publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Phubbing and technological dependencies: a systematic review of the literature. Interação em Psicologia. 2022
- Partner phubbing scale: Evidence of validity and accuracy. Summa Psicológica UST. 2020
- Partner Phubbing, Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being: The Impact of Digital Technology on Relationships. Psicogente. 2020
- Resilience in Elderly People: An Analysis of the Social Representations of Elderly People. Revista Kairós: Gerontologia. 2015
- 'Love without sex exists': understanding asexuality 2019
- Disposição Para Perdoar na Resolução de Conflitos Conjugais 2019
- Evidências de Validade e Precisão da Partner Phubbing Scale em Contexto Brasileiro 2019
- Partner Phubbing, Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being: The Impact of Digital Technology on Love Relationships 2019
- Appreciation as a Predictor of Commitment in Love Relationships 2018
- Human Values and the Dimensions of Subjective Well-Being in the Context of Romantic Relationships: A Correlational Study 2018
- Cuestionario de Violencia en la Pareja: Evidência de Validade Fatorial e Precisão 2017
- Evidências Psicométricas da Escala de Estratégias de Manejo de Conflito 2017
- Mental Health and Professional Training in Psychology in Times of Psychiatric Reform 2017
- The Challenge of CAPS-AD as a Device for Social Reintegration: An Experience Report 2017
- The Challenges of Doing Health in a Psychosocial Care Center II: An Experience Report 2017
- Civil Status and Subjective Well-Being 2016
- Active Health Project: Multiprofessional Assistance in the Rural Area of the Piaui Coast 2016
- Cine Humanidades: Ideas in Motion 2016
- Conceptions of Marriage as a Life Goal 2016
- Demographic Correlates of Gratitude, Intimacy and Subjective Well-Being 2016
- Resilience in Elderly People: An Analysis of the Social Representations of Elderly People 2016
- The Relationship between Conflict Management and the Subjective Well-Being of Married People 2016
- Valuative and Affective Correlates of 'hook-ups' relationships 2016