publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
- Sustainable efficiency (sefficiency) of water use systems amidst environmental impacts 2017
- Sefficiency (Sustainable efficiency): a systemic framework for advancing water security 2013
- Avaliação das incertezas no domínio dos recursos hídricos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Douro usando a Lógica Difusa 2011
- Modelling Water Resources using Vensim PLE 2011
- Transboundary Douro River Basin needs adaptive management to face future uncertainties of water scarcity and drought 2011
- Escassez de água e seca na bacia hidrográficado Rio Sôrdo 2010
- Water scarcity and drought : setting the stage 2010
- Modelo de apoio à decisão para a gestão de bacias hidrográficas usando Mike Basin 2009
- Water saving with a PLC based adaptive irrigation system 2009
- Irrigation water use and its effective efficiency in Portugal 2008
- Optimizing rain harvesting for Mediterranean climate 2008
- Pressões antropogénicas nas bacias hidrográficas dos Rios Sôrdo, Pinhão e Ribeira de Vila Chã : causas, consequências e respostas 2008
- Water resources and climate change in Angola / Southern Africa 2008
- Optimal management of groundwater withdrawals in coastal aquifers 2007
- Application of RIAM to the environmental impact assessment of hydroelectric installations. Iahs Publication. 2007
- Desenvolvimento dum sistema de rega automático, autónomo e adaptativo – estudo comparativo de cinco métodos para o cálculo da ETo 2007
- Análise da quantidade de azoto em excesso em solos agrícolas na zona vulnerável n.º 1 2006
- Efeitos prejudiciais na saúde humana derivados por ingestão de nitratos na zona vulnerável nº1 (freguesias: Apúlia, Fão) e na zona não vulnerável (freguesias: Fonte Boa, Gandra, Gemeses, Rio Tinto) 2006
- Estudo de impacte ambiental nos cursos de água atravessados pelas variantes rodoviárias previstas para o concelho da Trofa 2006
- Subjective sustainability criteria applied to a renewable energy installation 2006
- Análise da qualidade das águas superficiais de Ponte de Lima 2005
- Sustainable management of human water consumption: a preliminary case study in North-Eastern of Portugal. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2005
- Uso indevido da água tratada: caso prático no Município de Felgueiras 2005
- Planeamento e gestão global de recursos hídricos costeiros : estratégias para a prevenção e controlo da intrusão salina 2000
artigo de revista
- Modelling of smart irrigation with replan and redistribution algorithms. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 2022
- Assessment of the agricultural water use in Jericho governorate using sefficiency 2020
- An introduction to the hyperspace of Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology. 2019
- An introduction to the hyperspace of Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology. 2019
- Assessing the impacts of population growth and climate change on performance of water use systems and water allocation in Kano River Basin, Nigeria. Water. 2018
- An Introduction to the Hyperspace of Hargreaves-Samani Reference Evapotranspiration. Sustainability (MDPI). 2018
- Integrating water footprint and sefficiency: overcoming water footprint criticisms and improving decision making. Water Alternatives-An Interdisciplinary Journal on Water Politics and Development. 2018
- Sefficiency of a water use system: the case of Kano River irrigation project, Nigeria. International Journal of Civil Engineering. 2018
- Random walk forecast of urban water in Iran under uncertainty. Water Resources. 2016
- Sefficiency (sustainable efficiency) of water–energy–food entangled systems. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 2016
- Macro, meso, and micro-efficiencies and terminologies in water resources management: a look at urban and agricultural differences. Water International. 2014
- Macro, meso, and micro-efficiencies in water resources management : a new framework using water balance. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (jawra). 2012
- Analysis of Effective Efficiency in decision making for irrigation interventions. Water Resources. 2012
- Vensim PLE to create models for water management. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2012
- Effective efficiency in water resources management using efficiency elasticity index. Water and Environment Journal. 2011
- Drip irrigation using a PLC based adaptive irrigation system. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2009
- Os recursos rurais de Esposende: avaliação baseada em indicadores de sustentabilidade na Zona Vulnerável 1. Engenharia Civil. 2008
- Effective efficiency as a tool for sustainable water resources management. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (jawra). 2008
- Optimal locations of groundwater extractions in coastal aquifers. Water Resources Management. 2007
- Subjective sustainability criteria applied to a renewable energy installation. Engenharia Civil. 2006
- Dimensionamento optimizado de sistemas adutores elevatórios de água : uma ferramenta essencial para o planeamento e gestão dos sistemas de abastecimento de água. Engenharia Civil. 2003
- Análise, modelação em cascata e projecção de consumos de água. Engenharia Civil. 1995
capítulo de livro
- Sefficiency (sustainable efficiency) and reallocation of watre using agricultura and urban scenarios 2015
- Comment: Efficient irrigation; inefficient communication; flawed recommendations. Irrigation and Drainage. 2008
- Optimal management of groundwater withdrawals in coastal aquifers 2007
- Ambiente e sustentabilidade: a água, um bem primordial 2006
- Planeamento e gestão global de recursos hídricos costeiros : estratégias para a prevenção e controlo da intrusão salina 2000