publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Elucidating bacterial coaggregation through a physicochemical and imaging surface characterization. Heredity. 2024
- Exploring coaggregation mechanisms involved in biofilm formation in drinking water through a proteomic-based approach. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2024
- A review of research advances on disinfection strategies for biofilm control in drinking water distribution systems. Water Research. 2024
- Novel chemical-based approaches for biofilm cleaning and disinfection. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2024
- Hydrocinnamic acid and perillyl alcohol are effective against Escherichia coli biofilms when used alone and combined with antibiotics. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2023
- Bacteria and microalgae associations in periphyton—mechanisms and biotechnological opportunities. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 2023
- Biofilm Production by Critical Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens from an Equine Wound. Animals. 2023
- A procedure to harmonize the hydrodynamic force during microbial cultivation in shaking flasks. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 2023
- Contribution to Understanding the Mechanisms Involved in Biofilm Formation, Tolerance and Control. International Journal in Molecular Sciences. 2023
- Legionella pneumophila. Trends in Microbiology. 2021
- LegionellaDB - A Database on Legionella Outbreaks. Trends in Microbiology. 2021
- Influence of biofilm composition on the resistance to detachment. Water Science and Technology. 2007
- The role of hydrodynamic stress on the phenotypic characteristics of single and binary biofilms of Pseudomonas fluorescens. Water Science and Technology. 2007
artigo de conferência
- The role of inter-kingdom interactions in chlorine resistance of biofilms formed by drinking water-isolated microorganisms 2016
- Persister cells in Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms treated with a biocide 2009
- Drinking water biofilm monitoring by Propella™ and flow cell bioreactors under different operating conditions 2008
- Adhesion potential of bacteria isolated from tap water to several materials using a modified microtiter-plate test 2006
- Control of flow-generated biofilms with surfactants : evidence of resistance and recovery 2006
- Influence of biofilm composition on the resistance to detachment 2006
- Influence of material type and surface benzalkonium chloride preconditioning on biofilm formation and activity 2006
- Role of benzalkonium chloride surface preconditioning in the increased resistance of biofilms to removal and disinfection 2006
- The role of hydrodynamic stress on the phenotypic characteristics of single and binary biofilms of Pseudomonas fluorescens 2006
- Biofilm recovery after treatment with an anionic and cationic surfactant at sublethal concentrations 2004
- Cellular changes due to biofilm formation: influence of flow regime 2004
- Effect of cationic surfactants on biofilm removal and mechanical stability 2004
- Monitoring the effects of biocide treatment of Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms formed under different flow regimes. Water Science and Technology. 2003
- Surveillance of the behaviour of pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms after ortho-phtalaldehyde disinfection 2002
artigo de revista
- Realism-based assessment of the efficacy of potassium peroxymonosulphate on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia biofilm control. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023
- Beyond Penicillin: The Potential of Filamentous Fungi for Drug Discovery in the Age of Antibiotic Resistance. Antibiotics. 2023
- Drinking-water isolated Delftia acidovorans selectively coaggregates with partner bacteria and facilitates multispecies biofilm development. Heredity. 2023
- Hydrocinnamic Acid and Perillyl Alcohol Potentiate the Action of Antibiotics against Escherichia coli. Antibiotics. 2023
- Hydrocinnamic Acid and Perillyl Alcohol Potentiate the Action of Antibiotics against Escherichia coli. Antibiotics. 2023
- Interactions between Penicillium brevicompactum/Penicillium expansum and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus isolated from drinking water in biofilm development and control. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2023
- Chlorinated cyanurates and potassium salt of peroxymonosulphate as antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents for drinking water disinfection. Heredity. 2022
- Microalgal-based removal of contaminants of emerging concern. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022
- Overview on the hydrodynamic conditions found in industrial systems and its impact in (bio)fouling formation. Antibiotics. 2021
- Biofilms in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Impact, Risk Factors and Control Strategies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- The Effects of Chemical and Mechanical Stresses on Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas fluorescens Single- and Dual-Species Biofilm Removal. Antibiotics. 2021
- Bacterial coaggregation in aquatic systems. Water Research. 2021
- Biofilm control by ionic liquids. Drug Discovery Today. 2021
- Copper Surfaces in Biofilm Control. Nanomaterials. 2020
- Emerging contaminants affect the microbiome of water systems: strategies for their mitigation. npj Clean Water. 2020
- Influence of surface copper content on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia biofilm control using chlorine and mechanical stress. Antibiotics. 2020
- Adhesion of filamentous fungi isolated from drinking water under different process conditions. Water Research. 2019
- Desinfeção de águas hospitalares 2019
