publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Risks of Ecosystems’ Degradation: Portuguese Healthcare Professionals’ Mental Health, Hope and Resilient Coping. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- GIS-based methodology for prioritization of preparedness interventions on road transport under wildfire events. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2023
- Comparison of Condition Rating Systems for Bridges in Three European Countries. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Fragility of bridge decks exposed to hydraulic and driftwood actions. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2023
- An exploratory bibliometric analysis of risk, resilience, and sustainability management of transport infrastructure systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2023
- Fragility Analysis Based on Damaged Bridges during the 2021 Flood in Germany. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Spatial Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Based on Fire Risk through GIS Systems—Case Study: Historic City Center of Guimarães, Portugal. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Semi-automatic 3D frame modelling of wooden trusses using indoor point clouds. Infrastructures. 2023
- Apparent and resistant section parametric modelling of timber structures in HBIM. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Breakthrough of the resemblances and correspondences between resilience and sustainability in civil infrastructures. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022
- Railway reinforced concrete infrastructure life management and sustainability index. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022
- HBIM Application in Historic Timber Structures: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2022
- Combination of laser scanner and drilling resistance tests to measure geometry change for structural assessment of timber beams exposed to fire. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Development and Demonstration of an HBIM Framework for the Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- From quality control to decision-making on the management of bridges and structures: What's next?. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures. 2020
- HBIM for storing life-cycle data regarding decay and damage in existing timber structures. Automation in Construction. 2020
- A retrofit technique for timber beams using wooden pegs – guidelines and experimental validation. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2020
- Experimental pushover analysis of a building in cross laminated timber (CLT). . Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2019
- Modelling knot size and location distribution for implementation in structural safety analysis of timber elements. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 2018
- Análise comparativa do desempenho de ultrassons na avaliação não destrutiva da madeira de castanho. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2015
- Effectiveness and subjectivity of visual inspection as a method to assess bending stiffness and strength of chestnut timber elements. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Glulam mechanical characterization. Materials Science Forum VI. 2013
- Safety evaluation of timber structures through probabilistic analysis. Advanced Materials Research. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Model updating of plate composite structure using particle swarm optimization algorithm 2023
- Effect of bridge foundation stiffness on dynamic behavior of bridge structure 2023
- Avaliação da Segurança de Pontes Existentes por meio da Análise de Confiabilidade - Estudos de Casos 2022
- Melhoria da precisão e otimização do método do índice de vulnerabilidade às cheias 2022
- Risk management and criticality ranking of civil infrastructures – case study 2021
- Stochastic methodology to forecast concrete deterioration based on corrosion mechanisms 2021
- Risk assessment of road infrastructures as key for adaptability measures selection. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Impact evaluation of human-made hazards on terrestrial transport infrastructure assets: modelling variables and failure modes 2021
- Risk management and criticality ranking of civil infrastructures - Case study 2021
- From quality control to decision-making on the management of bridges and structures: What’s next? 2020
- Risk management for bridges: a case study of unforeseen failure mode 2020
- Monitorização e conservação preventiva de património histórico com BIM: o projeto HeritageCare 2020
- O Mestrado Europeu BIM A+ 2020
- Analysis and storage of the decay degree level, cracks and lack of material in timber built heritage for HBIM 2019
- Convent of Christ in Tomar - Safety assessment of the Charola roof 2019
- Probabilistic modelling of glued-laminated timber beams using information from onsite tests and randomly generated defects 2019
- Reliability analysis of a post-tensioned railway bridge exposed to corrosion effects 2019
- Propagation of visual inspection on timber members through Bayesian methods 2019
- Sustainable safety evaluation of roads network in case of extreme weather events 2019
- Method for sustainable large-scale bridges survey 2019
- Use of BIM in rehabilitation and assessment of the built heritage: from the visible to the intangible 2019
- Predicting the change of hydraulic loads on bridges: a case study in Italy with a 100-year database 2019
- Possibilities of bamboo construction: from vernacular techniques to industrialized solutions 2018
- Detection of shear crack propagation on timber elements using acoustic emission tests 2018
- Geometria de secções de elementos de madeira através de varrimento por laser e testes de perfuração controlada 2018
- Intervir em coberturas de madeira e seus impactos: ensaios em escala real a duas asnas de madeira 2017
- Predicting mechanical properties of timber elements by regression analysis considering multicollinearity of non-destructive test results 2017
- Uncertainty of Visual Inspection on the Reliability Analysis of Timber Elements 2017
- Repair techniques used in two existing collar beam trusses: Experimental results of full size scale tests 2016
- Multistorey building made of CLT: How to design it right? 2016
- Repairing of a timber truss through two different techniques using timber elements and screwed metal plates. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Robustness assessment of an ancient timber roof structure 2015
