romana identificado na Tapada da Ajuda, Lisboa (Portugal) Alterações na coluna vertebral”, VI Jornadas de Paleopatologia, GEEvH & CIAS, Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal 2018
- “The contribution of microscopy and radiology for the differential diagnosis of skeletal lesions: the case of a metatastic carcinoma”, The 20th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO), Cranfield, UK 2018
- Identified Skeletal Collections: The testing ground of anthropology? 2018
- “The buried cupae of Praça da Figueira (Lisbon, Portugal): a cremation case study from roman Olisipo”, VI Jornadas de Paleopatologia, GEEvH & CIAS, Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2018
- RESUMO ACTAs: Colóquio Internacional Contemporary Unmasking | 1º Encontro Práticas e Políticas da Cultura 2016
- “Exploring Dental and Alveolar Health in a Portuguese Roman Sample from Quinta da Torrinha/Quinta de Santo António (Almada, 3rd-5th AD)”. The 20th Congress of the European Anthropological Association - European Anthropology in a Changing World: From culture to global biology. European Anthropological Association 2016
- Abstract Book - Conference: Working Your Fingers to the Bone an Interdisciplinary Conference on Identifying Occupation from the Skeleton. Programme & Abstract Book 2016
- Working your fingers to the bone: an interdisciplinary conference on identifying occupation from the skeleton 2016
- “DISH in an Individual From the Portuguese Navy (18th-19th Centuries)”. V Jornadas de Paleopatologia, GEEvH & CIAS, Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal 2016
- “Exploring ‘wear and tear’ of joints and ‘muscle function’ assumptions in skeletons with known occupation at death”. Working your fingers to the bone. An interdisciplinary conference on identifying occupation from the skeleton. CRIA & CIAS, Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra 2016
- “How Ill Were the Sick? Assessing health via skeletal remains exhumed from the Royal Hospital of All-Saints (18th Century, Lisbon, Portugal)”. V Jornadas de Paleopatologia, GEEvH & CIAS, Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal 2016
- “Is Differential Diagnosis Attainable in Non-Articulated Pathological Bone Remains? A case-study from a 19th-20th century necropolis from Juncal (Porto de Mós, Portugal)”. The 20th Congress of the European Anthropological Association - European Anthropology in a Changing World: From culture to global biology. 2016
- “Is a Statistical Significant Result Sufficient to Estimate Age? Testing marginal lipping and age-at-death correlations”. The 18th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, Kent, UK 2016
- Circular nº 1 /2014 - Trabalhos de Antropologia Biológica em Contextos Arqueológicos 2014
- The Categorization of Occupation in Identified Skeletal Collections: A source of bias? 2012
- Working Activities or Workload: Categorization of occupation in identified skeletal series for the analysis of activity related skeletal changes 2012
- Working Nine to Five: The future of activity related stress (Abstract of AAPA meeting 2012
- Working activities or workload? categorization of occupation in identified skeletal series for the analysis of activity related osseous changes 2012
- Working nine to five: the future of activity-related stress 2012
- “A Museum´s Stories of Violence: The contribution of the anatomical medical collection of the Federal University of Pará, Brazil”, The 39th North American Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Portland, US 2012
- “Caracterização do Material Osteológico do Museu de Anatomia da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA, Belém, Brasil)”, III Jornadas Portuguesas de Paleopatologia, CIAS, University of Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal) 2012
- “The Categorisation of Occupation in Identified Skeletal Collections: A source of bias?”, The 81st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Portland, US 2012
- “Working Activities or Workload? Categorization of occupation in identified skeletal series for the analysis of activity related osseous changes”. The 81st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Portland, US 2012
- “Evidence of an Healed Gunshot Wound: A study case from the Brazilian Amazon”, The 19th World International Association of Forensic Sciences World Meeting; 9th World Police Medical Officers Triennial Meeting and 5th Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting, Funchal (Portugal) 2011
