publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Análise experimental de uma parede de alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto de três células em situação de incêndio. Concreto & Construções. 2018
- Cold-formed steel columns at both ambient and fire conditions. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering. 2018
- Development of an experimental system to apply high rates of loading. International Journal of Structural Integrity. 2016
- Assessment of the T-stub joint component at ambient and elevated temperatures. Fire Safety Journal. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Numerical simulations on refractory lining for steel casting vessels 2022
- Thermomechanical behaviour of dry-stacked refractory masonry walls 2022
- The Characterization of joint Behaviour in Mortarless Refractory Masonry 2019
- Numerical analysis on the behaviour of concrete masonry walls subjected to fire 2019
- Numerical study on the behaviour of concrete masonry in fire situation 2019
- Estudo numérico de paredes de alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto em situação de incêndio 2019
- Thermomechanical Characterization of Alumina Spinel Bricks 2019
- Aplicações industriais de cerâmicas refratárias: O estado da arte 2018
- Caracterização termomecânica de materiais refratários: O estado da arte 2018
- Aplicações industriais de cerâmicas refratárias: Estado da arte 2018
- Caracterização termomecânica de materiais refratários: Estado da arte 2018
- Experimental research on structural concrete masonry walls subjected to fire 2017
- Experimental and numerical analysis of cold-formed steel columns at both ambient temperature and simulated fire conditions. 2016
- Análise de encurvadura de colunas de aço enformado a frio à temperatura ambiente e elevada 2015
- Análise experimental da resposta estrutural ao fogo de vigas em aço enformado a frio com reforços longitudinais na alma e nos banzos 2015
- Built-up cold-formed steel columns with restrained thermal elongation subjected to fire 2015
- Comportamento à flexão de vigas de aço enformadas a frio com enrijecedores na alma 2015
- Experimental investigation on the behaviour of cold-formed steel columns made with open cross-section subjected to fire 2015
- Parametric study on cold-formed steel columns made with open cross-section subjected to fire 2015
- The accuracy of available analytical models for fire design of cold-formed steel open flexural members 2015
- Análise de Sensibilidade dos Modelos de Cálculo da EN 1993-1-2 para o Dimensionamento ao Fogo de Vigas C em Aço Enformado a Frio 2014
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Lipped Channel Cold-Formed Steel Columns Subjected to Fire 2014
- Experimental investigation on cold-formed steel beams with web stiffeners subjected to fire 2014
- Numerical Modelling and Analysis of the Flexural Behaviour of Cold-Formed Steel Beams 2014
- Análise experimental do comportamento ao fogo de elementos comprimidos de aço enformado a frio 2013
- Baseline study on the behaviour of cold-formed steel columns subjected to fire 2013
- Cold-formed steel columns with restrained thermal elongation subjected to fire 2013
- Verificação da resistência ao fogo de elementos de betão através de ensaios experimentais e numéricos 2013
artigo de revista
- Experimental characterization of the nonlinear thermomechanical behaviour of refractory masonry with dry joints. Composite Structures. 2023
- Numerical simulations on refractory linings for steel casting vessels. Fire Safety Journal. 2023
- Thermomechanical behaviour of refractory dry-stacked masonry walls under uniaxial compression. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Experimental and numerical analysis on the structural fire behaviour of three-cell hollowed concrete masonry walls. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Normal and tangential behaviour of dry joints in refractory masonry. Engineering Structures. 2021
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