publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Sequential release of drugs from dual-delivery plasmonic nanogels containing lipid-gated mesoporous silica-coated gold nanorods. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. 2024
- An Injectable Composite Co-Assembled Dehydropeptide-Based Magnetic/Plasmonic Lipogel for Multimodal Cancer Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials. 2024
- Eco-friendly synthesis of fluorescent cobalt-doped manganese ferrites for thermo-therapeutic applications. Amino Acids. 2024
- Chitosan/Alginate Nanogels Containing Multicore Magnetic Nanoparticles for Delivery of Doxorubicin. Pharmaceutics. 2023
- Cellulose Nanocrystal (CNC) Gels: A Review. Gels. 2023
- Advances in Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery. Biomedicines. 2023
artigo de conferência
- Core-shell magnetic-plasmonic nanoparticles enclosed in a biocompatible dehydropeptide-based hydrogel containing lysine. Proceedings of SPIE. 2019
- Benzyloxycarbonyldehydropeptides hydrogelators for drug delivery 2019
- Core-shell magnetic-plasmonic nanoparticles enclosed in biocompatible hydrogels for multimodal cancer therapy 2019
- Magnetogels based on magnetic/plasmonic nanoparticles and self-assembled peptide hydrogels as drug nanocarriers 2019
- Novel ultra-short peptide hydrogel as a potential drug nanocarrier 2019
- Solid magnetoliposomes containing CaxMg1-xFe2O4 mixed ferrite nanoparticles 2019
- Supramolecular magnetogels as nanocarriers for multimodal cancer therapy 2019
- New magnetogels based on manganese ferrite nanoparticles and self-assembled peptide hydrogels as drug nanocarriers 2017
artigo de revista
- Tuning Peptide-Based Hydrogels: Co-Assembly with Composites Driving the Highway to Technological Applications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023
- Synthesis and Cytotoxicity Assessment of Citrate-Coated Calcium and Manganese Ferrite Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia. Pharmaceutics. 2022
- Oxidative Precipitation Synthesis of Calcium-Doped Manganese Ferrite Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
- Plasmonic lipogels: driving co-assembly of composites with peptide-based gels for controlled drug release. Soft Matter. 2022
- Tuning the drug multimodal release through a co-assembly strategy based on magnetic gels. Nanoscale. 2022
- Tuning the drug multimodal release through a co-assembly strategy based on magnetic gels. Nanoscale. 2022
- An injectable, naproxen-conjugated, supramolecular hydrogel with ultra-low critical gelation concentration - prepared from a known folate receptor ligand. Soft Matter. 2022
- Magnetoliposomes: recent advances in the field of controlled drug delivery. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 2021
- Bolaamphiphilic Bis-Dehydropeptide Hydrogels as Potential Drug Release Systems. Gels. 2021
- Supramolecular ultra-short carboxybenzyl-protected dehydropeptide-based hydrogels for drug delivery. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2021
- Review on the advancements of magnetic gels: towards multifunctional magnetic liposome-hydrogel composites for biomedical applications. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 2021
- Impact of Citrate and Lipid-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles in Dehydropeptide Supramolecular Magnetogels: Properties, Design and Drug Release. Nanomaterials. 2020
- Magnetoliposomes Incorporated in Peptide-Based Hydrogels: Towards Development of Magnetolipogels. Nanomaterials. 2020
- Shape Anisotropic Iron Oxide-Based Magnetic Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020
- Dehydropeptide-based plasmonic magnetogels: a supramolecular composite nanosystem for multimodal cancer therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2020
- Novel dehydropeptide-based magnetogels containing manganese ferrite nanoparticles as antitumor drug nanocarriers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2019
