publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Influence of the thermo-oxidative degradation on the chemical structure of contact lenses. Proceedings of SPIE. 2013
artigo de conferência
- Electronic systems and offsite touristic activities based on geological concepts: a speculative discussion 2020
- Perigosidade radiológica na cidade do presente: a contribuição dos materiais de construção para a dose externa resultante da radiação gama 2020
- Perspetivas complementares de valorização do património em pedra em Almeida (Distrito da Guarda) 2019
- Geological raw materials from a mesolithic archaeological site in NW Portugal. Applied Sciences. 2019
- Approaches to the study of salt weathering of geological materials. Applied Sciences. 2019
- Geological materials as sources of Rn emissions. Applied Sciences. 2019
- Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of monument stone decay by rainwater: A case study of “Basílica da Estrela” church, Portugal. Applied Sciences. 2018
- An overview of radiological hazards related to geological external Gamma radiation in outdoor environments. Applied Sciences. 2018
- In defense of stamp collecting: the importance of case studies for geology teaching. Applied Sciences. 2018
- Multi-cycle statistical analysis of laboratory salt weathering tests. Applied Sciences. 2018
- A discussion on gamma radiation hazards related to granitic materials and its implication on historical buildings use 2018
- A critical discussion of salt weathering laboratory tests for assessment of petrological features susceptibility. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. 2017
- A study of salt weathering cycles impact on limestones. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. 2017
- Water-stone interaction in contemporary works of the built environment. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. 2017
- Análise comparativa de resultados de espetrometria gama portátil em afloramentos rochosos 2016
- Dados de espetrometria gama portátil e tipologia de espaços interiores 2016
- Geologia e património cultural em pedra 2016
- Deterioration of the granitic stone at Misericórdia chapel in Murça (northern Portugal) 2014
- Effects of natural stone heterogeneity on its susceptibility to weathering processes 2014
- Quick assessment of radioactivity levels indoor of granite historical buildings of Braga (NW Portugal) 2014
- Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Roman mortars in Braga (Portugal) 2013
- Alterations of materials at the façades of the church of San Pedro de Mezonzo (A Coruña, NW Spain) 2013
- Estimating the age of lime mortars by luminescence to measure pollution rates. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Performance of stones under different conditions : a study of metro stations. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Algumas considerações sobre o estudo estatístico de medições de dose em grãos de argamassas por luminescência estimulada opticamente 2012
- Nondestructive evaluation of granite building stones and relation with key mechanical parameters 2012
- Relation between tensile and compressive engineering properties of granites 2012
- Alterações da pedra natural no património construído de regiões costeiras 2011
- An observational study of cracks occurrence in granite stones applied in modern building works 2011
- Luminescence dating of lime mortars to measure pollution rates 2011
- Analysis of weathering and internal texture on the engineering properties of granites 2007
- Prediction of the mechanical properties of granites by ultrasonic pulse velocity and Schmidt hammer hardness 2007
- Experimental properties of granites 2004
artigo de revista
- Estimating the radioactive heat production of a granitic rock in the University of A Coruña (Galicia, Northwest Spain) by gamma-ray spectrometry 2022
- Effects of water on natural stone in the built environment - a review. Geosciences. 2021
- Salt weathering of natural stone: a review of comparative laboratory studies. Heritage. 2021
- Rock features and alteration of stone materials used for the built environment: a review of recent publications on ageing tests 2020
- Non-destructive studies of prehistoric lithic material culture in the search for sources of geologic raw materials: an overview of techniques and issues. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe. 2019
- Advances in materials science and engineering assessment of gamma radiation hazards related to geologic materials: comparison of results by field gamma spectrometry and laboratory methods. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2018
- Ensino de Geología Ambiental no ambiente urbano. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe. 2018
- Using in situ gamma ray spectrometry (GRS) exploration of buried archaeological structures: A case study from NW Spain. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2018
- Assessment by portable gamma spectrometry of external gamma radiation hazard due to granitic materials and indoor space typology. Geosciences. 2017
- Geologic materials and gamma radiation in the built environment. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2017
- Sustainability of stone materials in the built environment of rural regions: a review. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe. 2017
- Analysis of spectra from portable handheld gamma-ray spectrometry for terrain comparative assessment. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2016
- Assessing the weathering of granitic stones on historical urban buildings by geochemical indices. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 2016
- GeoloGIS-BH: An Information System for Using the Built Heritage for Geological Teaching. European Journal of STEM Education. 2016
- Multivariate statistical analysis of hydrogeochemical data towards understanding groundwater flow systems in granites. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. 2016
- O SIGeolog como ferramenta para a computação do ambiente geológico 2016
- Conservation of stony materials in the built environment. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2015
- Radiación gamma en rocas usadas como material de construcción: el granito de Braga (NO de Portugal). Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe. 2015
