publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Assessing the Seasonal and Spatial Dynamics of Zooplankton through DNA Metabarcoding in a Temperate Estuary. Animals. 2023
- Recent changes on the abundance and distribution of non-indigenous macroalgae along the southwest coast of the Bay of Biscay. Aquatic Botany. 2023
- Abundance and distribution of non-indigenous Calyptraeidae gastropods along north and central Atlantic shores of Portugal. Continental Shelf Research. 2023
- Two better than one: The complementary of different types of artificial substrates on benthic marine macrofauna studies. Marine Environmental Research. 2021
- Revision of the Zostera populations of the Ría de Ribadeo. Legal framework, threats and future perspectives. Recursos Rurais. 2021
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network for Genetic Monitoring of Hard-Bottom Communities (ARMS-MBON). Frontiers in Marine Science. 2020
- Artificial seaweed monitoring structures (ASMS): the Next-Sea project approach towards a standardized non-destructive sampling methodology. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019
artigo de revista
- Colonization in Artificial Seaweed Substrates: Two Locations, One Year. Diversity. 2023
- Exploring Benthic Scavenger Assemblages, a Multi-Habitat Approach in NW Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2023
- Artificial substrates as sampling devices for marine epibenthic fauna: A quest for standardization. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2020
capítulo de livro
- Assessing seasonal and spatial dynamics of zooplankton communities in a temperate estuary through DNA metabarcoding 2023
- Towards the characterization and exploitation of the mesophotic microbiome of NW Iberian Peninsula 2023
- Abundance and distribution of scavenging mollusks on the northwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula: a study of habitats and depths / Abundancia y distribución de moluscos carroñeros de la costa noroeste de la Peninsula Ibérica: un estudio de hábitats y profundidades 2023
- Abundance and distrubution of scavenger molluscs in NW coast of the Iberian Peninsula: a study of habitats and depths 2023
- Diversity of molluscs in marinas from the North of Portugal 2023
- Artificial monitoring structures: deployment, sampling and preliminary results 2019
- Comparison between the inner and outer sides of Ría de Foz, Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula) 2019
- Diversity Assessment of Benthic Marine Macroinvertebrates using Artificial Substrates 2019
- Free living marine nematodes from A Cabana cove in Ría de Ferrol, Galicia (NW Iberian Península). 2019
- Effects o material and structure on epifaunal assemblages associated with artificial substrates 2017
- Free living marine nematodes (Nematoda) from Cantareira beach, Cíes Islands, Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula) 2016
- Towards a standard methodology for benthic assemblages monitoring across local and global scale 2021
- Didactic explotation of TIC resources for the subject of Biology and Geology 2021
- Preengorde y engorde de Rodaballo (Scophthalmus maximus) 2015
- Introduction to the study of meiofauna in the littoral soft bottoms of Galicia 2013