publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Ageist Propaganda in Social Media: Disguising Hate Speech through Mock Politeness. Token. A Journal of English Linguistics - Special issue: Propaganda Through the Ages. 2024
- Scraping News Sites and Social Networks for Prejudice Term Analysis. Applied Computing. 2019
- Get the snip - and a job! Disagreement, Impoliteness, and Conflicting Identities on the Internet. Token. A Journal of English Linguistics . 2018
- "A beached whale posing in lingerie": Conflict talk, disagreement and impoliteness in online newspaper commentary.. Diacrítica - Série Ciências da Linguagem, Ed. Húmus, 27/1, pp. 95-130.. 2014
- Representações Étnicas na Imprensa Americana: A Construção do Outro na Cobertura Jornalística do 11 de Setembro [Ethnic Representations in the American Press: Constructing the Other in the 9/11 News Coverage]. Diacrítica - Série Ciências da Linguagem. 2010
- Guilty Laughter: On the Ethics of Humour. . Diacrítica. 2009
- O nonsense que faz sentido(s): Sobre os jogos de linguagem nas letras de Rui Reininho. Diacrítica. 2009
- To the barricades, old codgers: Representations of Ageing in the British and Portuguese Press. Diacrítica – Série Ciências da Linguagem,. 2009
- Together or apart: Targeting, offence and group dynamics in humour. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE. 2009
- When the trails go cold: British press narratives on Maddie. Brno Studies in English. 2009
- Comic Failure in Woody Allen's Mere Anarchy: A Case of Linguistic Success. Diacrítica - Série Ciências da Linguagem. 2008
- Corpos e Tropos: Figurações da Corporalidade na Imprensa Feminina. Diacrítica – Série Ciências da Literatura – “Dossier Género e Estudos Feministas. 2008
- Grey Power in the Press: British Media Discourse on the Aged. O Poder das Narrativas e as Narrativas do Poder – Actas do VIII Colóquio de Outono. 2008
- O Tempo e o Riso: Reflexões Diacrónicas sobre o Cómico de Linguagem. Diacrítica - Série Ciências da Linguagem. 2007
- Three Types of Presupposition in Comic Discourse. Op.Cit. A Journal of Anglo-American Studies. 2007
- Linguistic mechanisms of power in Nineteen Eighty-Four: Applying politeness theory to Orwell's world. Journal of Pragmatics. 2006
- When Saying is not Meaning: A Pragmatic Approach to Humorous Irony. . In: Pragmatics Today, Edited by Piotr Cap (2005), Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, pp.235-244.. 2005
- Language, Humour and Cinema: A Linguistic Approach to Comic Film Discourse.. In: Práticas de Investigação em Análise Linguística do Discurso, ed. by Ermida, I. et al, Braga: University of Minho, pp.95-112. . 2004
- Language, Style and Gender in Angela Carter’s Fireworks: A Metaphorical Deconstruction of Female Identity. Stylistyka, Special Issue: Style and Gender. 2004
- As Palavras e o Tempo: Empréstimos Lexicais no Inglês Médio. Diacrítica - Série Ciências da Linguagem. 2003
- Os Actos de Fala na Banda Desenhada: Uma Aplicação das Teorias de Austin e Searle a Calvin & Hobbes de Bill Watterson. Actas do XVIII Encontro da APEAA (1997). 1998
- Lucius and Huck: a Comparative Approach to The Reivers and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Actas do XIV Encontro da A.P.E.A.A. (1993). 1994
- Mário de Sá-Carneiro: o Eu e o Sonho. Broteria. 1990
artigo de conferência
capítulo de livro
- Building and Analysing an Online Hate Speech Corpus: The NETLANG Experience and Beyond. 2023
- Distinguishing Online Hate Speech from Aggressive Speech: A Five-Factor Annotation Model 2023
- Impoliteness in Blunderland 2020
- Astronomically true: A Linguistic Approach to Poe's Scientific Satire in Hans Phaall - A Tale 2017
- Newspaper Funnies at the Dawn of Modernity: Multimodal Humour in Early American Comic Strips 2017
- Gothic old and new: Introduction 2016
- Playing upon news genre conventions: The case of Twain's news satire. 2015
- News satire in the press: Linguistic construction of humour in spoof news articles 2012
- "Losers, poltroons and nudniks" in Woody Allen's Mere Anarchy: A linguistic approach to comic failure 2011
- A Teoria da Cortesia aplicada a um chat-room: Um estudo de caso no âmbito da Pragmática Linguística. 2011
- Bad chicks on the booze: Magazine discourse on women’s drinking habits 2007
- Marks of Weakness, Marks of Woe: Revisiting Blake 2005
- Nas Entrelinhas do Riso: Pressuposições Semânticas e Pragmáticas no Discurso Cómico 2005
- Interferências no discurso bilingue 2000
- Hate Speech in Social Media: Linguistic Approaches. 2023
- Dracula and the Gothic in Literature, Pop Culture and the Arts (Edited by Isabel Ermida) 2016
- Humour and Language in the Media. (Co-edited with Jan Chovanec) 2012
- Intertextual Dialogues: Travels and Routes. (Co-edited) 2007
- Processos Discursivos de Modalização, Actas do III Encontro Internacional de Análise Linguística do Discurso (Co-edited) 2006
- Tradução de texto de Deborah Cameron, intitulado "False Dichotomies: Grammar and Sexual Polarity" 2002