publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Review and analysis of existing methods to assess the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) for office buildings. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022
- The potential use of giant reed from Portugal as a thermal insulation material. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022
- A review of the thermal and acoustic properties of materials for timber building construction. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Reed as a Thermal Insulation Material: Experimental Characterisation of the Physical and Thermal Properties 2021
- Noise reduction performance of a low energy façade-integrated mechanical ventilator. Building Acoustics. 2020
- Estudo económico da implementação de medidas nZEB e ZEB num edifício de habitação multifamiliar 2017
- SouthZEB: formação de profissionais para a conceção, construção e manutenção de edifícios nZEB 2016
- Thermal comfort and IAQ analysis of two Portuguese hospital buildings 2014
- Acoustic performance of lightweight construction solutions. Acta Acustica (Stuttgart). 2003
- Avaliação do impacto energético e económico de diferentes soluções construtivas 2003
artigo de conferência
- Edifícios em madeira como estratégia para a neutralidade carbónica: Contextualização da aplicação estrutural da madeira em Portugal 2024
- Energy Renovation to Alleviate Energy Poverty in Social Housing 2023
- Sistema construtivo em painéis pré-fabricados de madeira para edifícios em altura: Análise do desempenho térmico 2022
- The potential use of giant reed from Portugal as a thermal insulation material 2022
- Thermal performance of steel and fibre reinforced concrete composite floor 2020
- Thermal performance and comfort of vernacular earthen buildings in Egypt and Portugal 2018
- Desempenho térmico e conforto de construções vernáculas em madeira ¿ os palheiros de Mira 2017
- Desempenho térmico e conforto de construções vernáculas em madeira – os palheiros de Mira 2017
- As metodologias BIM como auxiliar no projeto de reabilitação energética de edifícios 2017
- Desempenho térmico e conforto de construções vernáculas em madeira: os palheiros de Mira 2017
- Estudo da qualidade acústica em auditórios 2017
- The importance of the solar systems to achieve the nZEB level in the energy renovation of southern Europe’s buildings 2017
- The importance of vernacular strategies for a climate responsive building design 2016
- Using BIM to streamline the energy renovation processes of residential buildings during the early design stages 2016
- What kind of heat loss requirements NZEB and deep renovation sets for building envelope? 2016
- nZEB Training Needs in the Southern EU Countries - SouthZEB project 2015
- A influência das estratégias vernáculas de adaptação ao clima no comportamento térmico dos edifícios – Beira Alta e Alentejo 2015
- A influência das estratégias vernáculas de adaptação ao clima no comportamento térmico dos edifícios: Beira Alta e Alentejo 2015
- Adaptive facade systems - review of performance requirements, design approaches, use cases and market needs 2015
- LEGOUSE – Habitação modular pré-fabricada: conceito, construção e ensaios 2015
- Análise da influência das varandas envidraçadas da arquitetura vernácula beirã no comportamento térmico dos edifícios 2014
- Avaliação da sustentabilidade de soluções de reabilitação energética para coberturas de um edifício de habitação 2014
- Definição de estratégias de ventilação natural para assegurar a qualidade do ar interior de um edifício. REHABEND. 2014
- Deterioration of the granitic stone at Misericórdia chapel in Murça (northern Portugal) 2014
- Integração de sistemas solares na reabilitação de edifícios 2014
- Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Thermal Systems 2014
- Medidas para a melhoria da Qualidade do Ambiente Interior e da eficiência energética das habitações de famílias de baixo rendimento 2014
- Optimization of the sustainability during the refurbishment design phase of a residential building using SBToolpt-H 2014
- Potentialities of using PCM in residential buildings in Portugal 2013
- Assessment of the bond quality degradation in FRP-strengthened masonry using IR thermography technique 2013
- Avaliação em laboratório do comportamento térmico de soluções construtivas em madeira 2013
- Optimization of the sustainability during the refurbishment operation of a residential building 2013
- Selection of refurbishment construction solutions to improve the indoor environmental quality and sustainability of buildings 2013
- Using MCDA to select refurbishment solutions to improve buildings IEQ 2013
- Using PCM to improve building's thermal performance 2013
- Avaliação da sustentabilidade de soluções de reabilitação energética para paredes exteriores de um edifício de habitação 2012
- Definition of the Energy Performance Requirements in Rehabilitation Projects 2012
