publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Sustainable Water Use and Public Awareness in Portugal. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Encouraging Eco-Innovative Urban Development. Algorithms. 2024
- Evaluating the Perceptions of the Portuguese Population on the Economic Impacts of Biotechnology-Based Technologies. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Assessment of Literacy to Biotechnological Solutions for Environmental Sustainability in Portugal. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Using sensor data to detect time-constraints in ontology evolution. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 2023
- Contributions of Artificial Intelligence to Decision Making in Nursing: A Scoping Review Protocol. Nursing Reports. 2023
- An Assessment of the Psychometric Evidence from Household Work Satisfaction of Women. International Journal of Health Science . 2022
- Avoidance of operational sampling errors in drinking water analysis. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua. 2022
- Employees balance and stability as key points in organizational performance. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- Integration of Smart Pavement Data with Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review. Bioengineering. 2021
- Customers’ satisfaction assessment in water laboratories. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua. 2021
- Assessing Employee Satisfaction in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic. ParadigmPlus. 2020
- Psychosocial Risks Assessment in Cryopreservation Laboratories. Safety and Health At Work. 2020
- Full Informed Road Networks Evaluation: Simpler, Maybe Better 2020
- Fully Informed Vulnerable Road Users - Simpler, Maybe Better 2020
- Assessing Individuals Learning's Impairments from a Social Entropic Perspective. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Crowd Sensing for Urban Security in Smart Cities. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2018
- Improving the Perception of Chemistry in Higher Education Programs through Many-Valued Empirical Machines 2018
- Predicative Vagueness in Lung Metastases in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Screening. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Analysis of Dyscalculia Evidences through Artificial Intelligence Systems. AI Communications. 2017
- A Soft Computing Approach to Acute Coronary Syndrome Risk Evaluation. Austin Journal of Clinical Cardiology. 2016
- An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Individuals' Age Assessment. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. 2016
- Assessing the Role of General Chemistry Learning in Higher Education. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2016
- Treating Colon Cancer Survivability Prediction as a Classification Problem. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 2016
- Logic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks in Pharmacological Screening of Schinus Essential Oils. International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering. 2015
- Applying Speculative Computation to Guideline-Based Decision Support Systems. 2014 Ieee 27th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (Cbms). 2014
- School Dropout Screening through Artificial Neural Networks based Systems. Educational Technologies Series. 2014
- A Logic Programming Approach to the Conservation of Buildings Based on an Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model. Polibits. 2013
- Healthcare Interoperability through a JADE Based Multi-Agent Platform. Intelligent Distributed Computing Vi. 2013
- Ter como Palco de Fundo as Redes Sociais. Desafios Metodológicos: Como o Observado Muda o Observador 2013
- Multi-agent Systems for HL7 Interoperability Services. Information Processing Letters. 2012
- Cyberbullying. International Journal of Technoethics. 2010
- Decision Making and Quality-of-Information. Fuzzy Information and Engineering. 2010
- Enhancing the Role of Multi-agent Systems in the Development of Intelligent Environments. Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems. 2010
- Multi-agent Personal Memory Assistant. Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems. 2010
- Quality of the Information: The application in the winification process in wine production. Computing and Computational Intelligence, Proceedings. 2009
- Anthropopathy and its assessment in virtual entities. Innovations Through Information Technology, Vols 1 and 2. 2004
- Clinical, multicentric, and open study to evaluate the efficacy of and tolerance to sildenafil in patients with erectile dysfunction. 2002
- As lágrimas amargas da participação: como pensar o “poder” a partir de Michel Foucault. Cadernos do Noroeste. 2000
- A software agent distributed system for dynamic load balancing. Modelling and Simulation 1996. 1996
