publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Finite Element Analysis of Capillary Dynamics from Entrance to Viscous Flow for a Millimetric Cylindrical Tube: Application to Anti-Slip Surfaces. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2024
- The Influence of Hydroxyapatite Crystals on the Viscoelastic Behavior of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Braid Systems. Biomimetics. 2024
- Identification of Apple Fruit-Skin Constitutive Laws by Full-Field Methods Using Uniaxial Tensile Loading. Materials. 2024
- Numerical and Experimental Characterisation of Polylactic Acid (PLA) Processed by Additive Manufacturing (AM): Bending and Tensile Tests. Journal of Composites Science. 2024
- Determination of the crack propagation effect on the mesh stiffness for a polymer spur gear tooth using the extended finite element method. Journal of the Brazilian SocIETy of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2023
- The double cantilever beam test applied to mode I fracture characterization of polyamide 12 processed by selective laser sintering technology. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2022
- Middle Vault Changes After Humpectomy by Spare Roof Technique Versus Component Dorsal Hump Reduction. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine. 2021
- Shaved Cartilage Gel Versus Diced Cartilage on Final Dorsal Camouflage: Prospective Study of 200 Patients. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine. 2021
- Spare Roof Technique Versus Component Dorsal Hump Reduction: A Randomized Prospective Study in 250 Primary Rhinoplasties, Aesthetic and Functional Outcomes. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2020
- Spare roof technique: A new technique for hump removal-the step-by-step guide. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2020
- Mixed-mode I+II fracture characterization of human cortical bone using the Single Leg Bending test 2016
- Fracture Characterization of Human Cortical Bone Under Mode I Loading. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2015
- A New Procedure for Mode I Fracture Characterization of Cement-Based Materials. Strain. 2015
- Bilinear approximations to the mixed-mode I-II delamination cohesive law using an inverse method. Composite Structures. 2015
- Mode I fracture characterization of human bone using the DCB test. International Journal of Structural Integrity. 2015
- Mode II fracture characterization of a hybrid cork/carbon-epoxy laminate. Composite Structures. 2015
- Wood fracture characterization under mode I loading using the three-point-bending test. Experimental investigation of Picea abies L.. International Journal of Fracture. 2015
- Bone fracture characterization under mixed-mode I+II loading using the single leg bending test. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2014
- Caracterização à fratura do osso de bovino sob solicitações de puro modo II usando o ensaio End Notched Flexure. Mecânica Experimental. 2014
- Determination of cohesive laws in wood bonded joints under mode II loading using the ENF test. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2014
- Evaluation of mode I fracture toughness of cortical bone tissue in the RL crack propagation system. Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2014
- Mode I fracture characterization of a hybrid cork and carbon–epoxy laminate. Composite Structures. 2014
- Moisture content effect on the fracture characterisation of Pinus pinaster under mode I. Journal of Materials Science. 2014
- Quasi-static behavior of moment-carrying steel–wood doweled joints. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2014
- Bone fracture characterization using the end notched flexure test. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2013
- Cohesive zone model and quasibrittle failure of wood: A new light on the adapted specimen geometries for fracture tests. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2013
- Determination of cohesive laws in wood bonded joints under mode I loading using the DCB test. Holzforschung. 2013
- Bilinear approximations to the mode II delamination cohesive law using an inverse method. Mechanics of Materials. 2012
- Evaluation of bone cohesive laws using an inverse method applied to the DCB test. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2012
- Repairing wood beams under bending using carbon–epoxy composites. Engineering Structures. 2012
- A numerical study on the SEN-TPB test applied to mode I wood fracture characterization. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2011
- Fracture characterization of bone under mode II loading using the end loaded split test 2011
- Measurement of mode I and mode II fracture properties of wood-bonded joints. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 2011
- Mixed-mode (I+II) fracture characterization of wood bonded joints. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Numerical analysis of the ENF and ELS tests applied to mode II fracture characterization of cortical bone tissue. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2011