- Energy rehabilitation of Portuguese residential building stock through its transformation into NZEB 2012
- Enquadramento energético do sector residencial português 2012
- IAQ Analysis of Portuguese Residential Buildings 2012
- Improving buildings refurbishment through operative conditions evaluation 2012
- Selection of rehabilitation construction solutions 2012
- Selection of rehabilitation construction solutions using ELECTRE III method 2012
- Thermal comfort and IAQ analysis of two Portuguese hospital buildings 2012
- Evaluation of the thermal performance of hollow brick walls with gypsum-PCM plasters 2011
- Selection of construction solutions and materials to optimize the indoor environmental quality of buildings 2011
- Achieving Sustainability through Energy Efficiency while Assuring Indoor Environmental Quality 2010
- Optimization of the Indoor Environmental Quality of Buildings 2010
- Portuguese Building Stock Indoor Environmental Quality “in-Situ” Assessment 2010
- Portuguese EPBD Based Regulation put side by side with Energy Simulation Tools 2010
- Thermal and acoustic comfort in buildings 2010
- Using a Multi-Criteria Analysis to Select Design Alternatives Aiming the Energy Efficiency and IEQ 2010
- Accuracy of the portuguese EPBD implemented thermal performance calculation procedures - RCCTE 2009
- Accuracy of some EPBD implemented thermal performance calculation procedures 2008
- Sustainability and the overall confort in buildings 2008
- The optimization of the overall performance of buildings 2008
- Sustainability assessment of an energy efficient optimized solution 2007
- The Optimization of the overall Comfort in Buildings 2006
- Acoustic evaluation of beam and pot slabs with lightweight regularization layers: a case study 2004
artigo de revista
- Thermal Performance and Durability Evaluation of Arundo Donax towards an Improvement in the Knowledge of Sustainable Building Materials. Energies. 2023
- Conservation of the Beira Railway Station in Mozambique: Lessons from a 20th-Century Heritage Case Study in Africa. Bioengineering. 2022
- The Potential of the Reed as a Regenerative Building Material—Characterisation of Its Durability, Physical, and Thermal Performances. Energies. 2021
- Thermal Performance and Comfort Conditions Analysis of a Vernacular Palafitic Timber Building in Portuguese Coastline Context. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Mechanical and Thermal Performance Characterisation of Compressed Earth Blocks. Energies. 2020
- Thermal Performance and Comfort Condition Analysis in a Vernacular Building with a Glazed Balcony. Energies. 2020
- Passive strategies used in Southern Portugal vernacular rammed earth buildings and their influence in thermal performance. Renewable Energy. 2019
- Environmental and cost life cycle analysis of the impact of using solar systems in energy renovation of Southern European single-family buildings. Renewable Energy. 2019
- Contribution of the solar systems to the nZEB and ZEB design concept in Portugal – Energy, economics and environmental life cycle analysis. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2016
- Comparing cost-optimal and net-zero energy targets in building retrofit. Building Research and Information. 2016
- Contribution of Portuguese Vernacular Building Strategies to Indoor Thermal Comfort and Occupants’ Perception. Bioengineering. 2015
- Review and perspectives on Life Cycle Analysis of solar technologies with emphasis on building-integrated solar thermal systems. Renewable Energy. 2015
- FRP-to-Masonry Bond Durability Assessment with Infrared Thermography Method. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2014
- Operative Conditions Evaluation for Efficient Building Retrofit-A Case Study. Indoor and Built Environment. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Application of a Prefabricated Wooden-Based System for Collective Buildings in a Four-Storey Portuguese Building 2023
- Requisitos Térmicos, Acústicos e de Ventilação em Edifícios e sua Compatibilização 2020
- Inter-relação entre a Acústica, Térmica e a Ventilação 2018
- Environmental life-cycle analysis of solar systems 2017
- Porter Building, Tel Aviv, Israel 2017
- Investigation of new applications for innovative BISTS 2015
- State of the art on Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems 2015
- Layout urbano em função da eficiência energética dos edifícios 2004
- Infuência das varandas envidraçadas na arquitetura vernácula beirã no conforto térmico de edifícios 2020
- II Encontro Nacional sobre Reabilitação Urbana e Construção Sustentável: do edifício para a escala urbana: livro de atas da conferência 2017
- Reabilitação Urbana e Construção Sustentável: do edifício para a escala urbana 2017
- Seminário reVer 2015 - Contributos da arquitetura vernácula portuguesa para a sustentabilidade do ambiente construído (Livro de Atas) 2015
- Livro de atas do seminário reabilitação energética de edifícios 2012