publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- 3D macro-element for innovative plug-and-play joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2024
- Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of a Wildland–Urban Interface Fire Scenario. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Test and design of built-up cold-formed steel-lightweight concrete (CFS-LWC) composite beams. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023
- Experimental behaviour of large-size beam-to-column steel joints for the DUNE Neutrino Experiment. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023
- Evacuation Simulation under Threat of Wildfire—An Overview of Research, Development, and Knowledge Gaps. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Evacuation Simulation Under the Threat of Wildfires: Review. Safety Science. 2023
- Evaluation of the composite action of cold-formed steel built-up battened columns composed of two sigma-shaped sections. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023
- Buckling behavior of closed built-up cold-formed steel columns under compression. Thin-Walled Structures. 2022
- Concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up columns under compression: Test and design. Thin-Walled Structures. 2022
- Numerical analysis and structural fire design of protected SHS steel columns with thermally enhanced gypsum-based mortars. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Behaviour of plug-and-play joints between RHS columns and CFS trusses. Infrastructures. 2022
- Equivalent temperature prediction for concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up column sections (part B). Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2022
- Structural optimization of closed built-up cold-formed steel columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2022
- Equivalent temperature prediction for concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up column sections (part A). Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2022
- Fire resistance of concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up short columns. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Structural Fire Performance of Concrete-Filled Built-Up Cold-Formed Steel Columns. Materials. 2022
- Buckling resistance of concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up short columns under compression. Thin-Walled Structures. 2022
- Post fire tensile properties of S355 J2 structural steel welded connections for construction industrial applications. Metallurgical Research & Technology. 2022
- Tensile properties of S355 butt welds after exposure to high temperatures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2021
- Comparing Fire Behaviour of Restrained Cold-Formed Steel Columns with Stiffened and Unstiffened Sections. ce/papers. 2021
- Conception and design of high-performance steel-concrete composite slabs. ce/papers. 2021
- Experimental and numerical analysis of three-point bending tests of steel beams with web holes. ce/papers. 2021
- Fire design of composite beams and slabs: practical design considerations according to Eurocode 4. ce/papers. 2021
- Innovative 3D joint for steel modular construction. ce/papers. 2021
- Experimental and numerical assessment of a cross-insulated timber panel solution. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Numerical investigation on the composite action of cold-formed steel built-up battened columns. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021
- Corrigendum to “Reliability assessment of EC3-1-5 methodology of welded slender cross-sections under direct stresses” [Journal of Constructional Steel Research 160 (2019) 301–319] (Journal of Constructional Steel Research (2019) 160 (301–319), (S0143974X1930327X), (10.1016/j.jcsr.2019.05.035)). Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2021
- Performance of modular hybrid cold-formed/tubular structural system. Infrastructures. 2021
- Static and dynamic stability analysis of a steel-rubber isolator with rubber cores. Infrastructures. 2020
- Experimental analysis of cold-formed steel columns with intermediate and edge stiffeners in fire. Thin-Walled Structures. 2020
- Numerical investigation of the cyclic performance of reinforced concrete frames equipped with a combination of a rubber core and a U-shaped metallic damper. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Understanding the cyclic performance of composite steel-concrete connections on steel bridges. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Reliability assessment of EC3-1-5 methodology of welded slender cross-sections under direct stresses. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2019
- Numerical study of monopile offshore foundation dynamic behaviour using coupled simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2019
- Experimental buckling behaviour of web tapered I-section steel columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2018