- Size effect in quasibrittle failure: Analytical model and numerical simulations using cohesive zone model. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2011
- Bilinear softening parameters and equivalent LEFM R-curve in quasibrittle failure. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2010
- Crack equivalent based method applied to wood fracture characterization using the single edge notched-three point bending test. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2010
- Estimate of resistance-curve in wood through the double cantilever beam test. Holzforschung. 2010
- The double cantilever beam test applied to mode I fracture characterization of cortical bone tissue 2010
- A new data reduction scheme for mode I wood fracture characterization using the double cantilever beam test. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2008
- Comparison of fracture properties of two wood species through cohesive crack simulations. Journal of Composites: Part A – Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2008
- Wood: a quasibrittle material R-curve behavior and peak load evaluation. International Journal of Fracture. 2005
- Metal forming process optimisation by inverse evolutionary search. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2002
artigo de conferência
- Osteosynthesis metal plate system for bone fixation using bicortical screws: numerical modelling 2021
- On the mechanical characterization of bovine bone tissue under compressive loading 2019
- Caracterização Numérica de Sistemas Modelares de Próteses Totais da Anca. 2017
- Fracture Behavior in Geopolymer Mixtures including Fly Ash and various Industrial Waste 2017
- A study on the dynamics of spatial mechanisms with frictional spherical clearance joints 2016
- Determination of mode I fracture toughness of cortical human bone using the DCB test 2015
- Comparação da taxa crítica de libertação de energia de fractura das madeiras de Picea Abies L. e de Pinus Pinaster Ait. no sistema de propagação TL 2014
- Fracture characterization of wood under mode I loading using the SEN-TPB Test 2014
- Mixed-mode I+II fracture characterization of bovine bone tissue using the SLB test 2014
- Mode I fracture characterization of human bone using the DCB test 2014
- Mode I fracture characterization of wood using the SEN-TPB test: influence of the specimen size 2014
- Determination of the concrete cohesive law under mode I loading using an inverse method 2013
- Mode I fracture characterization of bovine bone using the DCB test 2013
- Mode II Fracture Characterization of bovine bone using the ENF test 2013
- Cohesive zone modeling of the DCB test in cortical bone tissue 2012
- Ductile and brittle quasi-static mechanical behaviour of dowel-type wooden joints 2012
- Effect of dowel spacing and dowel-to-end distance on quasi-static mechanical behaviour of moment-carrying steel-wood doweled joints 2012
- Fracture characterization of cortical bone tissue under mode II loading using the end loaded split and the end notched flexure tests 2012
- Mode I Fracture characterization: Wood SEN-TPB 2012
- Mode I fracture characterization of wood using the SEN-TPB test 2012
- Mode II characterization of cortical bone tissue using the ELS test 2012
- Quasi-static behavior of moment-carrying steel-wood doweled joints. An experimental end numerical investigation of pine wood 2012
- Wood beam repairing with carbon-epoxy composites 2012
- Mode I Fracture of Cortical Bone Tissue 2010
- Mode II Fracture of Cortical Bone Tissue 2010
- Size effect in quasibrittle fracture: Theoretical study and CZM simulations 2009
- Caracterização do Comportamento à Fractura em Modo I do Tecido Ósseo Cortical 2008
- Novo método de tratamento de resultados aplicado ao ensaio DCB na madeira 2008
- Identificação da curva de resistência da madeira em modo I através do ensaio DCB 2007
- Effect of the specimen size on the R-curve in spruce 2006
- Fracture Properties of Pine and Spruce in Mode I 2006
- Measurement of mode I fracture properties of wood using the DCB specimen 2006
- Scaling on the Critical Energy Release Rate in Spruce 2006
- Scaling on the critical energy realease rate in Spruce 2006
- Método inverso de identificação dos parâmetros de um modelo coesivo de fractura da Madeira de Pinus pinaster Ait. baseado em algoritmos genéticos 2005
- A finite element simulation of the SENB test with crack propagation 2004
- Comparação da Taxa de Libertação de Energia Crítica de Fractura das Madeiras de Picea Abies L. e de Pinus Pinaster Ait. no Sistema de Propagação TL 2004
- Determination of the energy resistance curve in wood 2004
- Simulação por Elementos Finitos do Ensaio DCB para a madeira de Pinus Pinaster Ait 2004
- Fracture energy release rate determination in the LR plane of wood 2003