- As pequenas e médias empresas no Noroeste de Portugal : identidades e racionalidades. Cadernos do Noroeste. 1993
- As pequenas e médias empresas no Noroeste de Portugal. Identidades e racionalidades 1993
artigo de conferência
- Assessing the Impact of Computer Simulations on Physics and Chemistry Learning 2023
- A Sustainable Approach to Marketable Banking Stress and Burnout 2022
- An Entropic Approach to Burnout in the Management of a Kitchen Staff Team 2022
- Effective Communication in Transition Care During Shift Change 2022
- Hospitality and Hospital Management 2022
- Assessment of Environmental Literacy 2021
- An Assessment of the Weight of the Experimental Component in Physics and Chemistry Classes 2021
- An Entropic Approach to Assess People’s Awareness of the Health Risks Posed by Pesticides in Oenotourism Events 2021
- A Thermodynamic Assessment of the Cyber Security Risk in Healthcare Facilities 2020
- Wine Quality Assessment Under The Eindhoven Classification Method 2019
- An Evolutionary Computing approach to Diabetic Foot Analysis 2018
- Awareness of School Learning Environments 2018
- Planning, Managing and Monitoring Technological Security Infrastructures 2018
- A Case Base Approach to Cardiovascular Diseases using Chest X-ray Image Analysis 2017
- Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Inteligente para Avaliação do Estado de Degradação de Estruturas em Betão 2017
- Road Safety and Vulnerable Road Users - Internet of People Insights 2017
- A Case Based Reasoning View of School Dropout Screening 2016
- An assessment to toxicological risk of pesticide exposure. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2016
- Evaluation of an HMA Stiffness Modulus Based on Indirect Tensile Testing. Geotechnical Special Publication. 2016
- A case based approach to concrete deterioration assessment 2015
- Artificial Neural Networks in Stroke Predisposition Screening 2015
- An Artificial Neuronal Network approach to Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 2014
- Portuguese Experience on Asphalt Pavements Design Supported by In Situ Performance Evaluations. Geotechnical Special Publication. 2014
- Behavioural and context analysis in an online dispute resolution environment 2012
- Context-aware environments for online dispute resolution 2012
- Ter como palco de fundo as redes sociais. Desafios metodológicos : como o observado muda o observador 2012
- Usability evaluation of Electronic Health Record. IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. 2012
- Towards Domain-Independent Conflict Resolution Tools 2011
- Using mediation to solve disputes with avoiding parties 2010
- Interoperability and healthcare 2009
- Personality, Emotion and Mood Simulation in Decision Making 2009
- Wine vinification prediction using data mining tools 2009
- Uma abordagem multi-agente ao ensino médico utilizando a Web 2008
- A relação entre a técnica e a organização: a emergência da sociologia do actor-rede 2007
- Ambient Intelligence in Emotion Based Ubiquitous Decision Making 2007
- E-participation in portuguese local governments : an exploratory research about emerging networks 2007
- E-participation in portuguese local governments: a sociological approach 2007
- Formal models in Web based contracting 2007
- Modelling group decision simulation through argumentation 2007
- Wine Classification using Data Mining Techniques 2007
- Ambient intelligence in medicine 2006
- Auditing agents in the context of a telemedical information society 2006
- Multi-Agent Approach to Group Decision Making through Persuasive Argumentation 2006
- Multiagent based problem solving in medical decision support systems 2006
- Por uma alternativa ao construtivismo social e ao determinismo técnico: a perspectiva de Lebeau e Simondon 2006
- Simulation of Group Decision Making through Emotive Agents 2006
- Agent driven diagnosis in medicine 2005
- Evolutionary Design of Neural Networks for Classification and Regression 2005
- Anthropopaty and its assessment in virtual entities 2004
- Data warehousing through multi-agent systems in the medical arena 2004
- Defining a model for Agent-based Participant Support in Group Decision Meetings 2004
- Health data management in the medical arena 2004
- Reputation and trust in the context of logic-based argumentation 2004
- A Computational Environment For Building Intelligent Medical Diagnosis Based Systems 2003
- Anthropapathic agents in e-Learning systems applied to the area of the medicine 2003
- Antropopatia em entidades virtuais 2002
- Comparing Strategies for Agent-Based Dynamic Scheduling on the MADySUM Workbench 2001
- Addressing the Layout Design problem through Genetic Algorithms and Contraint Logic Programming 2000
- An Object-Oriented Agents Architecture for Power Distribution Automation 2000
- Fabricare: A Multi-Agent based Manufacturing System 2000
- Object-oriented agents in power distribution automation 2000