- Experimental lateral-torsional buckling behaviour of web tapered I-section steel beams. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Cold-formed steel columns at both ambient and fire conditions. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering. 2018
- 07.26: Structural analysis of C and I shaped cold-formed steel columns. ce/papers. 2017
- Buckling resistance of axially loaded cold-formed steel columns. Thin-Walled Structures. 2016
- Experimental analysis of built-up closed cold-formed steel columns with restrained thermal elongation under fire conditions. Thin-Walled Structures. 2016
- Flexural behaviour of axially and rotationally restrained cold-formed steel beams subjected to fire. Thin-Walled Structures. 2016
- Influence of web stiffeners on cold-formed steel beams subjected to fre. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering. 2016
- Review of the high temperature mechanical and thermal properties of the steels used in cold formed steel structures - The case of the S280 Gd+Z steel. Thin-Walled Structures. 2016
- Flexural behaviour of beams made of cold-formed steel sigma-shaped sections at ambient and fire conditions. Thin-Walled Structures. 2015
- Cold-formed steel columns made with open cross-sections subjected to fire. Thin-Walled Structures. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Evaluation of bolted shear connector used in cold-formed steel lightweight concrete (CFS-LWC) composite beams 2023
- Built-up cold-formed steel lightweight concrete (CFS-LWC) composite beams: simulation and design 2023
- Avaliação da resistência mecânica de uma estrutura sujeita ao ataque de um incêndio na interface urbana-florestal 2023
- Building life cycle assessment of a collective housing building in Portugal considering different structural materials 2023
- Built-up cold-formed steel-lightweight concrete (CFS-LWC) composite beams subjected to elevated temperatures 2023
- Calibração de modelos numéricos para a avaliação do desempenho estrutural de conetores para estruturas mistas 2023
- Concrete-filled cold-formed steel built-up composite stub columns 2023
- Definição de metodologia baseada no desempenho para reforçar a segurança e a resiliência do ambiente construído na interface urbana-florestal 2023
- Influência da restrição axial no comportamento de ligações livres de dano ao fogo 2023
- Influência da restrição axial no comportamento de ligações livre de dano ao fogo 2023
- Life cycle assessment of low carbon sandwich panels with wood fibre core 2023
- Assessing the impact of wildfires in the built environment through full-scale testing and numerical modelling 2023
- Structural Behaviour of Built-up Battened Cold-Formed Steel Columns 2023
- Closed built-up cold-formed steel columns under compression 2023
- Estimation of maximum admissible precambering of steel beams 2023
- Finite element study on the behaviour of free from damage connections under fire 2023
- Flexural resistance of cold-formed steel-lightweight concrete (CFS-LWC) composite beam 2023
- Large beam-to-column steel joint for the Dune Neutrino Experiment: experimentla and numerical insights 2023
- Mechanical properties of S355 butt welds at elevated temperatures 2023
- New fire ressitance design approach for concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up composite columns 2023
- Novel hybrid modular construction system-structural behaviour of isolated sub-frames 2023
- Avaliação paramétrica dos mecanismos de transferência de calor num cenário de incêndio na interface urbano-florestal 2023
- Definition of a holistic regulatory framework for enhancing safety and resilience of the built environment in the wildland-urban interface 2023
- Wildfire impact of central Portugal's built environment considering climate change influence 2023
- Wildfire spread simulation of an experimental shrub fire attacking steel sanwich panels 2023
- Analytical prediction of the axial capacity of concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up columns 2023
- Fire Performance of Built-Up Cold-Formed Steel Columns 2022
- Design of cold-formed steel battened built-up columns 2022
- An innovative concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up columns 2022
- Análise com base no desempenho do comportamento de edifícios industriais sujeitos à ação de incêndios na interface urbano florestal 2021
- Análise de colunas mistas inovadoras constituídas por secções compostas fechadas de aço enformado a frio preenchidas por betão leve 2021
- Behaviour of innovative concrete-filled built-up cold-formed steel columns in fire 2021
- Comportamento ao fogo de colunas mistas constituídas por secções fechadas de aço enformado a frio preenchidas por betão 2021
- Comportamento estrutural de colunas de aço enformado a frio compostas e ligadas por travessas à compressão 2021
- Resistência ao fogo de colunas em aço – espessura ótima de argamassas de revestimento 2021
