publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Open Government Data Use by the Public Sector - an Overview of its Benefits, Barriers, Drivers, and Enablers. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2022
- E-government maturity models: more of the same?. International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG). 2020
- An assessment of open government data benchmark instruments. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020
- Literature on website evaluation in health sector 2017
- Predicting citizens acceptance of government-led e-participation initiatives through social Media: a theoretical model 2017
- Electronic governance for context-specific public service delivery: A survey of the literature. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Electronic participation with a special reference to social media - a literature review. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
artigo de revista
- IFPortal: A web portal for the characterization and comparison of government interoperability frameworks. International Journal of Web Portals. 2014
- Interview protocol about the use of open government data 2022
- Questionnaire about the use of open government data 2022
- Use of Open Government Data in the Brazilian States and Federal District Public Administrations 2022
- Caracterização da função TIC/Informática nas câmaras municipais portuguesas 2019
- Método de avaliação da presença na Internet das câmaras municipais portuguesas: versão 5.0 2019
- Presença na Internet das câmaras municipais portuguesas em 2019: estudo sobre local e-government em Portugal 2019
- Presença na Internet das Câmaras Municipais Portuguesas em 2016: estudo sobre Local e-Government em Portugal 2017
- Método de avaliação da presença na Internet das câmaras municipais portuguesas: versão 4.3 2014