publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Do investors benefit from investing in stocks of green bond issuers?. Economics Letters. 2024
- Do Sustainability Signals Diverge? An Analysis of Labeling Schemes for Socially Responsible Investments. Business & SocIETy. 2024
- The performance of green bond portfolios under climate uncertainty: A comparative analysis with conventional and black bond portfolios. Research in International Business and Finance. 2024
- The environmental and financial performance of green energy investments: European evidence. Ecological Economics. 2022
- The performance of social responsible investing from retail investors' perspective: international evidence. International Journal of Finance & Economics. 2021
- Socially responsible investing worldwide: Do markets value corporate social responsibility?. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2020
- Tests of the correlation between portfolio performance measures. Journal of Financial Transformation. 2012
- Conditioning information in mutual fund performance evaluation: Portuguese evidence. European Journal of Finance. 2009
- Measuring fund performance using multi-factor models: evidence for the Portuguese market. International Journal of Business. 2009
- The performance of European socially responsible funds. Journal of Business Ethics. 2009
- A avaliação do desempenho condicional de fundos de investimento e o problema das regressões espúrias: um estudo empírico para o mercado português. Cadernos de Mercado de Valores Mobiliários. 2007
- A divulgação de informação ambiental e a performance financeira das empresas cotadas em Portugal. Tékhne-Revista de Estudos Politécnicos. 2006
- Timing and selectivity in Portuguese mutual fund performance. Research in International Business and Finance. 2006
- Os gestores de carteiras têm capacidade de selecção de títulos e de previsão da evolução do mercado? Um estudo empírico para o mercado português. Tékhne-Revista de Estudos Politécnicos. 2005
- The Persistence of European Bond Fund Performance: Does Conditioning Information Matter?. International Journal of Business. 2005
- Bond return predictability: The European market. International Journal of Finance. 2004
- Conditioning Information and European Bond Fund Performance. European Financial Management. 2003
- Conditioning information on portfolio performance evaluation: A reexamination of performance persistence in the Portuguese mutual fund market. Finance India. 2002
- Persistence in Portuguese mutual fund performance. European Journal of Finance. 1999
- On mutual fund performance evaluation. Estudos De Gestão. 1997
- Portfolio performance evaluation: historical evolution, issues and directions for future research. Portuguese Review of Financial Markets. 1997
artigo de revista
- Does the choice of fund performance measure matter?. Investment Analysts Journal. 2020
- Investment and profitability factors in mutual fund performance evaluation: a conditional approach. Applied Economics Letters. 2020
- Socially responsible investing and the performance of Eurozone corporate bond portfolios. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2019
- The performance of socially responsible equity mutual funds: Evidence from Sweden. Business Ethics: A European Review. 2018
- The performance of European SRI funds investing in bonds and their comparison to conventional funds. Investment Analysts Journal. 2018
- The conditional performance of Euro bond funds: evidence from Portugal during the debt crisis | Evaluación del desempeño condicional de fondos de bonos en euros: Evidencia de Portugal durante la crisis de la deuda. Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad. 2017
- The performance of US and European green funds in different market conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016
- Venture capital and the financial crisis in Portugal: the VC managers’ viewpoint. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 2016
- Performance of European socially responsible funds during market crises: Evidence from France. International Review of Financial Analysis. 2015
- Selectivity and timing abilities of international socially responsible funds. Applied Economics Letters. 2014
- Style and performance of international socially responsible funds in Europe. Research in International Business and Finance. 2014
- The determinants of international equity investment: Do they differ between institutional and noninstitutional investors?. Journal of Banking & Finance. 2014
- The conditional performance of US mutual funds over different market regimes: Do different types of ethical screens matter?. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management. 2013
- Socially responsible investing in the global market: The performance of US and European funds. International Journal of Finance & Economics. 2012
- Time varying betas and the unconditional distribution of asset returns. Quantitative Finance. 2012