publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Deep learning-based approaches for human motion decoding in smart walkers for rehabilitation. Expert Systems with Applications. 2023
- Looking at the tourism industry through the lenses of industry 4.0: a bibliometric review of concerns and challenges. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. 2023
- Willingness to pay more for green products: A critical challenge for Gen Z. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023
- The impact of the digital economy on economic growth: The case of OECD countries. Revista de Administração Mackenzie. 2022
- A multi-camera and multimodal dataset for posture and gait analysis. Scientific Data. 2022
- Science and Technology Parks: Opening the Pandora’s Box of Regional Development. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. 2022
- KITE: high-performance accurate modelling of electronic structure and response functions of large molecules, disordered crystals and heterostructures. Royal SocIETy Open Science. 2020
artigo de conferência
- Design and technical validation of a wearable biofeedback system for robotic gait rehabilitation. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2020
- Assist-as-needed Impedance Control Strategy for a Wearable Ankle Robotic Orthosis. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2020
- Kinematic and kinetic study of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements towards a human-like skeletal model* 2019
- Study of Gait Cycle Using a Five-Link Inverted Pendulum Model: First Developments* 2019
- Three-Link Inverted Pendulum for Human Balance Analysis: A Preliminary Study* 2019
- Kinematic and kinetic study of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements towards a human-like skeletal model 2019
- Study of gait cycle using a five-link inverted pendulum model: First developments 2019
artigo de revista
- Deep Learning-Based Energy Expenditure Estimation in Assisted and Non-Assisted Gait Using Inertial, EMG, and Heart Rate Wearable Sensors. Bioengineering. 2022
- Deep Learning-Based Energy Expenditure Estimation in Assisted and Non-Assisted Gait Using Inertial, EMG, and Heart Rate Wearable Sensors. Bioengineering. 2022
- Orchestrating entrepreneurial ecosystems in circular economy: the new paradigm of sustainable competitiveness. Management of Environmental Quality. 2022
- An insight on B2B Firms in the Age of Digitalization and Paperless Processes. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Biomechanical Assessment of Adapting Trajectory and Human-Robot Interaction Stiffness in Impedance-Controlled Ankle Orthosis. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. 2021
- Physical health of food consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic 2021
- Entrepreneurial Intention before and during COVID-19—A Case Study on Portuguese University Students 2021
- Opening the “Black Box” of university entrepreneurial intention in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic 2021
- The role of open innovation, and the performance of European Union regions 2021
- Conformal symmetry of the critical 3D Ising model inside a sphere. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 2015
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