- Power distribution automation and object-oriented agents 2000
- Practical knowledge management in the legal domain 2000
- Using Genetic Algorithms in a Constraint Programming Framework to optimise Facility Layout Design Problems 2000
- A model to solve the Facility Layout Problem using Constraint Logic Programming 1999
- An Architecture for Co-Evolving Agents in the ROBOCUP Simulation League 1999
- Constraint programming approach to solve facility layout design problems 1999
- Verification and normalization of sentences 1999
- A Distributed Web-based Quality Water Diagnosis System in Lakes and Reservoirs 1998
- Agents and classifiers: A Transaction Logic approach 1998
- Analysis of dual polarization propagation data for tropospheric channel study 1998
- Complex impulse response modeling for wideband channels 1998
- Extended logic programming applied to the specification of multi-agent systems and their computing environments 1998
- Multi-agent systems interaction through intelligent routing services 1998
- Performance evaluation of prioritization techniques used in mobile satellite networks based on an iterative method 1998
- A multi-agent system for law enforcement simulation 1997
- Application of artificial intelligence to law enforcement 1997
- Artificial neural network - genetic based approach for time series forecasting 1997
- Distributed interactive simulation 1997
- The Application of artificial intelligence to law enforcement 1997
- Two XPD frequency scaling models using quasi-physical parameters to characterize earth satellite propagation channel 1997
- A software agent distributed system for dynamic load balancing 1996
- An evolutionary artificial neural network time series forecasting system 1996
- Time series forecasting in a distributed environment 1996
- Neural network based time series forecasting system 1995
- Temporal Logic and Concurrent Logic Programming in Protocol Specification, Verification and Prototyping 1988
artigo de revista
- Quantum Field Theory Representation in Quantum Computation. Applied Sciences. 2021
- A geotecnia nos pavimentos e vias-férreas e prospetivas para a era digital. Geotecnia, Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia. 2021
- An Adjective Selection Personality Assessment Method Using Gradient Boosting Machine Learning. Processes. 2020
- Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting: Exploring Input Variables, Time Frames and Multi-Step Approaches. Informatica. 2020
- OWL-based acquisition and editing of computer-interpretable guidelines with the CompGuide editor. Electronics. 2019
- A Deep-Big Data Approach to Health Care in the AI Age. Mobile Networks & Applications. 2018
- Cognitive Assistants—An Analysis and Future Trends Based on Speculative Default Reasoning. Applied Sciences. 2018
- Das cidades inteligentes às metatopias urbanas. Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens. 2018
- Mouse dynamics correlates to student behaviour in computer-based exams. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 2017
- Moving towards a new paradigm of creation, dissemination, and application of computer-interpretable medical knowledge 2016
- Evolutionary intelligence in asphalt pavement modeling and quality-of-information. Progress in AI. 2012
- Water Quality Modelling using Artificial Intelligence based Tools. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2012
- Nickel(II) complexes of N'-(2-thienylcarbonyl)thiocarbamates O-alkyl-esters: Structural and spectroscopic characterization and evaluation of their microbiological activities. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2011
- Pour comprendre les nouvelles liaisons digitales: le concept d’individuation chez Carl Jung et Gilbert Simondon. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 2011
- A individuação eco(socio)lógica na pós-modernidade. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2010
- Em direcção ao vazio ou a qualquer coisa: os ecrãs e as ligações quotidianas sociotécnicas. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2010
- Argument-based decision making in ambient intelligence environments. International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. 2009
- Seres humanos e objectos técnicos : a noção de “concretização” em Gilbert Simondon. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2007
- Leitura do livro de Mario Perniola, O sex appeal do inorgânico (Coimbra, Ariadne Editora: 2004). Comunicação e Sociedade. 2007
- INTCare: A knowledge discovery based intelligent decision support system for intensive care medicine. Journal of Decision Systems. 2005
- As lágrimas amargas da participação: como pensar o “poder” a partir de Michel Foucault. Cadernos do Noroeste. 2000
- As pequenas e médias empresas no Noroeste de Portugal : identidades e racionalidades 1993
capítulo de livro
