publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Developing a metadata application profile for the daily hire labour 2018
- Validation of a metadata application profile domain model 2018
- A DCAP for the social and solidarity economy 2015
- A Method for the Development of Dublin Core Application Profiles (Me4DCAP V0.2): detailed description 2013
- Me4DCAP V0.1: A method for the development of Dublin Core Application Profiles 2013
- State of the Art on Methodologies for the Development of a Metadata Application Profile 2012
artigo de revista
- A Panoramic View on Metadata Application Profiles of the Last Decade. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies. 2014
- Social and Solidarity Economy Web Information Systems. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations. 2014
- State of the art on methodologies for the development of a metadata application profile. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Plataforma nacional para a Economia Social e Solidária 2021
- DailyHire App 2021
- DailyHire web page and web service 2021
- Contributing to the definition of a method for the development of Dublin Core Application Profiles 2013
- A Design Science Research Project: A Method for the Development of Dublin Core Application Profiles 2013
- On the need to develop an interoperability framework for Social and Solidarity Economy Web Based Information Systems 2012
- Datasets of a panoramic view on Metadata Application Profiles of the last decade
- Method for the development of Dublin Core Application Profiles : document of validation and document of integration templates