- Prolonged exposure of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia biofilms to trace levels of clofibric acid alters antimicrobial tolerance and virulence. Chemosphere. 2019
- The effects of pharmaceutical and personal care products on the behavior of Burkholderia cepacia isolated from drinking water. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2019
- The role of surface copper content on biofilm formation by drinking water bacteria. Nanoscale. 2019
- The action of chemical and mechanical stresses on single and dual species biofilm removal of drinking water bacteria. Heredity. 2018
- The effects of emerging environmental contaminants on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolated from drinking water in planktonic and sessile states. Heredity. 2018
- Critical review on biofilm methods. Antibiotics. 2017
- Combinatorial approaches with selected phytochemicals to increase antibiotic efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms. Antibiotics. 2016
- The effects of sodium hypochlorite against selected drinking water-isolated bacteria in planktonic and sessile states. Heredity. 2016
- Combinatorial activity of flavonoids with antibiotics against drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Microbial Drug Resistance. 2015
- Antibacterial activity and mode of action of selected glucosinolate hydrolysis products against bacterial pathogens. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015
- Kinetics of biofilm formation by drinking water isolated Penicillium expansum. Antibiotics. 2015
- Methods to study microbial adhesion on abiotic surfaces. AIMS Bioengineering. 2015
- Evaluation of the best method to assess antibiotic potentiation by phytochemicals against staphylococcus aureus. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 2014
- An overview on the reactors to study drinking water biofilms. Water Research. 2014
- Antimicrobial activity of selected phytochemicals against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus and their biofilms. Pathogens. 2014
- Evaluation of the effects of selected phytochemicals on quorum sensing inhibition and in vitro cytotoxicity. Antibiotics. 2014
- Extended-spectrum -lactamase and carbapenemase-producing Aeromonas species in wild animals from Portugal. Veterinary Record. 2014
- The action of selected isothiocyanates on bacterial biofilm prevention and control. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2014
- What should be considered in the treatment of bacterial infections by multi-drug therapies: A mathematical perspective?. Drug Resistance Updates. 2014
- Antibacterial activity of phenyl isothiocyanate on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Medicinal Chemistry. 2013
- Biofilms in drinking water : problems and solutions. Nanoscale. 2013
- A comparative study of drinking water biofilm monitoring with flow cell and Propella™ bioreactors. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2012
- Persister cells in a biofilm treated with a biocide. Antibiotics. 2011
- The effects of glutaraldehyde on the control of single and dual biofilms of Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas fluorescens.. Antibiotics. 2011
- The effects of metabolite molecules produced by drinking water-isolated bacteria on their single and multispecies biofilms. Antibiotics. 2011
- A review of current and emergent biofilm control strategies. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2010
- Adhesion and biofilm formation on polystyrene by drinking water-isolated bacteria. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2010
- Influence of the diversity of bacterial isolates from drinking water on resistance of biofilms to disinfection. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2010
- Species association increases biofilm resistance to chemical and mechanical treatments. Water Research. 2009
- Enhancement of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus antibiotic susceptibility using sesquiterpenoids. Medicinal Chemistry. 2008
- Acinetobacter calcoaceticus plays a bridging function in drinking water biofilms. Engium. 2008
- Antagonism between Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas fluorescens in planktonic systems and in biofilms. Antibiotics. 2008
- Intergeneric coaggregation among drinking water bacteria : evidence of a role for acinetobacter calcoaceticus as a bridging bacterium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008
- Physiology and behavior of Pseudomonas fluorescens single and dual strain biofilms under diverse hydrodynamics stresses. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2008
- Sodium dodecyl sulfate allows the persistence and recovery of biofilms of Pseudomonas fluorescens formed under different hydrodynamic conditions. Antibiotics. 2008
- The effects of a biocide and a surfactant on the detachment of Pseudomonas fluorescens from glass surfaces. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2008
- Antimicrobial mechanisms of ortho-phthalaldehyde action. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 2007
- Biofilm interactions between distinct bacterial genera isolated from drinking water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2007
- Potential of the adhesion of bacteria isolated from drinking water to materials. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 2007
- The effect of hydrodynamic conditions on the phenotype of Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms. Antibiotics. 2007
- Comparative antibacterial potential of selected aldehyde-based biocides and surfactants against planktonic Pseudomonas fluorescens. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2006
- Control of flow-generated biofilms with surfactants : evidence of resistance and recovery. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2006
