publicações selecionadas
artigo de revista
- Predicting Weighing Deviations in the Dispatch Workflow Process: A Case Study in a Cement Industry. IEEE Access. 2023
- Nanocomposite thin films based on Au-Ag nanoparticles embedded in a CuO matrix for localized surface plasmon resonance sensing. Applied Surface Science. 2019
- Nanoplasmonic response of porous Au-TiO2 thin films prepared by oblique angle deposition. Nanotechnology. 2019
- Thin films composed of metal nanoparticles (Au, Ag, Cu) dispersed in AlN: The influence of composition and thermal annealing on the structure and plasmonic response. Thin Solid Films. 2019
Nanostructured Ti
1-x Cux thin films with tailored electrical and morphological anisotropy. Thin Solid Films. 2019 - Nano-sculptured Janus-like TiAg thin films obliquely deposited by GLAD co-sputtering for temperature sensing. Nanotechnology. 2018
- Optimization of nanocomposite Au/TiO 2 thin films towards LSPR optical-sensing. Applied Surface Science. 2018
- Contact Pressure and Flexibility of Multipin Dry EEG Electrodes. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2018
- In-service characterization of a polymer wick-based quasi-dry electrode for rapid pasteless electroencephalography. Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik. 2018
- Properties of CrN thin films deposited in plasma-activated ABS by reactive magnetron sputtering. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2018
- Influence of the sputtering pressure on the morphological features and electrical resistivity anisotropy of nanostructured titanium films. Applied Surface Science. 2017
- A poly-e-caprolactone based biofilm carrier for nitrate removal from water. Amino Acids. 2016
- Assessing a novel polymer-wick based electrode for EEG neurophysiological research. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2016
- Electrochemical characterization of nanostructured Ag:TiN thin films produced by glancing angle deposition on polyurethane substrates for bio-electrode applications. Electrochimica Acta. 2016
- Electrochemical and structural characterization of nanocomposite Agy:TiNx thin films for dry bioelectrodes: The effect of the N/Ti ratio and Ag content. Electrochimica Acta. 2015
- Multichannel EEG with novel Ti/TiN dry electrodes. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2015
- Novel Multipin Electrode Cap System for Dry Electroencephalography. Brain Topography. 2015
- Ag:TiN nanocomposite thin films for bioelectrodes: The effect of annealing treatments on the electrical and mechanical behavior. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. 2014
- Electrochemical behaviour of nanocomposite Agx:TiN thin films for dry biopotential electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. 2014
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