- “A Possible Case of Venereal Syphilis at the Extinct Royal Hospital of All Saints – Lisbon, Portugal (18th Century)”, The 18th Paleopathology Association European Meeting, Vienna (Austria) 2010
- Assis, S.; Caldeira, D.; Gonçalves, S.; Nabo, A.; Nubes, J.; Soares, C.; Lopes, C.; Alves-Cardoso, F. (2010). “Um Possível Caso de Sífilis Venérea no Extinto Hospital Real de Todos os Santos – Lisboa, Portugal (séc. XVIII)”, II Jornadas de Paleopatologia. CIAS, Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra 2010
- Abstract Book: Workshop in Musculoskeletal Stress Markers (MSM): limitations and achievements in the reconstruction of past activity patterns. Programme & Abstract Book. 2009
- Gender and Paleopathology: A 19th and 20th century Portuguese perspective 2009
- “Monastery Way of Life: A biocultural perspective based on osteological lesions”, The 14th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, University of Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal) 2002
- “An Occupational Marker of Human Activity. A case report from Arrentela (Portugal)”, The 14th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, University of Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal) 2002
- “A Case Study on Markers of Occupational Stress. Mosteiro de Alcobaça, Portugal”, VI Congresso Nacional de Paleopatologia, Asociacion Espanola de Paleopatologia, Universidade Autónoma of Madrid, Madrid, Espanha 2001
- A idade à morte como fator de impacto nas interpretações da divisão sexual do trabalho nas populações do passado 2000
- Caracterização do material osteológico do Museu de Anatomia da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA, Belém, Brasil) 2000
- “Comments on Diet Based on Oral Pathology. The case of the Mendian Order of the Clarissas in Coimbra (Portugal)”, XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Antropología Biológica, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 1999
- “Severe Non-specific Infectious Processes from Late Medieval Period (Portugal)”, V Congresso Nacional de Paleopatologia, Asociacion Espanola de Paleopatologia, Alcalá la Real, Espanha 1999
- “Oral Pathology in a Female Religious Community of Coimbra (Portugal): Preliminary results”, IV Congresso Nacional de Paleopatologia, Asociacion Espanola de Paleopatologia, Cádiz, Spain 1997
- Database Publication - Exploring adult age-at-death research in anthropology: Bibliometric mapping and content analysis, Forensic Sciences, 2023
- Database publication - To Replicate, or Not to Replicate? The Creation, Use, and Dissemination of 3D Models of Human Remains: A Case Study from Portugal, Heritage 2022, 5
- Database_ Exploring "Wear and Tear" of Joints and "Muscle Function" Assumptions in Skeletons with Known Occupation at Death [Data set].
- Documented Human Osteological Collections As Biobanks: Relevance For Rare Diseases Identification In The Past.. 23rd Paleopathology Association European Meeting, Vilnius, Lituânia, 25-29 Agosto. Paleopathology Association European (Vilnius, Lituânia). Zenodo.
- Entangled Views: The history, research, and educational applications of anatomical collections in the US in the wake of ethical concerns. 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA). Zenodo.
- Genealogies and Research Networks in Forensic Anthropology: Hidden biases and Ethical Concerns. VIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia, Évora, Portugal. Zenod
- Life After Death Rethinking Human Remains and Human Osteological Collections as Cultural Heritage and Biobanks
- PRESENTATION SLIDES_Documented Human Osteological Collections As Biobanks: Relevance For Rare Diseases Identification In The Past.
- Profiling me ...Personal website Francisca Alves Cardoso
- Slides Presentation: Just like Biobanks? A New Approach to Human Osteological Collections. 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)., Budapeste, Hungria. Zenodo
- The Rise of Ethical Discussions on Human Remains in Scientific Publications. 23rd Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO), Online. Zenodo.
- A Portrait of Gender in Two 19th/20th Century Portuguese Populations. A paleopathological perspective 2008
- Problemas de Crescimento no Mesolítico Português. Contribuição de Alguns Indicadores de Stress 2001
- Reviver o Passado em Aeminium. Estudo Paleodemográfico e Paleopatológico Duma Amostra Antropológica do Convento de Santa Clara-a-Velha 1997