publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Enhancing Network Slicing Security: Machine Learning, Software-Defined Networking, and Network Functions Virtualization-Driven Strategies. Future Internet. 2024
- Sustainable Irrigation Systems in Vineyards: A Literature Review on the Contribution of Renewable Energy Generation and Intelligent Resource Management Models. Electronics. 2024
- Matter Protocol Integration Using Espressif’s Solutions to Achieve Smart Home Interoperability. Electronics. 2024
- Software and Architecture Orchestration for Process Control in Industry 4.0 Enabled by Cyber-Physical Systems Technologies. Applied Sciences. 2024
- Adaptation and Validation of the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire to Portuguese (SSQp) Based on Immersive Virtual Reality Exposure. IEEE Access. 2024
- The 6G Ecosystem as Support for IoE and Private Networks: Vision, Requirements, and Challenges. Future Internet. 2023
- Environment Code-first Framework: Provisioning Scientific Computational Environments Using the Infrastructure-as-Code Approach. International Journal on Advances in Software. 2022
- Evaluation of Electromigration Desalination of Granite Contaminated with Salts - A Contribution to the Conservation of Architectural Surfaces. RILEM Bookseries - . In: Sena-Cruz J., Correia L., Azenha M. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd RILEM Spring Convention and Conference (RSCC 2020). 2022
- Low-cost IoT LoRa Solutions for Precision Agriculture monitoring practices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. In: Moura Oliveira P., Novais P., Reis L. (eds) Progress in Artificial Intelligence, chapt 20, EPIA'2019 – 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2019
- A penalty based filters method in direct search optimization. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control. 2018
- Multiple JSON web tokens for mobile distributed applications. Engineering Letters. 2018
- Generation of Multi-Fingerprint Maps using Propagation Models. Engineering Letters. 2017
- Penalty Based Filters Method in Direct Search Optimization. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- Adaptive Penalty and Barrier function based on Fuzzy Logic. Expert Systems with Applications. 2015
- A new electric conductance conversion method suitable for very low power applications. Measurement. 2014
- A comparison of multiple algorithms for fingerprinting using IEEE802.11. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2011
- Filling rate assessment of recycling containers using ultrasonic transducers. Measurement. 2011
- Peer-to-Peer Jini for Truly Service-Oriented WSNs. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2011
- Propagation of IEEE802.15.4 in vegetation. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2011
- Classification of some penalty methods. Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Analytic Methods. 2010
- Derivative-free nonlinear optimization filter simplex. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 2010
- Direct search optimization application programming interface with remote access. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2010
- Pervasive WSN based solutions applied to Health ad Life-support Systems. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2010
- Web-based Application programming interface to solve nonlinear optimization problems. WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010. 2010
- Derivative-free optimization and filter methods to solve nonlinear constrained problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 2009
- A Multi-Technology Framework for LBS using Fingerprinting. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2009
- An activation circuit for battery-powered biomedical implantable systems. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2009
- Bioimplantable impedance and temperature monitor low power micro-system suitable for estrus detection. Procedia Chemistry. 2009
- A ZigBee multi-powered wireless acquisition device for remote sensing applications in precision viticulture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2008
- Métodos de Penalidade Exacta para Resolução de Problemas de Optimização não Linear. Investigação Operacional. 2008
- A networked platform for agricultural management systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2001
- A network for agricultural management systems: The communications and control platforms. Control Applications & Ergonomics in Agriculture. 1999
- CAN based actuation system for greenhouse control. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 1999
- Embedded Java in agricultural control systems. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 1999
- Integrated network for agricultural management applications. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 1998
artigo de conferência
- Ubiquitous Environment on Agricultural SCADA Systems 2050
- Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Model using Photovoltaics and Energy Storage Systems 2023
- Integration of a V2G charging station in a smart Prosumer household via a cloud-based energy management system considering ToU tariffs 2022
- Web-based Teamwork: Distributed Software Development Course under Covid-19 2020
- Infrastructure-as-Code for Scientific Computing Environments 2019
- Acquisition System based in Electroantennography to assess the Response of Grape Berry Moth to Volatile Molecules 2019
- Solar Radiation Polyhedron Sensor with Self-calibration Facility 2018
- WiFi Access Point Selector Based on the Network Delay 2018
- Securing RESTful web Services Using Multiple JSON Web Tokens 2017
- Resolution of Constrained Non-linear Optimization Problems Using Direct Search Methods Combined with New Measures to Admissibility in Filters Method 2017