- Experimental characterization of physical and mechanical properties of schist from Portugal. Composite Structures. 2014
- Non-destructive microtomography-based imaging and measuring laboratory-induced degradation of travertine, a random heterogeneous geomaterial used in urban heritage. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2013
- Scanning electron microscopy studies of neoformations on stony materials of modern building works. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2013
- Specific surface area and saltweathering of limestones : a laboratory study. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. 2013
- Susceptibility of limestone petrographic features to salt weathering : a scanning electron microscopy study. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2013
- Comparative analysis of coatings on granitic substrates from urban and natural settings (NW Spain). Geomorphology. 2012
- Decay effects of pollutants on stony materials in the built environment. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2012
- Geoscience of the built environment: pollutants and materials surfaces. Geosciences. 2011
- Deposition of particles on gypsum-rich coatings of historic buildings in urban and rural environments. Composite Structures. 2011
- Limestones under salt decay tests: assessment of pore network-dependent durability predictors. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2011
- Compressive behavior of granite: Experimental approach. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2009
- Experimental characterization of the tensile behaviour of granites. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2008
- Ultrasonic evaluation of the physical and mechanical properties of granites. Ultrasonics. 2008
- Degradation of granitic rocks used as construction material in historic building of A Coruña (NW Spain). Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe. 2006
capítulo de livro
- Gamma radiation and geological objects 2020
- Rocks and water in the built environment 2020
- The sustainable university campus: some issues related to the use of geological materials 2020
- Nanotechnology for the treatment of stony materials’ surface against biocoatings 2018
- Geologia e património cultural em pedra 2016
- Materiais geológicos e radiação gama externa 2016
- Maintenance and Conservation of Materials in the Built Environment 2015
- Nanoresearch and stony materials of the built environment 2015
- Procedures for Assessment of Geologic Materials in Relation to Their Contribution to External Gamma Dose Radiation: A Review 2015
- Late middle age painting canvas of the our lady of rosary: A study of its materials and techniques 2014
- Geochemistry of the built environment : alteration products of stony materials 2013
- Pollutant-induced decay of building materials 2012
- A two-way avenue of knowledge: an editorial for the special issue “Geoscience of the Built Environment 2019 Edition”. Geosciences. 2019
- Online analyses of terrains for environment and engineering geology studies 2019
- A pedra e as suas circunstâncias: exemplos da deterioração dos materiais graníticos em Almeida (Guarda, Portugal) 2017
- Avaliação de campo de elementos químicos radioativos em corpos geológicos 2017
- Caracterização laboratorial não-destrutiva de materiais arqueológicos líticos: uma revisão de possibilidades e desafios 2017
- Utilização de produtos de alteração in situ de rochas para construções em terra 2017
- Perspetivas complementares de valorização do património em pedra em Almeida (Distrito da Guarda) 2017
- A discussion on gamma radiation hazards related to granitic materials and its implication on historical buildings use 2017
- In situ gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS) use for non-destructive archaeological exploration 2017
- Stone alteration and tourism 2017
- Instabilidade de massas rochosas associada com descontinuidades 2017
- Perigosidade radiológica na cidade do presente: a contribuição dos materiais de construção para a dose externa resultante da radiação gama 2017
- Versatile three-dimensional denoising and segmentation method of X-ray tomographic images: applications to geomaterials characterizations 2016
- Alterações de materiais rochosos no ambiente construído contemporâneo 2016
- SIGEOLOG-PC: A informação geológica na valorização do património construído 2016
- Um estudo comparativo de isótopos radioativos em materiais de construção 2016
- Avaliação da alteração de materiais rochosos no património cultural 2016
- Developing Lyell’s Legacy: contributions to the geosciences of the anthropocene. Geosciences. 2016
- Monitorização de campo de águas subterrâneas 2016
- Sistemas de informação geológica (SIGeolog) como ponte entre o passado-presente-futuro ambiental 2015
- Geologia e património cultural em pedra 2015
- Geologia na cidade 2015
- Microscopic studies of stone alteration products: from field to lab. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2015
- Radiação gama natural de materiais rochosos 2015
- Sistemas de informação geológica (SIGeol) como ponte entre o passado-presente-futuro ambiental 2015
- Porosity structures and capillary migration in granites and limestones 2014
- Extending the avenues for geosciences research. Geosciences. 2013
- Alterations of materials at the façades of the church of San Pedro de Mezonzo (A Coruña, NW Spain) 2012
- Microscopy studies in support of dating of mortars of historical buildings 2012
- Neoformations on stony materials of modern building works 2012
- Optically stimulated luminescence dating of roman mortars in Braga (N Portugal) 2012
- Salt weathering of limestones: susceptibility of petrographical features (SEM study) 2012
- Isótopos estables en materiales de construcción pétreos como trazadores de los efectos de la polución 2011
- O presente como chave do passado no estudo das alterações dos materiais do património cultural 2011
- Sobre as possíveis fontes das pedras do Mosteiro de Salzedas (Tarouca - Portugal) 2011
- Performance of stones under different conditions: a study of metro stations 2011
- Stone decay and sustainability of the building industry 2011
- Stony building materials as records of pollution 2011