publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Durability of GFRP-concrete adhesively bonded connections: Experimental and numerical studies. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Formulation of Kansa's method in the frequency domain for the analysis of transient heat conduction. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 2014
- Heat conduction across double brick walls via BEM. Building and Environment. 2004
artigo de conferência
- Comportamento à Compressão de Pilares Circulares de Betão Confinados por Sistemas Compósitos de FRP Híbridos 2018
- Axial compressive behaviour of hybrid FRP confined concrete 2018
- An innovative hybrid GFRP-concrete footbridge structure 2015
- Bridge decks with GFRP ¿ concrete composite sections 2014
- A full-scale innovative GFRP-concrete hybrid footbridge : description and testing 2014
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento mecânico de painéis sandwich com lâminas de GFRP e núcleo de poliuretano 2014
- Experimental and numerical study on GFRP-GLASS adhesively bonded joints 2014
- Pontalumis : hybrid GFRP-concrete footbridge: description, experimental tests and modelling (in portuguese) 2014
- Pontalumis : ponte pedonal mista GFRP-betão : descrição da solução, ensaios e modelação 2014
- Experimental investigations on continuous glass-GFRP Beams; preliminary nonlinear numerical modelling 2012
- Numerical simulation of transparent glass-GFRP composite beams using smeared crack models 2012
- Evaluation of the dynamic behavior of a GFRP-SFRSCC hybrid footbridge 2011
artigo de revista
- Hybrid FRP jacketing for enhanced confinement of circular concrete columns in compression. Composite Structures. 2018
- Durability of GFRP-concrete adhesively bonded connections: experimental and numerical study 2018
- Numerical simulation of the flexural behaviour of composite glass-GFRP beams using smeared crack models. Composite Structures. 2017
- Static, dynamic and creep behaviour of a full-scale GFRP-SFRSCC hybrid footbridge. Composite Structures. 2014