- On the identification of linear elastic mechanical behaviour of orthotropic materials using Evolutionary Algorithms 2002
- Identification of elastic properties of orthotropic materials using evolutionary algorithms 2001
- Measuring the mechanical behaviour of wood in the orthotropic directions 2001
artigo de revista
- On the evaluation of strain energy release rate of cement-bone bonded joints under mode II loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2023
- Active Neutralizing Mats for Corrosive Chemical Storage. Gels. 2022
- A new method for the identification of cohesive laws under pure loading modes. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2022
- Fracture characterisation of bone-cement bonded joints under mode I loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2022
- Osteosynthesis Metal Plate System for Bone Fixation Using Bicortical Screws: Numerical-Experimental Characterization. Biology. 2022
- Experimental evaluation of cohesive laws components of mixed-mode I + II fracture characterization of cortical bone. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2022
- Development of an Ultraviolet-C Irradiation Room in a Public Portuguese Hospital for Safe Re-Utilization of Personal Protective Respirators. Healthcare. 2022
- Thermal, Mechanical and Chemical Analysis of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Multifilament and Braided Yarns. E-Polymers. 2021
- A Cell-Based Smoothed Finite Element Method for Modal Analysis of Non-Woven Fabrics. Computers, Materials & Continua. 2021
- Additive manufactured porous biomaterials targeting orthopedic implants: A suitable combination of mechanical, physical and topological properties. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2020
- Dorsal Hump Reduction Based on the New Ethmoidal Point Classification: A Clinical and Radiological Study of the Keystone Area in 138 Patients. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2020
- Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Human Nasal Cartilage. E-Polymers. 2020
- Influence of transcrystalline layer on finite element mesoscale modeling of polyamide 6 based single polymer laminate composites. Composite Structures. 2020
- Effect of temperature on the fracture toughness of wood under mode I quasi-static loading. Composite Structures. 2019
- Experimental and numerical analyses of wood boards joining using wood-pin connectors. Composite Structures. 2019
- Fatigue-fracture characterization of wood under mode I loading. International Journal of Fatigue. 2019
- Enhancement of stiffness and load bearing capacity of damaged mortar beams with CFRP patches. Composite Structures. 2019
- A finite element model of a 3D dry revolute joint incorporated in a multibody dynamic analysis. Multibody System Dynamics. 2019
- Mode II fracture characterization of wood using the Four-Point End-Notched Flexure (4ENF) test. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2018
- Fracture behavior of wood-steel dowel joints under quasi-static loading. Composite Structures. 2018
- Ti6Al4V laser surface preparation and functionalization using hydroxyapatite for biomedical applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B. 2018
- Determination of mode II cohesive law of bovine cortical bone using direct and inverse methods. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2018
- Dimensional optimization of carbon-epoxy bars for reinforcement of wood beams. Composite Structures. 2018
- Mode I fracture characterization of wood using the TDCB test. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2018
- Preclinical and Translational Studies in Small Ruminants (Sheep and Goat) as Models for Osteoporosis Research. Current Osteoporosis Reports. 2018
- Direct and inverse methods applied to the determination of mode I cohesive law of bovine cortical bone using the DCB test. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2017
- An enhanced formulation to model spatial revolute joints with radial and axial clearances. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2017
- Tartrate-resistant acid phosphate as biomarker of bone turnover over the lifespan and different physiologic stages in sheep. BMC Veterinary Research. 2017
- Bioactive materials driven primary stability on titanium biocomposites. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2017
- A Study on the Dynamics of Spatial Mechanisms With Frictional Spherical Clearance Joints. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2017
- Bone turnover markers in sheep and goat: A review of the scientific literature. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 2017
- Mixed-mode I+II fracture characterization of a hybrid carbon-epoxy/cork laminate using the Single-Leg Bending test. Composites Science and Technology. 2017
- Fracture characterization of human cortical bone under mode II loading using the end-notched flexure test. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 2016