- Action of a cationic surfactant on the activity and removal of bacterial biofilms formed under different flow regimes. Water Research. 2005
- Effect of mechanical stress on biofilms challenged by different chemicals. Water Research. 2005
- Validation of respirometry as a short-term method to assess the efficacy of biocides. Antibiotics. 2005
- Effect of Different Concentrations of Ortho-phthalaldehyde on Biofilms Formed by Pseudomonas fluorescens under Different Flow Conditions. Antibiotics. 2003
- Studies on the behaviour of Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms after ortho-phthalaldehyde treatment. Antibiotics. 2003
capítulo de livro
- Influence of surface materials on biofilm formation 2021
- The role of filamentous fungi in drinking water biofilm formation 2020
- Biocides 2019
- Activity of allylisothiocyanate and 2-phenylethylisothiocyanate on motility and biofilm prevention of pathogenic bacteria 2013
- Phytochemicals against drug-resistant microbes 2012
- Green anti-biofouling strategies 2010
- Microbial interactions in biofilms: role of siderophores and iron-dependent mechanisms as biocontrol strategies 2007
- Microbial interactions in drinking water biofilms 2007
- Preventing biofilm formation using surfactants 2007
- Control of biofilms using surfactants: persistence and regrowth 2005
- How the hydrodynamic conditions under which biofilms are formed affect the effectiviness of aldehyde-based biocides 2003
- Delftia acidovorans extracellular metabolites increase the biomass and metabolic activity of drinking water biofilms 2023
- Influence of different copper materials on biofilm control using chlorine and mechanical stress 2020
- The effects of different biocides against selected drinking water-isolated bacteria in planktonic and sessile states 2020
- The effects of chemical and mechanical stresses on the removal of biofilms formed by drinking waterisolated bacteria 2016
- The role of inter-kingdom interactions in chlorine resistance of biofilms formed by drinking water-isolated microorganisms 2016
- Adhesion and biofilm formation by drinking water-isolated microorganisms: the role of surface properties and inter-kingdom interactions 2015
- Effect of sodium hypochlorite on bacteria isolated from drinking water 2015
- The effects of sodium hypochlorite on the control of inter-kingdom biofilm formation by drinking water-isolated microorganisms 2015
- Kinetics of biofilm formation by drinking water-isolated Penicillium expansum 2014
- Comparison of methods to assess biofilm disinfection and recovery by drinking water-isolated bacteria 2012
- Susceptibility of drinking water biofilm bacteria to sodium hypochlorite 2009
- Impact of antimicrobial metabolites produced by Serratia plymuthica dairy industry isolates on human pathogens 2008
- Comparison of the antimicrobial efficacy of commercial surfactants with the respective pure components 2008
- Kinetics of Pseudomonas fluorescens inactivation with ortho-phtalaldehyde 2008
- Bacillus cereus-Serratia plymuthica territorial interactions 2008
- Bioregulation of biofilms formed by waterborne opportunistic bacteria 2008
- Dispersion of biofilm mass and activity values : sign of hypermutation in P. aeruginosa biofilms? 2008
- Serratia plymuthica dairy industry isolates and their antimicrobial metabolites impact on pathogens 2008
- Acinetobacter calcoaceticus plays a bridging function in drinking water biofilm formation 2008
- Species association increases biofilm resistance to chemical and mechanical treatments 2008
- Controlling relevant biofilms using bacterial secondary metabolites 2007
- Controling biofilms with Serratia plymuthica secondary metabolites : the permanent search for a great natural antimicrobial product 2007
- The relationship between initial adhesion and biofilm formation by drinking water bacteria 2007
- Persisters, in the news yesterday, on our labs today : the world together for a safer tomorrow 2007
- The multifaceted behaviour of mixed-species biofilms 2007
- Differential efficacy of selected antimicrobials on the mechanical stability of mixed biofilms formed by Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas fluorescens 2007
- Production of siderophores and quorum sensing antagonists and free energy of adhesion regulates Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas fluorescens interactions 2007
- Use of CV and XTT to screen biofilm susceptibility to new QAC's compounds 2006
- Analysis of biocide and surfactant influencing detachment of bacterial cells 2006
- Dossier relativo ao Curso de Licenciatura em Música 2006
- Surface physicochemical characterization of a bacterial population isolated from a drinking water distribution system and thermodynamic evaluation of their potential to adhere to several materials 2006
- A comparative study between Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms formed under different flow regimes and cells in planktonic state 2005
- Behaviour of biofilms formed by Pseudomonas fluorescens under different flow regimes when exposed to surfactants : role of the biofilm mechanical stability 2005
- Can a type strain mimic the behaviour of strains found in real systems? 2005
- Action of a cationic surfactant on the activity and removal of bacterial biofilms formed under different flow regimes 2003
- Glutaraldehyde exposed Pseudomonas fluorescens: a case of biofilm persistence? 2003
- Effect of hydrodynamic conditions on the efficacy of aldehyde-based biocides against P. fluorescens biofilms 2003
- Use of a surfactant to control biofilms formed under different flow regimes 2003
- Dossier relativo ao Curso de Mestrado em Estudos da Criança - especialização em Educação Musical (IEC - UMinho) 2002
- Reestruturação do Curso de Estudos Superiores Especializados em Educação Musical 1999
- Dossier relativo ao Curso de Estudos Superiores Especializados em Educação Musical (CEPOFE) 1992