- Magnetogels: Prospects and Main Challenges in Biomedical Applications. Pharmaceutics. 2018
capítulo de livro
- Magnetic lipid-based nanoparticles: recent advances in therapeutic applications 2024
- Progress in multifunctional and multimodal biomaterials for therapeutic applications 2024
- Progress in Multifunctional and Multimodal Biomaterials for Therapeutic Applications 2022
- Advances in Nanotheranostics with Plasmonic and Magnetic Nanoparticles 2021
- Synthesis of cobalt-doped manganese ferrites through eco-friendly methods for thermo-therapeutic applications 2024
- Versatile magneto-plasmonic composites based on dehydropeptide hydrogels for multimodal cancer therapy 2023
- Contact lenses carrying drug-loaded albumin nanoparticles for therapeutic applications. 2023
- Magnetolipossomas carregados com lactoferrina para tratamento do cancro da mama triplo-negativo 2023
- Unraveling the potential of lactoferrin-loaded magnetoliposomes for breast cancer therapy 2023
- Design of self assembled magnetic/plasmonic lipogels for multimodal cancer therapy 2023
- Supramolecular magnetic/plasmonic lipogels for multimodal cancer therapy 2023
- New architectures in soft materials for combined cancer therapy 2022
- New architectures in soft materials for combined cancer therapy: multifunctional dehydrodipeptide-based lipogels with magneto-plasmonic properties 2022
- Dehydropeptide-based plasmonic lipogels as bionanosystems for controlled drug release 2022
- TOPIC: Hydrogel-Based Platforms for Advanced Therapy and Theranostics 2022
- NEW ARCHITECTURES IN SOFT MATERIALS FOR COMBINED CANCER THERAPY: Multifunctional dehydrodipeptide-based hydrogels with magneto-plasmonic properties 2021
- The interplay of nanocomposites co-assembly with peptide-based gels as a strategy towards on-demand drug release 2021
- Supramolecular Ultra-Short Dehydropeptide-Based Hydrogels As Potential Affordable Nanocarriers 2021
- Implications of nanoparticles functionalization in supramolecular magnetogels for drug delivery 2021
- Supramolecular magnetolipogels: a co-assembly strategy for on-demand drug release 2021
- Bolaamphiphilic Bis-Dehydropeptide Hydrogels as Potential Drug Release Systems 2021
- Supramolecular magnetogels: Advances towards on-demand drug release 2020
- Development of supramolecular peptide-based magnetolipogels: towards on-demand drug delivery 2020
- Magnetolipogels: a combined strategy for controlled drug release 2020
- Supramolecular plasmonic magnetic gels for controlled drug delivery 2020
- Shape Anisotropic Iron Oxide-Based Magnetic Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications 2020
- Novel ultra short peptide hydrogel as a potential drug nanocarrier 2019
- Core-shell magnetic-plasmonic nanoparticles enclosed in biocompatible hydrogels for multimodal cancer therapy 2019
- Benzyloxycarbonyldehydropeptides hydrogelators for drug delivery 2019
- Magnetogels based on magnetic/plasmonic nanoparticles and self-assembled peptide hydrogels as drug nanocarriers 2019
- Solid magnetoliposomes containing CaxMg1-xFe2O4 mixed ferrite nanoparticles 2019
- Supramolecular magnetogels as nanocarriers for multimodal cancer therapy 2019
- New magnetogels based on manganese ferrite nanoparticles and self-assembled peptide hydrogels as drug nanocarriers 2017
- An injectable, naproxen-conjugated, supramolecular hydrogel with ultra-low critical gelation concentration - prepared from a known folate receptor ligand
- Bolaamphiphilic Bis-Dehydropeptide Hydrogels as Potential Drug Release Systems
poster de conferência
- Magnetolipogels: a mixed strategy for controlled drug release 2020
- Magnetogels based on magnetic/plasmonic nanoparticles and self-assembled peptide hydrogels as drug nanocarriers 2019
- Novel ultra-short peptide hydrogel as a potential drug nanocarrier 2019
- Solid magnetoliposomes containing CaxMg1-xFe2O4 mixed ferrite nanoparticles 2019