- State-of-the-art review on cyclic behaviour of connections used in CLT multi-storey buildings: test results and modelling 2015
- Implementation of a probabilistic based framework for safety assessment of existing timber elements 2015
- Use of random sampling and Bayesian methods in the prediction of chestnut timber beams bending stiffness 2014
- Assessment of strength and stiffness variation within old timber beams 2012
- Characterization of old chestnut beams sections weakened by decay 2012
- Reliability based robustness of timber structures through NDT data updating 2011
- Avaliação de segurança de estruturas de madeira através de análise probabilística 2010
artigo de revista
- Dynamic thresholds for the resilience assessment of road traffic networks to wildfires. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2023
- Adaptation of traditional risk-based methodology for slopes to probabilistic-based approach integrating surrogate models. Computers and Geotechnics. 2023
- Structural Assessment Based on Vibration Measurement Test Combined with an Artificial Neural Network for the Steel Truss Bridge. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Decision-Making Based on Multi-Dimensional Quality Control for Bridges. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Assessing Flood Indirect Impacts on Road Transport Networks Applying Mesoscopic Traffic Modelling: The Case Study of Santarém, Portugal. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Life Cycle Analysis of a Steel Railway Bridge over the Operational Period considering Different Maintenance Scenarios: Application to a Case Study. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2022
- In-Plane Fragility and Parametric Analyses of Masonry Arch Bridges Exposed to Flood Hazard Using Surrogate Modeling Techniques. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Improvement of the Inspection Interval of Highway Bridges through Predictive Models of Deterioration. Bioengineering. 2022
- Detour-Impact Index Method and Traffic Gathering Algorithm for Assessing Alternative Paths of Disrupted Roads. Transportation Research Record. 2021
- Analysis of Cost Overrun and Schedule Delays of Infrastructure Projects in Low Income Economies: Case Studies in Ethiopia. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Risk Assessment of Terrestrial Transportation Infrastructures Exposed to Extreme Events. Infrastructures. 2021
- Key BIM Adoption Drivers to Improve Performance of Infrastructure Projects in the Ethiopian Construction Sector: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Comparison of forecasting models to predict concrete bridge decks performance. Structural Concrete. 2020
- Combination of non-destructive tests for assessing decay in existing timber elements. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. 2020
- Tridimensional parametric model for prediction of structural safety of existing timber roofs using laser scanner and drilling resistance tests. Engineering Structures. 2019
- First results on the combination of laser scanner and drilling resistance tests for the assessment of the geometrical condition of irregular cross-sections of timber beams. Materials and Structures. 2018
- Reliability-based design of interventions in deteriorated timber structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Combination of expert decision and learned based Bayesian Networks for multi-scale mechanical analysis of timber elements. Expert Systems with Applications. 2018
- Non-destructive assessment, full-scale load-carrying tests and local interventions on two historic timber collar roof trusses. Engineering Structures. 2017
- Visual assessment and diagnosis of a timber railway station warehouse in Foz do Tua. International Wood Products Journal. 2017
- Experimental analysis of Maritime pine and Iroko single shear dowel-type connections. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- A Holistic Methodology for Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Timber Elements Combining Onsite and Laboratory Data. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- A review on the mechanical properties of aged wood and salvaged timber. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Inference on stiffness and strength of existing chestnut timber elements using Hierarchical Bayesian Probability Networks. Materials and Structures. 2016
- Use of bending tests and visual inspection for multi-scale experimental evaluation of chestnut timber beams stiffness. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2016
- Onsite assessment of structural timber members by means of hierarchical models and probabilistic methods. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Characterization of cross sections from old chestnut beams weakened by decay. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2014
- Prediction of global bending stiffness of timber beams by local sampling data and visual inspection. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2014
- In situ measured cross section geometry of old timber structures and its influence on structural safety. Materials and Structures. 2013
- On the use of NDT data for reliability-based assessment of existing timber structures. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Reliability analysis of a timber truss system subjected to decay. Engineering Structures. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Analysis of Local Mechanical Characteristics and Global Structural Arch Behaviour of Cane (Arundo Donax) 2024
- Reliability-Based Bayesian Updating Using Visual Inspections of Existing Bridges. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2022
- Assessment and diagnosis of two collar timber trusses by means of visual grading and non-destructive tests. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Hierarchical modelling of timber reference properties using probabilistic methods: Maximum Likelihood Method, Bayesian Methods and Probability Networks 2015
- FP1101 and RILEM TC 245 RTE Training School on assessment and reinforcement of timber elements and structures: The role of the academic community in disseminating knowledge 2016
- Da inspeção à avaliação de segurança na reabilitação de estruturas de madeira 2014
- Métodos de inspeção e classificação visual de elementos de madeira : manual de curso 2014