- Bone fracture characterization under mixed-mode I + II loading using the MMB test. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2016
capítulo de livro
- Numerical Simulation of Capillary Rise in Millimetric Cylindrical Tubes 2024
- Hemp-based Knitted Textile Pre-forms Stabilized Using Biodegradable Polymers for Advanced Construction Systems 2023
- Bacterial Nanocellulose as a simple and tailorable platform for the controlled release of hydrophobic drugs envisioning long-time frame release 2023
- 2. Sistemas de Transmissão de Movimento 2020
- A Combined Multibody Finite Element Approaches for Dynamic Analysis and Material Behaviour of Mechanical Systems 2019
- 1. Noções Propedêuticas em Órgãos de Máquinas 2019
- Undergraduates’ Views of Assessment in Higher Education: A Study carried out in Portugal 2017
- Tribological characterization of Ti6Al4V+HAp and Ti6Al4V+ß-TCP biocomposites to assess the primary stability of implants 2017
- T.01 - Sistemas de transmissão de movimento 2017
- T.02 - Transmissões por correias 2017
- T.04 – Aspetos gerais sobre engrenagens 2017
- T.05 – Engrenagens cilíndricas de dentes retos 2017
- T.08 - Engrenagens de parafuso sem-fim 2017
- Órgãos de máquinas II: exercícios de aplicação 2017
- Guia da Unidade Curricular Integradora II 2016
- Sobre as Forças 2016
- Sobre o carro analisado 2016
- Sobre o desempenho do carro 2016
- T.03 – Transmissões por correntes 2016
- T.06 – Engrenagens cilíndricas de dentes inclinados 2016
- T.07 – Engrenagens cónicas 2016
- Órgãos de máquinas II: exercícios de aplicação 2016
- Proceedings of XIV Portuguese Conference on Fracture 2014
- Mode I and Mode II Fracture Characterization of Wood Bonded Joints 2010
- R-curve estimate through an exact self-weight compensation method: wood 2010
- Influence of the specimen size on the R-curve behaviour in wood 2006
- Sólidos Elásticos; Série Didáctica da UTAD de Ciências Aplicadas, nº 293 2006
- Sólidos elásticos. Série Didáctica - Ciências Aplicadas, 293. UTAD, Vila Real: 49 pp. 2006
- Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the European Society for Wood Mechanics. P. Morlier 2004
- Estática dos Meios Contínuos; Série Didáctica da UTAD de Ciências Aplicadas, nº 237 2003
- Estática dos meios contínuos. Série Didáctica - Ciências Aplicadas, UTAD, Vila Real, pp. 91 2003
- Caracterização do comportamento mecânico do tecido ósseo cortical através de ensaios de flexão 2017
- Caracterização numérico-experimental de uma ligação roscada em tecido ósseo cortical 2017
- Estudo do efeito da orientação de uma ligação roscada em tecido ósseo cortical através de um ensaio de arrancamento 2017
- Estudo do efeito da temperatura na taxa crítica de libertação de energia de fratura da madeira de Pinus pinaster Ait. sob solicitação de modo I em regime quase-estático 2017
- Estudo numérico e experimental do comportamento à fadiga do tecido ósseo cortical sob solicitação de modo I 2017
- Influência da distância entre parafusos bicorticais no comportamento mecânico evidenciado por uma fratura transversa de fémur imobilizada com placa de osteossíntese interna 2017
- Análise numérica e experimental de ligações por parafusos metálicos do tecido ósseo cortical de cabra: fratura cominuta redutível 2016
- Caracterização numérico-experimental do comportamento mecânico da madeira submetida a regimes de carregamento cíclico 2016
- Efeito da perda de massa nas propriedades de difusão e de fratura em modo I dos geopolímeros 2016
- Identificação das propriedades de difusão e de fratura em modo I da madeira de Picea abies L. 2016
- Resistência à fadiga por flexão plana do tecido ósseo cortical de bovino 2016
- Caracterização numérico-experimental de um sistema constituído por placa de osteossíntese metálica para fixação óssea recorrendo a parafusos bicorticais 2015
- Efeito de escala em provetes de geometria TDCB: comportamento da curva-R 2015
- Equipamento industrial para produção automática de rebuçados e caramelos, respectivo processo de produção e uso 2015
- Fractura em modo misto de ligações coladas em madeira 2015
- Fratura do tecido ósseo cortical de bovino jovem em modo misto usando o ensaio SLB 2015
- Análise numérica e experimental de ligações por parafusos metálicos do tecido ósseo cortical de cabra: fratura transversa 2014
- Caracterização numérica e experimental de ligações aparafusadas em madeira 2014
- Otimização do comportamento quase-estático de ligações com transferência de momentos de cavilhas em estruturas de madeira 2014
- Caracterização experimental e numérica do comportamento frágil de ligações com cavilhas em estruturas de madeira 2011
- Estudo do efeito de escala na taxa crítica de libertação de energia do betão 2010
- Identificação dos Parâmetros da Lei de Petersson 2010
- Comportamento à Fractura em Modo I do Tecido Ósseo Cortical 2009
- Comportamento à Fractura em Modo II do Tecido Ósseo Cortical 2009
- R-Curve behaviour and size effect of a quasibrittle material: Wood 2008
- Optimização de processos de enformação de metais baseada em pesquisa evolucionária 2000