publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Caracterização química e potencial antioxidante de óleos essenciais de Lavandula viridis, Thymus mastichina e Thymus capitellatus – plantas autóctones do sul de Portugal 2020
- Caracterização química e potencial antioxidante de óleos essenciais de Lavandula viridis, Thymus mastichina e Thymus capitellatus – plantas autóctones do sul de Portugal 2019
- An Integrated Soft Computing Approach to Hughes Syndrome Risk Assessment. Journal of Medical Systems. 2017
- Síntese de ácidos e ésteres fosfónicos e avaliação do seu potencial antioxidante, anti-inflamatório e antibacteriano 2017
- A Soft Computing Approach to Acute Coronary Syndrome Risk Evaluation. Austin Journal of Clinical Cardiology. 2016
- Logic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks in Pharmacological Screening of Schinus Essential Oils. International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering. 2015
artigo de conferência
- An Entropic Approach to Assess People’s Awareness of the Health Risks Posed by Pesticides in Oenotourism Events 2021
- A Many-Valued Empirical Machine for Thyroid Dysfunction Assessment 2018
- An assessment of environmental and toxicological risk to pesticide exposure based on a case-based approach to computing. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2017
- An assessment to toxicological risk of pesticide exposure. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2016
- Antiphospholipid syndrome risk evaluation 2016
- Polyphasic approach for the identification of Zygomycota strains with biotechnological use 2015
- Polyphasic identification of a Rhizopus species and a putative novel Gongronella which both degrade the fungicide metalaxyl 2015
- Biodegradation of the fungicide metalaxyl by zygomycetes 2012
- Characterisation by molecular biology and MALDI-TOF ICMS of zygomycete Gongronella sp. isolated from an Alentejo vineyard soil 2012
artigo de revista
- Metalaxyl Degradation by Mucorales Strains Gongronella sp. and Rhizopus oryzae. Biomolecules. 2017
- Degradation of Metalaxyl and Folpet by Filamentous Fungi Isolated From Portuguese (Alentejo) Vineyard Soils. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2013
- Modelling molecular and inorganic data of Amanita ponderosa mushrooms using artificial neural networks. Agroforestry Systems. 2013
capítulo de livro
- An Assessment of Environmental and Toxicological Risk to Pesticide Exposure based on a Case-Based Approach to Computing 2017
- Mucorales strains with biotechnological use: A polyphasic approach identification 2017
- Polyphasic approach for the identification of Zygomycota strains with biotechnological use 2015
- Degradation of the fungicide metalaxyl by Mucorales strains 2015
- Polyphasic Approach For The Identification Of Zygomycota Strains With Biotechnology Use. 2015
- Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of arylamides-acetals derivatives: potencial drugs for neurodegenerative diseases 2014
- Biodegradation of the fungicide metalaxyl by zygomycetes 2012
- Characterisation by molecular biology and MALDI-TOF ICMS of zygomycete Gongronella sp. isolated from an Alentejo vineyard soil 2012