- Assessing the Impact of Psychosocial Factors on the Behavior of Diabetic Patients with Neuropathy 2024
- Integrating an Advanced Evolutionary Intelligence System into the Internal Contracting Operations at Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central 2024
- Assessment of Water Consumers Literacy 2023
- Design and Development of Ontology for AI-Based Software Systems to Manage the Food Intake and Energy Consumption of Obesity, Diabetes and Tube Feeding Patients 2023
- A Psychometrics Approach to Entropy 2022
- A Multi-valued Logic Assessment of Organizational Performance via Workforce Social Networking 2021
- Threat Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security in Health Care Institutions 2021
- Eu sou tu. Uma ecossociologia da individuação 2020
- Eu sou tu. Uma introdução 2020
- SafeCity: A Platform for Safer and Smarter Cities 2020
- A Conceptual Approach to Enhance the Well-Being of Elderly People. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- A MRI View of Brain Tumor Outcome Prediction. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI). 2019
- Full Informed Road Networks Evaluation: Simpler, Maybe Better 2019
- Fully Informed Vulnerable Road Users 2019
- A Deep Learning Approach to Case Based Reasoning to the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Cervical Carcinoma 2018
- Olive Oil Screening 2018
- Evaluation of Nosocomial Infection Risk Using a Hybrid Approach 2016
- Evolutionary Intelligence and Quality-Of-Information 2016
- Length of Stay in Intensive Care Units - A Case Base Evaluation. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 2016
- Quality of Judgment Assessment 2016
- Artificial Neural Networks in Stroke Predisposition Screening 2015
- Using Mouse Dynamics to Assess Stress During Online Exams. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- An Artificial Neuronal Network Approach to Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 2014
- An Assessment on the Length of Hospital Stay through Artificial Neural Networks 2014
- An Engine Oil Replacement Timeline 2014
- Evaluation of Concrete Deterioration through Artificial Neural Networks based Systems 2014
- An Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model to the Educational Sector. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. 2013
- Resolução de conflitos em linha na contratação pública electrónica? 2012
- Ter como palco de fundo as redes sociais. Desafios metodol??gicos : como o observado muda o observador 2012
- Ter como palco de fundo as redes sociais. Desafios metodológicos: como o observado muda o observador 2012
- Nomadismo perceptivo na web 2011
- Production of Bioactive Compounds Against Wood Contaminant Fungi: An Artificial Intelligence Approach 2011
- O humano e as novas tecnologias digitais: perigos e potencialidades 2010
- Poder, redes e heterogeneidade : algumas notas de investigação a partir da «Teoria do Actor-Rede» 2010
- A experiência perceptiva nos ecrãs. Novas perspectivas interdisciplinares 2010
- VirtualECare: Group Support in Collaborative Networks Organizations for Digital Homecare. Series in Biomedical Engineering. 2009
- Quality of Knowledge in Virtual Entities 2008
- Ambient Intelligence in Group Decision Making: A Look to the Future 2007
- Scheduling in Holonic Manufacturing Systems 2007
- Ubiquitous Group Decision Considering Mixed Initiative Argumentation 2007
- Time Series Forecasting by Evolutionary Neural Networks 2006
- Web-based Medical Teaching using a Multi-Agent System 2006
- Emotion and Group Decision Making in Artificial Intelligence 2005
- Evolutionary Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Optimization of Fed-batch Fermentation Processes 2005
- Anthropopathy and its assessment in virtual entities 2004
- Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Control in Fed-Batch Fermentation Processes. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2004
- Playing by the rules in Portuguese local government: interpretations of the discourse of administrative leadership 2002
- A Genetic and Evolutionary Programming Environment with Spatially Structured Populations and Built-In Parallelism. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2001
- A Study of Order Based Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2000
- Portuguese chief administrative officers: between rationalization and political struggles 1998
- European integration and local government: the (ambiguous) Portuguese case 1997
- A Deep Learning approach to Case Based Reasoning to the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Cervical Carcinoma 2018
- Development of an Intelligent System for Assessing the Quality of Learning in General Chemistry 2018
- Evolutionary Computation on Road Safety 2018
- An Assessment of Environmental and Toxicological Risk to Pesticide Exposure based on a Case-Based Approach to Computing 2017