- WUIFIRESAFE – structural fire resistance of buildings in the wildland-urban interface 2021
- Avaliação Experimental de Ligações Metálicas de Grandes Dimensões para o Laboratório LBNF 2019
- Avaliação do comportamento estrutural de perfis metálicos com contra-flecha aplicados em filler beam bridges 2019
- Dimensionamento ao fogo de elementos com secção em C em aço enformado a frio 2019
- FE analysis of the buckling behaviour of thin-walled CFS columns. Part II - Monosymmetric (R) and double symmetric built-up box cross-sections 2019
- FEM analysis of the buckling behavior of thin-walled CFS columns. Part I - Channel (C) and double channel (I) cross-sections 2019
- Fire design of composite beams: discussion about current European recommendations 2019
- Ligações plug-and-play para construção modular: caraterização de componentes 2019
- Numerical investigation on thin-walled CFS columns in fire 2019
- Sistema de construção modular híbrido com ligações inovadoras 2019
- Structural analysis of innovative cold-formed steel columns 2019
- Structural behaviour of composite cold-formed steel columns under fire conditions 2019
- Innovative composite columns comprising thin-walled cold-formed profiles and concrete 2018
- Análise de encurvadura de colunas constituídas por perfis de aço enformado a frio 2017
- Desenvolvimento de um novo perfil Omega em aço enformado a frio 2017
- Momentos Flectores Críticos – Uma Comparação de Métodos Analíticos e Numéricos Simples com Análises Lineares de Estabilidade usando o MEF 2017
- Study on the use of ultra-lightweight cement composite for enhancing fire performance of concrete-filled tubular columns 2017
- Experimental and numerical analysis of cold-formed steel columns at both ambient temperature and simulated fire conditions. 2016
- Análise de encurvadura de colunas de aço enformado a frio à temperatura ambiente e elevada 2015
- Análise experimental da resposta estrutural ao fogo de vigas em aço enformado a frio com reforços longitudinais na alma e nos banzos 2015
- Built-up cold-formed steel columns with restrained thermal elongation subjected to fire 2015
- Comportamento à flexão de vigas de aço enformadas a frio com enrijecedores na alma 2015
- Experimental investigation on the behaviour of cold-formed steel columns made with open cross-section subjected to fire 2015
- Parametric study on cold-formed steel columns made with open cross-section subjected to fire 2015
- The accuracy of available analytical models for fire design of cold-formed steel open flexural members 2015
- Análise de Sensibilidade dos Modelos de Cálculo da EN 1993-1-2 para o Dimensionamento ao Fogo de Vigas C em Aço Enformado a Frio 2014
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Lipped Channel Cold-Formed Steel Columns Subjected to Fire 2014
- Experimental investigation on cold-formed steel beams with web stiffeners subjected to fire 2014
- Numerical Modelling and Analysis of the Flexural Behaviour of Cold-Formed Steel Beams 2014
- Análise experimental do comportamento ao fogo de elementos comprimidos de aço enformado a frio 2013
- Baseline study on the behaviour of cold-formed steel columns subjected to fire 2013
- Cold-formed steel columns with restrained thermal elongation subjected to fire 2013
- Verificação da resistência ao fogo de elementos de betão através de ensaios experimentais e numéricos 2013
capítulo de livro
- Macro-modelling of the Three-Dimensional Interaction Between the Faces of a Steel Tubular Column Joint 2023
- Microscale fire modelling at the Wildland-Urban Interface 2022
- Wildfire and evacuation simulation: An overview of research, development, and practice 2022
- Baseline study on the behaviour of cold-formed steel elements subjected to fire 2014
- Wildfire impact of central Portugal's built environment considering climate change influence 2023
- Wildfire impact analysis of Portugal's built environment considering climate change scenario 2023
- A field experimental test on a mockup of steel sandwich panels subjected to shrub fire 2023
- Definition of a holistic regulatory framework for enhancing safety and resilience of the built environment in the wildland-urban interface 2023
- Wildfire impact analysis of Portugal's built environmetn considering climate change scenario 2023
- Conceptual design of steel buildings 2017
- Structural fire performance of restrained composite columns made of concrete-filled square and circular hollow sections 2016
- Advanced Topics in the Design of Offshore Structures. Accidental Actions – FIRE 2016
- Structural fire design of steel and steel and concrete composite structures under fire conditions, Steel and mixed construction Master and PhD program 2015-2016. 2016
- Book of abstracts of the International Fire Safety Symposium 2015 2015
- Proceedings of the International Fire Safety Symposium, 2015 2015
- Buckling behavior of cold-formed steel columns at both ambient temperature and simulated fire conditions
- SFPE23 Annual Conference & Expo