publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Measuring social skills: cultural adaptation and validation of the SSI-Del Prette. The Journal of Adult Protection. 2021
- We Are Unique When We Cry. Evolutionary Psychology 2013. 11(1): 85-88. 2013
- Help seeking behaviour of abused older women (Cases of Austria, Belgium, Finland, Lithuania and Portugal) | Vyresnio amžiaus moteru{ogonek} elgesys po patirtos prievartos (Austrijos, Belgijos, Suomijos, Lietuvos ir Portugalijos atvejai). Filosofija, Sociologija. 2013
- Evaluation of ageism in Portugal | Avaliação da discriminação social de pessoas idosas em Portugal. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2006
- Generatividade em estudantes e profissionais de educação 2006
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Theoretical approaches to elder abuse: a systematic review of the empirical evidence. The Journal of Adult Protection. 2021
- Risk factors of severity of abuse against older women in the home setting: A multinational European study. Journal of Women & Aging. 2016
- Loneliness in Middle and Old Age. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2014
- Measuring Older Adults' Abuse: Evaluation of Formative Indicators to Promote Brevity. Educational Gerontology. 2014
- Item non-response when measuring elder abuse: Influence of methodological choices. Early Human Development. 2013
- Bereavement in older adults: Individual challenge and contextual variables in different models. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. 2012
- European map of prevalence rates of elder abuse and its impact for future research. European Journal of Ageing. 2011
- Perpetrators of abuse against older women: A multi-national study in Europe. The Journal of Adult Protection. 2011
- Prevalence of older adults' abuse and neglect in Portugal: An overview. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Care of Elderly in Portugal: Official Data and Scientific and Professional Challenges 2020
- A identificação do abuso em idade avançada: orientações para investigadores e dilemas éticos 2019
- Abuse and violence against older women living in the community: a synopsis of results from the multi-national avow study 2017
- The caregiver perspective: An assistive AAL platform. 2014
- The caregiver perspective: an assistive AAL platform. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Avaliação do abuso e negligência de pessoas idosas : contributos para a sistematização de uma visão forense dos maus-tratos 2005
- Theoretical approaches to elder abuse systematic review (Supplementary material) 2021
- A safer life for elderly women: training of professionals and implementation of cooperation mechanisms to counter violence and abuse against older women 2019
- A safer life for older women: a training manual for professionals 2019
- Loneliness in Middle and Old Age 2014
- Três dimensões do processo de envelhecimento 2013
- Maus-tratos e negligência a pessoas idosas: identificação e caracterização de casos no serviço de urgência de um hospital central 2010
- Educação para o cuidado com a individualidade 2002
- "Ser" aluno: o segredo do "ser" professor 1997
- Em defesa de uma educação para o professor 1996
- O que faz e o que sabe um professor? Algumas reflexões sobre a docência 1993
- A influência do nível de desenvolvimento do auto-conhecimento sob os padrões de auto-atribuição em professores 1990
- Screening for violence against older persons: a training package
- What we know about screening older adults for mistreatment: results from the SAVE Project literature review
- What we know about screening older adults for mistreatment: results from the SAVE Project literature review
- Conhecer o fenómeno: tópicos para a formação básica de profissionais 2019
- Quality of life of abused older women: moderating influence of coping mechanisms 2019
- Abuse and violence against older women living in the community: a synopsis of results from the multi-national avow study 2017
- Dos maus tratos ao bom cuidado 2017
- The caregiver perspective: An assistive AAL platform 2014
- Lições aprendidas através do despiste de abuso a pessoas idosas num serviço de urgência 2011