- Prototyping teams of affective agents in robocode 2015
- Context and Its Importance 2014
- Inferring Conflict Resolution Styles 2014
- Water Quality Modelling using Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees 2012
- Eventos adversos e não conformidades em imagiologia. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2011
- Modelling of Public Water Supply Quality in the District of Évora Using Artificial Neural Networks 2011
- Tecnologia, gestão da qualidade e dos recursos humanos: contributo sociológico 2010
- Editorial [to] International Journal on Intelligent Based Reasoning Systems Vol. 1, Nº 3/4. International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. 2009
- Modelling of Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens CCMI 1051 Cultures Using Artificial Intelligence Based Tools 2009
- Uma abordagem multi-agente ao ensino médico utilizando a Web 2008
- Ambient intelligence via multiagent systems in the medical arena 2007
- The halt condition in genetic programming 2007
- Agent driven diagnosis in medicine 2005
- Agent based decision support systems in medicine 2005
- Health data management in the medical arena 2004
- Data warehousing through multi-agent systems in the medical arena 2004
- Mediation, Agreement and Gratitude in Strategic Planning for Virtual Organisations 2001
- A distributed problem solving environment for multi-agent systems 1996
- Multi-agent systems based distributed intelligent simulation - A case study 1995
- A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Improve User Achievement of Health-Related Goals 2021
- A Case-Based Approach to Assess Employees’ Satisfaction with Work Guidelines in Times of the Pandemic 2020
- An Assessment of Students’ Satisfaction in Higher Education 2020
- “Verdes são os campos”: a questão ambiental nas empresas 2020
- Dyscalculia: A Behavioural Vision 2019
- Full Informed Digital Transformation Simpler, Maybe Better 2019
- Predicting Diabetic Foot Maturing Through Evolutionary Computation 2019
- Prediction of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Outcome in Breast Cancer Patients 2019
- Quality Management in Training Companies 2019
- Towards Road Safety 2019
- Traffic Flow Forecasting on Data-Scarce Environments Using ARIMA and LSTM Networks 2019
- A Unified System for Clinical Guideline Management and Execution 2018
- Chest X-Ray Image Analysis - A Vision of Logic Programming 2018
- Evolutionary Computation on Road Safety 2018
- Kidney Care—A Personal Assistant Assessment 2018
- Waiting Time Screening in Healthcare 2018
- A System for the Management of Clinical Tasks Throughout the Clinical Process with Notification Features 2017
- Adapting the user path through trajectory data mining 2017
- Compguide: Acquisition and editing of computer-interpretable guidelines 2017
- Gaming in Dyscalculia: a review on disMAT 2017
- A Case Based Approach to Assess Waiting Time Prediction at an Intensive Care Unity 2016
- A Case-Base Approach to Workforces’ Satisfaction Assessment 2016
- A Reasoning Module for Distributed Clinical Decision Support Systems 2016
- Analysis of Mental Fatigue and Mood States in Workplaces 2016
- Waiting Time Screening in Diagnostic Medical Imaging – A Case-Based View 2016
- Detection of Distraction and Fatigue in Groups through the Analysis of Interaction Patterns with Computers 2015
- Analysis of Human Performance as a Measure of Mental Fatigue 2014
- Conflict Resolution and its Context 2014
- Conflict Resolution in Virtual Locations 2014
- Healthcare interoperability through a JADE based multi-agent platform 2013
- Knowledge Acquisition Process for Intelligent Decision Support in Critical Health Care 2013
- Hospital database workload and fault forecasting 2012
- Evolutionary Intelligence in Agent Modeling and Interoperability 2011
- Agents, Trust and Contracts 2010
- Decision Making Based on Quality-of-Information a Clinical Guideline for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Scenario 2010
- Decision Making and Quality-of-Information 2010
- Semantic interoperability and health records 2010
- iGenda: An Event Scheduler for Common Users and Centralised Systems 2010
- A Memory Assistant for the Elderly 2009
- An agent based approach to the selection dilemma in CBR 2008
- Quality of Knowledge in Virtual Entities 2008
- O apelo do objecto técnico: a perspectiva sociológica de Deleuze e Simondon 2006
- Argumentative Procedures in e-Commerce Environments 2003
- Playing by the rules in portuguese local government: interpretations of the discourse of administrative leadership 2002
- Portuguese chief administrative officers: between rationalization and political struggles 1998
- European integration and local government: the (ambiguous) portuguese case 1997
- Cooperation among opportunistic agents on a distributed environment 1996
- LPE - Distributed Problem Solving: A Universal Computer Architecture. 1993