- Using propagation models to build Fingerprint Maps and assess location estimation algorithms performance 2016
- Multi Fingerprinting Map for Indoor Localisation 2015
- Multi fingerprint map for indoor localisation 2015
- Comparison of Some Penalty and Barrier Techniques in Direct Search Methods 2014
- Direct Search methods to optimize Indoor Location Using Fuzzy Logic 2014
- A Java Expression Evaluator for Nonlinear Programming 2013
- Low-cost ultrasonic probe to assess wood defects and parameters 2013
- Vehicle Detection for Outdoor Car Parks using IEEE802.15.4 2013
- A lightweight indoor localization model based on Motley-Keenan and COST 2012
- Fully Automatic Image Segmentation Scheme with Multi-Threshold Selection Based on Intuitionistic Entropy. 2012
- Improvement of a filter method in a derivative free optimization 2012
- RSS and LEA adaptation for indoor location using fingerprinting 2012
- A web-based tool to evaluate the iterative processes of direct search methods 2011
- Determination of Vine Vigour and Vegetative Expression based on a Digital Photography 2011
- Filters method in direct search optimization, New measures to admissibility 2011
- Hybrid technique for fingerprinting using IEEE802.11 wireless networks 2011
- Wine Tasting Sessions Management Solution 2011
- Architecture for Transparent Helpdesk System with Multimodal Presence 2010
- Content Server for use in Power Electronics Courses 2010
- Direct Search Methods for Nonlinear Optimization 2010
- Direct-Search Penalty/Barrier Methods 2010
- HELPMI - A virtual helpdesk for virtual words and beyond 2010
- Vegetation Growth Detection using Wireless Sensors Networks 2010
- A Java Software Stack for Resource Poor Sensor Nodes: Towards Peer-to-Peer Jini 2009
- A Practical Solution for Automatic Service Discovery and Usage over Resource Poor Ad-hoc Sensor Networks 2009
- Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Without Derivatives 2009
- Integration of Resource Poor Wireless Sensor Networks into Smart Spaces 2009
- Second Life Information Desk System using Instant Messaging and Short Messaging Service Technologies 2009
- TraceMe - indoor real-time location system 2009
- A Dual-Link Telemetry System for Loosening Detection in Smart Hip implants 2008
- A Java-based Controller Area Network Device Driver for Utilization in Data Acquisition and Actuation Systems 2008
- Derivative-free Optimization and Filter Methods for Solve Nonlinear Constrained Problems 2008
- Direct Search Algorithms for Nonlinear Problems and the Java Language 2008
- A Java Virtual Machine for Smart Sensors and Actuators 2007
- A ZigBee Sensor Element for Distributed Monitoring of Soil Parameters in Environmental Monitoring 2007
- The Verification of Temporal Knowledge Based Systems – A case-study on power-systems 2007
- The verification of temporal knowledge based systems a case-study on power-systems 2007
- Virtual Machines Applied to WSN’s: The state-of-art and classification 2007
- Mobile-Standalone Traffic Monitoring System Over Low-Bandwidth Wireless Networks 2006
- Ubiquitous SCADA System on Agricultural Applications 2006
- A Wireless Sensor Network for Smart Irrigation and Environmental Monitoring: A Position Article 2005
- Agriculture monitoring and Control System using Low-Cost Wireless Sensors Networks 2005
- Audio interface for real time navigation 2003
- Embedded JAVA to Enable Jini Facilities in Agricultural Networked Systems 2001
- Bringing the World Wide Web to Agricultural Systems Based on the Java Environment 1999
- CAN based actuation system for greenhouse control 1999
- Embedded Java in agricultural control systems 1999
- A Network for Agricultural Management Systems: the communication and control platforms 1998
- An integrated network for agricultural management applications 1998
- MNet-DACS: multi-level network data acquisition and control system 1997
- Solar Data Acquisition Wireless Network for Agricultural Applications 1996
capítulo de livro
- Towards Safer and Efficient Dowry Transactions: A Blockchain-Based Approach 2024
- Indoor Localisation Using Multiple Fingerprint Maps 2016
- A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Indoor Location Using Fingerprinting 2013
- Calibration Procedures for Indoor Location Using Fingerprinting 2013
- Indoor Location Using Fingerprinting and Fuzzy Logic 2011
- Penalty Fuzzy Function for Derivative-Free Optimization 2011
- Java in the Loop of Data Acquisition Systems 2010
- The Verification of Temporal KBS: SPARSE - A Case Study in Power Systems 2008
- Computerised management of greenhouses 1997
- Etiquetagem Electrónica: O futuro da Certificação Digital de Qualidade 2011
- Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing - Eurofuse 2011: Workshop on fuzzy Methods for Knowledge-Based Systems 2011
- Conceitos Fundamentais de Programação em Java 2011
- Sinais Discretos: Conceitos de modulação e codificação 2011
- Ubiquitous Computing: uma utopia ou um paradigma promissor para a vida do dia-a-dia 2011
- Electrónica de Potência – Parte I – Fontes Reguladas de Tensão e Conversores de Potência DC DC e DC AC 2010
- Electrónica de Potência – Parte II – Comportamento Térmico e Dispositivos de Rectificação Controlada 2010
- Fundamentos de estruturas de dados – Listas e Árvores 2010
- Multiple Wireless Technologies Fusion for Indoor Location Estimation 2010
- Sistemas Embutidos de Comunicações e Telemetria 2010
- TraceMe - A Tool for Safety & Security in Clinical Governance Using RFID and Integration of Localisation Services in a Hospital Environment 2010
- Competências e Transferência de Tecnologia: das Telecoms à Logística 2008
- Sinais e Sistemas de Modulação Analógica 2004
- Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Aquisição e Controlo Dinâmicos Java-based 2003
- Tecnologia Java 2003