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artigo académico
- Meta-analysis of suicide ideation among police officers 2024
- Campaign's tone impact on voting behaviour - Protocol of a Systematic review and Meta-Analysis. 2020
- The effect of personality traits of political leaders on the voting behaviour: a protocol for a systematic review with meta-analysis 2020
- Risk Factors For Anterior Cruciate Ligament Lesion And Management In Various Age Groups. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics. 2019
- Lesões de Lisfranc em Atletas. Revista de Medicina Desportiva Informa. 2018
- Posterior Arch Defects of the Atlas - A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review. MOJ Orthopedics & Rheumatology. 2017
- ACL Treatment in 2016 - Controversy and Consensus. Asian Journal of Arthroscopy. 2016
- Meniscal scaffolds in the clinics: present and future trends. Asian Journal of Arthroscopy. 2016
- O Impacto do Exercício Físico na Função Endotelial. Revista de Medicina Desportiva Informa. 2016
- Tratamento Conservador da Instabilidade Rotuliana. Revista de Medicina Desportiva Informa. 2016