publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Motivation-based visitor segmentation in the context of a new governance model for a protected area. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism Leisure and Events. 2024
- Business operators’ perception of the impact of the Portuguese Way of St. James. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. 2024
- Visitors' Satisfaction and Loyalty toward Protected Areas: Exploring the Role of Motivations and Perceived Quality. Leisure Sciences. 2023
- Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in a Small Protected Area: Mapping Stakeholders' Perceptions in the Alvão Natural Park, Portugal. Tourism Planning and Development. 2023
- DESENVOLVIMENTO, ECONOMIA E TURISMO: Diálogos entre o Sul de Minas Gerais (Brasil) e o Minho (Portugal). Gestão & Regionalidade. 2022
- Satisfaction with Braga (Portugal) and recommendation: A comparison between information coming from relatives/ friends and from other sources 2019
- Cultural destination's attributes and tourists` satisfaction: differences between first time and repeat visits 2018
- Perceptions of residents and of local and regional stakeholders towards the tourism development and their potential contribution to the creation of new experiences at Boticas. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento. 2018
- Perceptions of residents and of other local and regional stakeholders regarding tourism development and their potential contribution to the creation of new tourism experiences in Boticas. Journal of Tourism and Develpment. 2017
- Cultural mega-events and the enhancement of a city's image: differences between engaged participants and attendees 2016
- Perceived impacts of the European Youth Capital 2012. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2016
- How does gender affect visiting a world heritage site?: the case study of Guimarães 2014
- Perceptions of residents of hosting the “Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture”: An ex-ante approach 2014
- The role of cultural mega events in the enhancement of city’s image attributes: differences between engaged and attendee participants 2014
- Evaluating the Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture (ECOC): a Tourist Perception Approach 2013
- Motivations to visit and image destination of Guimarães: differences between Portuguese and foreign tourists during 2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture (ECOC) 2013
- Potenciais impactos para Guimarães do acolhimento da Capital Europeia da Cultura 2012: uma análise baseada em experiências anteriores 2013
- Residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts in Guimarães (Portugal): a cluster analysis 2013
- Avaliação ex-ante, pelos media, de Guimarães 2012 capital europeia da Cultura 2012
- Potenciais Impactos para Guimarães do Acolhimento da Capital Europeia da Cultura 2012: uma análise baseada em experiências anteriores 2012
- The host-tourist interaction in a world heritage site: the case of Guimarães 2012
- Tourists’ perceptions of world heritage destinations: the case of Guimarães 2012
- Guimarães residents’ perceptions towards tourism impacts: a cluster analysis 2011
- O olhar da população vimaranense através da imprensa local da Capital Europeia da Cultura 2011
- Residents’ perception of the benefits of cultural tourism: the case of Guimarães. Kultur als Touristischer Standortfaktor – Potenziale – Nutzung – Management, Steinecke. 2011
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- What influences a tourist to return to a cultural destination?. International Journal of Tourism Research. 2019
- What influences a tourist to return to a cultural destination?. International Journal of Tourism Research. 2019
- Changes in the Guimarães visitors` profile and the city attributes perceptions in the post hosting of the 2012 European Capital of Culture. Tourism and Management Studies. 2017
- Does Gender Affect Visiting a World Heritage Site?. Visitor Studies. 2014
capítulo de livro
- Creative Tourism as a New Challenge to the Development of Destinations: The Portuguese Case Study 2018
- Ex-ante evaluation by the media of the Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture 2013
- Cultural tourism in Northwest Portugal – the case of the world heritage site of Guimarães 2012
- Planning Considerations for Tourism in the Minho-Lima Region (Northwest Portugal) 2012